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Fx Any A new toy approaches


Dec 22, 2018
Yes, you've read that right.
I'm a toy. As my avatar may give away I'm not shy of being a smut toy, though that is not my only function ;)

I'm also your toy when you just want a fun girl to be your bestie. Need someone to play your old dying grandmother? Check! Literal Toy Story? Check!

I'm just here to play and have fun! I'm greatly into worldbuilding, so if anybof you enjoy that too, then please mention it in any potential message you send me. It doesn't have to be though, feeling like doing a quickie? Hell, shoot a pm, maybe I feel like that too.

I do want to stress though!!! Generally I will take it like any roleplay we start is a long-term, story based, smut bonus, LONG-TERM roleplay.
Again, I just want intentions to be clear. Do not get my hopes up, and have them be dropped because of ghosting, or because your needs have been satisfied. I create a character, body, mind and soul for you. She (I) have cravings too, please don't hurt them.

Last but not least I'm gonna leave with the promise that I'll refurbish this thread. Or possibly create a new one soon, maybe... yeah...

Maybe I'll do one centered around my... naughtydesires... ;)
It will be NSFW though, so be careful.

Alright bumping this one this time, that means, story roleplay!
No more quikies for now, please help me build a proper roleplay!
Anyone who wants something romantic yet still kinky? ;)
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