To Begin the Looking for Interaction


Dec 22, 2018
Hello all, My name for all intensive purpouses is Alucide. i have been writing for around 11 years, am looking for partners that are flexible to a point but still active

I will start with this, I have a parcially hectic life. I am a college student focused in education, plus hosting dnd usually a couple nights a week. I plan on checking daily and being on most of the day on my phone. but responses are most likely not going to be imitate since I would be at class and at work for most of this time. As I said I plan on being able to post back at least 5-10 times a day on a slow time. If you do catch me while I am able to be on for a period of time I should respond a lot more than that. Weekends would be when I would spend most of my time on the laptop.

I am use to doing romance stories and kind of walks of life stories in post world destruction situations, I am not good at fighting scenes, If you are willing to be patient and walk threw them with me and give me pointers I would totally love to learn more about it given this is a great way of adding a great deal of drama to story. The other piece to make pretty transparent I am not good at playing a push over character, or a Damsel in distress (given I do have some points I can play this very well depending on the situation and character) I do not get a great amount of joy out of letting someone else do all the work, if this starts to happen usually my character would over do it to put her self out there and attempt to be helpful (even though really has no way of being useful in any dynamic.)

So this is kind of the writing style to my characters I personally have. I hope that you can look beyond this and want to write a story with me. Feel free to shoot me a message and let me know if there is something that has caught your eye or if you have more questions regarding this specific character or character idea i have.

The list of characters-
So I have had starting scenarios for quite a few of these for quite some time so if you want me to start us of just shoot me a message and let me know and I will do the thing!

Alma Kubick

Age: 24 years old

DISCRIPTION: Long black hair down to her waist, her bangs flip across her face and rest on the right side just above her blank lavender colored eyes that are normally out lined in dark black eye make up with hints of blue and greens. A silver nose stud in the left side of her nose and her pail skin is accented by the pale color of her skin. Normally wearing loose fitting t-shirts with long sleave over shirts to hide the cuts and self mutilation on her arms from cuts to bites and burns. She is also normally wearing long jeans with ankle high boots or long skirts with boots or high tops. Her build is very skinny almost an anorexic look but without the sickly appearance and much more natural look to it. when shes out on a hit she wears black cargo pants and a long black cloak she enchanted to blend into the shadows.


She is very sharp witted and usually not a very friendly individual unless you have something she deems as important. Or if she finds you attractive. Very blunt and to the point very aggressive and demanding. Her parents abandoned her shortly after she discovered she had powers that none of the other kids had. She grew up in the streets until she turned 16 then she found a man that was willing to take care of her in exchange for being his delivery girl for drugs. She got paid decent enough and she rented an apartment shortly after that. Though she still goes and sees the old man she no longer does his running he turned into a kind of a father figure though he was quite abusive at points and hurt her quite often. After he passed way she was the only one at his funeral other than a couple of other guys that use to be his arms dealers and a couple of other old runners who came to piss on his grave kind of behavior. She decided it was time to move away from the area and get a fresh start. She deals with a lot of depression and the ideal that she’s not good enough she has the power to manipulate fire and a lot of the time hurts a lot of the people she is around. She stays quite warm even in the winter with no coat or anything do to the fire manipulation. She doesn’t like to feel like she’s being played by other people and usually ends up being very defensive very quickly, when she does finally befriend people it’s normally the trouble makers and or the people doing things they aren’t supposed to be. She does a lot of free running and also makes a killing off being a for hire mercenary. She moved to a big town learned about poisons and assassination technique. She hides all of her old scars and protects the little people in the world and also anyone who can pay her enough to take out the people they don’t like. She has a hidden blade on both of her arms and are quite skilled with them otherwise she uses needles and other stealth items being able to just manipulate fire turned to being able to manipulate shadows and the darkness as she got older by the time she had turned 22 she had already mastered the fire and shadows. Usually the last thing any of her hits saw was her blank blue eyes staring out of the darkness meeting with there’s before they would drop dead.

