Fx Male Searching for Something Dark.

Oct 29, 2018
I’m a 21 year old female that has been writing for several years now. I started when I was about 13 on Omegle (I think back to it and I just cringe because it was all so bad), I’m not even entirely sure how I stumbled across the site or role playing itself, but I did one way or another and it’s been a hobby of mine since. I’ve always been very into reading and very into writing and have found that role playing is able to give me the best of both of those worlds. I work Monday through Friday most weeks, and anywhere from 8-9 hours a day, though most of the time I’m home by 5:00 PM CT. I’m free to write after work and most weekends, and sometimes I may even be able to squeeze out a reply during the work day.

Generally, I’m not into short term stories. Obviously, we can’t go on forever and eventually everything must come to an end, but I like to go into a story knowing that it’s going to last for a while, and so plots that revolve around a specific point (e.g. police going after a criminal) with no planning for what could happen after are of no interest to me. Depending on the topic of the plot, I like the smut:story ratio to be anywhere from 40:60 to 60:40. Never too of the erotic component, never too much story as either will eventually bore me to tears.

Since sex will always be a part of the stories that I take part in, I will go ahead and say it now: I am a submissive. My characters are always sexually submissive. I stress the word "sexually" because just because she submits in the bedroom, she may be (and often is) an opinionated, strong willed woman. I like to have demension and depth and a personality because I find that it adds an interesting, conflicting dynamic between MC and YC that isn’t found in most, rather plain dom/sub stories. With that said, there are two things that I want to add (that will probably seem like they make no sense compared to what I literally just typed): 1) I’m not afraid to play a more meek and all around submissive character if the story calls for it, 2) Even though I can’t play a strictly dominant character, I don’t mind playing out a few smut scenes where there may be a shift in control between our characters and I briefly play the dom.

Length wise...it really just depends. I wish that I could be one of those people that had the creativity to pump out a novella for every response, but I simply am not. I will force myself to give at least 2 paragraphs because I feel like that’s the mininmum we should be giving each other at all times, and so my responses could be anywhere from 2-8 paragraphs, depending on the mood I’m in and what part of the story we’re at, but you should expect on average 2-4 paragraphs.

If it hasn’t been made clear by now, I am looking for a partner that can play a dominant character. Depending on what story we take on, you may only need to have slight dominant qualities or you may need to play a straight-up alpha male. I’ll go ahead and leave my F-List for you to go over. Things in the NO column are the things I absolutely won’t do or take part in. The things in the FAVE, YES, and MAYBE columns are all on the table, they’re all things that I wouldn’t mind at all being involved in a story, just some are slightly preferenced more than others. If there’s anything that not listed that you’re interested in, just ask me and we’ll discuss it!

I have to admit that I have been craving stories with darker and more violent themes: dub-con, non-con, rough sex, choking, bondage, to name a few. I’m looking to do plots, slice of life or not that can be altered to have some, if not all, of these components.

I’d like to think that I don’t ask for too much from my partners, but I suppose that would really be up to you. Here are my expectations:
  • Basic and proper grammar. This means sentences that start with an upper case letter and end with a period, with commas as needed in between. Use quotation marks for speech and if your character is performing an action, write it out. Please for the love of God, don’t write an action description between a pair of asterisks (*).
  • At least 2 paragraphs per reply and that pretty much all I will ask of anyone. If you are one of those people that can crank out a 10+paragraph reply, good for you, you do what you do, but don’t expect the same from me.
  • At least one reply every day. Life gets in the way and of course I understand if you can’t always keep to this, but for the most part, one reply a day is all I ask. Any slower and it’s hard for it to keep my attention.
  • Please contribute to the story. I hate a lazy partner that hated to add to the plot. Whatever story we write is one that we will create together, so that means it’s equal parts you and me. If you have an idea, either write it in or message me so we can discuss it, just participate!

These are a few role pairing that I’m interested in writing out. None of them are too planned out, just enough to give you an idea of the basic plot with pretty much everything up for discussion. There are a range of dynamics and relationships between our characters that we can explore and a plethora of interesting storylines to create and follow. The plots may not seem particularly “dark” just by my tiny sample, but I trust that with the right partner we can create something amazingly wicked together.

Our characters were just kids when they were brought together by my mother/father marrying your mother/father. You were older than me by a few years and we had just never bonded like our parents wished we would. Right after your college graduation, you and our parents had a major blowout that ended in you immediately moving out. It was a few years later for my own high school graduation celebration that you came around for the first time in years.

When MC graduated high school, she had no plans for her future. Low grades, no money, and a life on what many considered the wrong side of town, she naturally fell in with the crowd that surrounded her. Her only family were a handful of older male cousins that were part of the local motorcycle club. They got her a job as an artist at a tattoo parlor owned by the friend of a friend of a club member. Knowing the kinds of things her cousins were involved in, she did her best to keep herself as distanced from the MC and it’s members, but that was before she met YC.
That’s really all I have at the moment! I’ll continue to update with roles I’m Interested in, but still, feel welcome to message me with any ideas you have or we can work something out together!
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