- Joined
- Dec 19, 2018
- Location
- Alabama, USA
Puedo escribir en español pero no soy fluido.
I frequently update my plots and pairings.
Please don’t post on this thread, send me a PM.
Before you read, please know that I cannot reply every single day. I’ll generally be on 2-3 days a week, but that can (a probably will) vary up or down.
*About Me*
This section is a load of shit, feel free to skip it. Basically, I’m a busy nerd. I’m a full time college student with a full time job- I don’t have much free time. I’m a biology and Spanish double major and having intentions of one day going to vet school. I love language and the arts. I’m also big into fantasy and love playing video games and D&D with my friends. There’s more to tell, but this isn’t the important section.
*Writing Style*
When it comes to writing, I can vary greatly, but there are a few aspects in which I am consistent and that I prefer. As I think things through, I believe bullet points will be easiest.
• First/Third person past tense- I will always use third person, but I am unbothered by first person.
• I will typically post three paragraphs or more. I ask that you keep a similar average, but I understand having shorter responses at certain times.
• I am colorblind, you will never see anything other than standard text in my posts. I do not care if you color your posts, but I do ask that you use colors that contrast with the background, or I may not be able to read the text.
• I feel like these bullet points sound stiff and aggressive, I swear I'm a chill person.
• I generally prefer for my partner to write for a single main character that the role-play will revolve around- this is not a steadfast rule and is prone to exceptions.
• I prefer to write for multiple characters and the story world, similar to a Dungeon Master.
• I generally write for 1-3 main characters as well as multiple side characters.
• I generally write for a male character in romantic/sexual relationships. This is not steadfast, I certainly enjoy writing for females as well.
• I use my phone 99% percent of the time, so I appologize for typos and auto-corrects.
• I'm also dyslexic.
• I still try very hard to use proper grammar and correct spelling, please do the same. I'm forgiving in this regard, for obvious reasons.
*Plot Preferences*
• I enjoy writing romance, but this generally progresses slowly, depending on the plot.
• I am also inclined towards twisted Romance. This includes stalking, Stockholm, rape, abuse, ect.
• I have personal expierence with stalking and rape, do not send me a harassing message because I choose to role-play things of this nature. If you do not like it, then refrain.
• I will role-play things of a taboo nature
• Fantasy is where it's at. I love monsters, magic, and the supernatural.
• I don't normally like slice of life role-plays.
• I enjoy smut, it will have a presence in most- if not all- of my roleplays.
• I enjoy plot more than smut.
• You can never have too many werewolves.
• Pirates and spaceships are cool too.
• PLEASE add to the plot, it's not fun if I'm the only one with any ideas.
• Don’t have passive characters- add something, don’t just react
• Plot discussion should continue as long as the role-play does. An open line of communication keeps the story alive and mutually pleasing.
• Please have well thought out characters, who have backgrounds and personality and life experience.
• I am open to role-playing in a fandom world- without using fandom characters. I don't write for characters I did not create.
• The only exception for the previous point is D.C. characters. I feel like I am familiar enough with certain characters to write for them- particularly those centered around Gotham (The Bat Family, The Gotham City Sirens, Arkham Asylum inmates).
• I love discussing fandoms.
• I prefer threads, but am comfortable with messenger.
• Furry Friendly
Bold is my preferred role, * is my current craving.
• I prefer MxF and FxF but am unopposed to MxM.
• I'm cool with trans and gender queer pairings/characters.
• Vampire x Werewolf
• Human x Werewolf
• Hunter x Prey (General roles)
• Master x Slave
• Human x Witch
• Mentor x Apprentice *
• Rebel x Princess *
• Royalty x Knight/Servant/Prisoner
• Demon Hunter x Demon
• Fire Bender x Water Bender
• Lord of the Rings
• Avatar: The Last Airbender
• D.C. Comics
• Harry Potter
• Dragon Age
*Current Plot Ideas*
• Please feel free to send me any of your plot ideas or cravings
• Pure Smut* - I’m looking for a partner who’s interested in doing a bunch of short random smut scenes. These will have little plot and be kink oriented. Basically, I have sexy ideas that don’t work well for long term stories. We will move from one unrelated sex scene to the next unrelated sex scene. Please be willing to dom AND sub- though not generally in the same scene. If you are REALLY interested, but are exclusively a dom or sub, I might make an exception. Post length is also likely to be shorter than my other stories.
• Supernatural Mentor * - A witch decides she wants an apprentice and sets out to teach a young girl the ways of magic. This can go pretty dark, but it doesn’t have to
• Twisted Fairy Tale- pretty vague idea, we just take a classic story and make it dark
• Arranged Marriage- self explanatory, this can be romantic or dark depending on preference
• Married to War- a tumultuous relationship with the god of war Ares. My Ares is a loose mix of the character from Xena, a few movies, D.C. comics, plus some Greek myths involving the god, as well as the little devil in me. Basically, I'm drawing inspiration for Ares from many sources, so please don't try to correct me or anything like that.
• Demon's slave* - this is a purely smut based roleplay. Basically I would like someone to write as a slave for my futa demon.
Side Note: Please don't send me a one sentence pm saying something like 'wanna rp?'. If you want to write with me, I'm flattered, but please have something to offer. Weather you have a plot, a single character, or just a simple interest in writing, you can say something. I would like to know a little bit about your writing and thoughts before committing to a roleplay. Discussing the details of a story is almost as fun as writing the story.