Lilith (Demon/Fallen Angel) ((Almas other half))

Age: None know

Description: Long black hair down to her waist, her bangs flip across her face and rest on the right side just above her blank dark red eyes that are normally out lined in dark black eye make up with hints of blue and greens. A silver nose stud in the left side of her nose and her pail skin is accented by the pale color of her skin. Normally wearing loose fitting t-shirts with long sleave over shirts to hide the cuts and self mutilation on her arms from cuts to bites and burns. She is also normally wearing long jeans with ankle high boots or long skirts with boots or high tops. Her build is very skinny almost an anorexic look but without the sickly appearance and much more natural look to it. when shes out on a hit she wears black cargo pants and a long black cloak she enchanted to blend into the shadows. While those are the kinds of things she does wear due to not having control of the body a lot of the time she would prefer to wear loose fitting dresses and very suggestive things like leaving the house one time in a knee length spaghetti strap red dress that exposes almost all her back and is very loose to her frame with and extensive plunging neckline. She also has decent sized black wings nothing on the huge spectrum and they can’t really hold her weight given they are just coming back in and she hasn’t learned how to fly yet but they are there and they kind of to a point have a mind of their own at points having new muscles and controlling them is hard for her at first.

Personality Description: very domineering and controlling. Likes being in control of any situation going on. Doesn’t like being challenged will normally push boundaries of other people and try and get them to do anything they are supposed to do. She was sent from hell by Lucifer to dispatch the Arch angels. She isn’t very good at listening and ends up finding herself developing human emotions while on earth and her wings aren’t the full size that normal fallen wings are as they are growing back from being ripped off by Lucifer for helping one of her love interests while he was severely wounded. Also during this time she was used as bate by Lucifer to bring out other fallen angels and she is constantly killed while on earth by Azrael ((Lucifer’s love interest)) and all the other archangels that she baits out, we was kept stupid about fighting while being used for this. When she was sent to earth this time she was placed in a child as she was born her name is alma and she is honestly the cant hurt a fly kind of personality but she picks up on the demonic powers early on in her childhood ending up burning down her parents’ home and causing them to abandon her figuring she would die if they left her somewhere. A man finds her and takes her in and takes care of her. He is an older gentleman who was a drug seller and he raised her teaching her from home about the different kinds of poisons and ways to kill someone. Training her to be an assassin. She grows up learning to conceal her mage powers and in her free time she studies how to control them and grows. She quickly learns shadow magic and learns how to slightly control the fire. The other portions of her powers were rather weak and was not able to pull them out and learn them better so she dominantly uses shadows and fire against people. She also learned healing magic and shadow manipulation meaning she can shadow walk. Normally is a very commanding personality but depending on the person that can be changed on how you act to her and while she is still a hard ass and stubborn as a donkey she will protect those she cares about with her life. This would be part of cause of the she is gaining feelings she isn’t use to having so they come off very strong. She also has a remarkable ability to regenerate and usually survives major injuries in which would kill any normal human but she can still be killed. Enough blood loss and everything dies and enough pain the body shuts down and dies. Also other reputable things like puncture to the heart or beheading kind of acts and she will die also her internal organs can heal quickly if damaged also but if it would cause an instant death she still dies.

Alucandra Vampire

Age: looks around 25

Discription: long dark red hair her eyes ranging from dark blue to a glassy white, she wears long jeans and boots normally and carries a set of guns on her hips with her initials carved in the handles very elegantly, her body is slender but curvy, she has tattoos all long her arms of various things, if you look close enough you see that the most of them cover scars all along her arms, usually wearing a tight corset, that looks as if it were a period piece from the 1700s. the curves are concurrent with the wearing of this article on a regular base, but not to an unhealthy point, she almost seems comferable in it for a general day.

Personality: has a very good understanding of tech even for her age, she has a very detail orientated personality, very caring person, over the years she has lived she has lived in lots of different places and has a lot of random useless information, she lived though a lot of historical events and knows random details and also the occult knowledge for where she was at the points in time of big events, she has had many different lovers, most of which never knew what it was she was, they just knew they grew older and she never did, she took general care to make sure that people weren’t getting hurt by these things, she used her compulsion to her advantage in these things. She has buried everyone she has known and meets, has a pretty distant personality but is pretty easy to get to open up and talk with people.

Nightmare “Ashlee Marks” (vampire)

Age: 90 years old

DESCRPITION: long dark red hair usually pulled up and to the side. Pale light make up mostly eyeliner and mascara nothing dolled up. Normally wears knee length skirts and dresses. Low cut tops and usually wearing a choker to cover the scars of her turning. And short boots to complement her long legs. Her piercing red golden eyes demand respect and show her knowledge and age.

PERSONALITY AND BACKGROUND: very flirty and loving person. Not usually hostile unless provoked. Was in a horrible car accident with her boyfriend and was turned by a vampire of the area who kept her captive for quite a while. (Around 60 years) most of her friends and family were gone by the time she found her way back home. People had stopped looking for her and she looked so much different no one knew it was her that disappeared from the car accident so long ago. She later comes across her boyfriend who is 79 years old and in a retirement home. She spent the next few years taking care of him and his friends in the nursing home. he says she looks like a memories of his and he just can put a finger on it and she just smiles and tells him that she must just have a face like that, she can’t bring herself to tell the elderly man in front of her that she was his high school sweetheart and that she hadn’t aged a day. She buried him 10 years later and since then has been wandering trying to find a place she fits in.


120 years old

DISCRIPTION: long hair about three quarters green and the rest a dirty blonde. A braid in the right side of her hair keeping that side of her hair out of her face while the left is loose around her face and down to the middle of her back. Her blue green eyes show age. She hides the bags under her eyes with dark eye make-up and the scars with foundation. There being predominate scar above her eye brow that normally she doesn’t cover up. Normally wearing dark cloths. Skinny jeans with boots and crop tops or tank tops out under jackets and long sleeve shirts. Usually wears a collar like neckless to hide scaring from her multiple abuses and tormenters over the years as a grim reaper. When she pulls off her coat you see scars and burns all over her arms back. Scar tissue from stab wounds on her shoulders.

BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITY: very ill-tempered has a tendency to get angry for small things but normally winds up realizing they are petty things and apologizes quickly and goes back to being decently tempered and a nice person. Wants to help people and wants to save lives. Is so use to taking the souls of others it seems to come second nature her want to help the ones she can. She saved numerous lives in the nuclear war in the United States and also took a lot of souls from them also. After that there was a long war in the reaper world, a fight for power over how reapers would be trained and also the rights of the reapers as people. During this war between the reapers she was running the school in which the reapers were trained. This was after the previous head master was killed by Khaotic due to the fact of him trying to kill her. After running the school for 40 years she resigned and is now a traveling teacher for the school and is currently in the process of building another school with the families of the old reapers and building a elite group of kids. She leads them to be the navy seals of the reapers. She is a leading personality not one to take orders from others and doesn’t like to be told what to do. She also carries a book of all the souls she has taken and all of the people she has helped. It makes her feel like the good at some point can outweigh the bad that she has done in her eyes.

Alucide Anari (shadowmancer Reaper)

Age 25

DISCRIPTION: Long silver white hair and startling bright blue green eyes, normally wearing corsets and baggy jeans with her hair loose around her shoulders. Her hair brushes the middle of her back only standing about 4’9 with a small frame, athletic build but larger breasts then most women with that build. Wide hips where the gun holsters rest just right on them in plain view holding her two black blue and silver desert eagles with her initials embossed into the bottoms.

BACKGROUND AND PERSONALITY: family was all murdered in the beginning of the raids, slightly bitter to people that like all the chaos and fighting, very calm person but also prone to her temper. Normally when she’s in a good mood is very flirty and playful. Likes to people watch. Before the war she drove an ambulance and was an emergency health tech. Military background from her father and very formal when things seem to be going wrong. Very calm and concise and to the point. Has the tendency to be brutally honest and harsh but doesn’t mean it to be intended that way. Is very graceful and agile in the air. Has gotten very good at parkour since the waring has begun uses it as a main transportation do to all the bombing. Very mothering figure, misses her younger siblings whom she use to watch out for before losing them in a bombing. Holds up shop in her parents old bar, maintaining it as a safe zone for passers threw and people of the area. Not much of a fighter but still will. Also is a mage of sorts, uses shadow rounds In her guns and uses shadow manipulation to avoid trouble (Shadowmancer/witch), also has the strange ability to remove souls from the dead and dying, and when provoked she can manipulate it to knock others unconscious. Doesn’t have complete control over this. Learned that she had this ability cause of her siblings dying around her and she was the one that let their souls go on the next life. She also is a wiccan and very good at the home remedies and helping with medicinal things.
Serphine Half angel half demon
Age ???? (older then anyone can figure out)

Discription wears a long black cloak and usually carrying a sling bag over her shoulder with potions and other small trinkets using her telekinesis being her main ability to protect her self and her panic attacks releasing a darker side known as Alice a demonic presence causing her eyes to turn liquid black and hair a dark red personality wise she is calm and level headed when placed in danger and fight for life gains necromatic life siphoning ability and switches to demonic side who is much more aggressive and dangerous over all. wears a long dark blue dress that flows around her smallish body
Stands- 5'1 weighs in 115 pounds

was raised in a church and during particularly bad exorcism was possessed by the demon and originally killed so if the demon were to be removed would die instantly but they have learned to coexist and use each other for the others better

If you have any questions regarding anything i have said or have an idea for where one of these lovely laddies would fit in feel free to message me, always looking for new buddies Hope to hear from you soon.
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