I frequently update my plots and pairings.
Please don’t post on this thread, send me a PM.
Before you read, please know that I cannot reply every single day. I’ll generally be on 2-3 days a week, but that can (a probably will) vary up or down.
*About Me*
This section is a load of shit, feel free to skip it. Basically, I’m a busy nerd. I’m a full time college student with a full time job- I don’t have much free time. I’m a biology and Spanish double major and having intentions of one day going to vet school. I love language and the arts. I’m also big into fantasy and love playing video games and D&D with my friends. There’s more to tell, but this isn’t the important section.
*Writing Style*
When it comes to writing, I can vary greatly, but there are a few aspects in which I am consistent and that I prefer. As I think things through, I believe bullet points will be easiest.
• First/Third person past tense- I will always use third person, but I am unbothered by first person.
• I will typically post three paragraphs or more. I ask that you keep a similar average, but I understand having shorter responses at certain times.
• I am colorblind, you will never see anything other than standard text in my posts. I do not care if you color your posts, but I do ask that you use colors that contrast with the background, or I may not be able to read the text.
• I feel like these bullet points sound stiff and aggressive, I swear I'm a chill person.
• I generally prefer for my partner to write for a single main character that the role-play will revolve around- this is not a steadfast rule and is prone to exceptions.
• I prefer to write for multiple characters and the story world, similar to a Dungeon Master.
• I generally write for 1-3 main characters as well as multiple side characters.
• I generally write for a male character in romantic/sexual relationships. This is not steadfast, I certainly enjoy writing for females as well.
• I use my phone 99% percent of the time, so I appologize for typos and auto-corrects.
• I'm also dyslexic.
• I still try very hard to use proper grammar and correct spelling, please do the same. I'm forgiving in this regard, for obvious reasons.
*Plot Preferences*
• I enjoy writing romance, but this generally progresses slowly, depending on the plot.
• I am also inclined towards twisted Romance. This includes stalking, Stockholm, rape, abuse, ect.
• I have personal expierence with stalking and rape, do not send me a harassing message because I choose to role-play things of this nature. If you do not like it, then refrain.
• I will role-play things of a taboo nature
• Fantasy is where it's at. I love monsters, magic, and the supernatural.
• I don't normally like slice of life role-plays.
• I enjoy smut, it will have a presence in most- if not all- of my roleplays.
• I enjoy plot more than smut.
• You can never have too many werewolves.
• Pirates and spaceships are cool too.
• PLEASE add to the plot, it's not fun if I'm the only one with any ideas.
• Don’t have passive characters- add something, don’t just react
• Plot discussion should continue as long as the role-play does. An open line of communication keeps the story alive and mutually pleasing.
• Please have well thought out characters, who have backgrounds and personality and life experience.
• I am open to role-playing in a fandom world- without using fandom characters. I don't write for characters I did not create.
• The only exception for the previous point is D.C. characters. I feel like I am familiar enough with certain characters to write for them- particularly those centered around Gotham (The Bat Family, The Gotham City Sirens, Arkham Asylum inmates).
• I love discussing fandoms.
• I prefer threads, but am comfortable with messenger.
• Furry Friendly
Bold is my preferred role, * is my current craving.
• I prefer MxF and FxF but am unopposed to MxM.
• I'm cool with trans and gender queer pairings/characters.
• Vampire x Werewolf
• Human x Werewolf
• Hunter x Prey (General roles)
• Master x Slave
• Human x Witch
• Mentor x Apprentice *
• Rebel x Princess *
• Royalty x Knight/Servant/Prisoner
• Demon Hunter x Demon
• Fire Bender x Water Bender
• Lord of the Rings
• Avatar: The Last Airbender
• D.C. Comics
• Harry Potter
• Dragon Age
*Current Plot Ideas*
• Please feel free to send me any of your plot ideas or cravings
• Pure Smut* - I’m looking for a partner who’s interested in doing a bunch of short random smut scenes. These will have little plot and be kink oriented. Basically, I have sexy ideas that don’t work well for long term stories. We will move from one unrelated sex scene to the next unrelated sex scene. Please be willing to dom AND sub- though not generally in the same scene. If you are REALLY interested, but are exclusively a dom or sub, I might make an exception. Post length is also likely to be shorter than my other stories.
• Supernatural Mentor * - A witch decides she wants an apprentice and sets out to teach a young girl the ways of magic. This can go pretty dark, but it doesn’t have to
• Twisted Fairy Tale- pretty vague idea, we just take a classic story and make it dark
• Arranged Marriage- self explanatory, this can be romantic or dark depending on preference
• Married to War- a tumultuous relationship with the god of war Ares. My Ares is a loose mix of the character from Xena, a few movies, D.C. comics, plus some Greek myths involving the god, as well as the little devil in me. Basically, I'm drawing inspiration for Ares from many sources, so please don't try to correct me or anything like that.
• Demon's slave* - this is a purely smut based roleplay. Basically I would like someone to write as a slave for my futa demon.
Side Note: Please don't send me a one sentence pm saying something like 'wanna rp?'. If you want to write with me, I'm flattered, but please have something to offer. Weather you have a plot, a single character, or just a simple interest in writing, you can say something. I would like to know a little bit about your writing and thoughts before committing to a roleplay. Discussing the details of a story is almost as fun as writing the story.