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Appearance inspiration for characters you play...

Jul 7, 2017
Like many I draw on TV shows, movies and books for the appearance of characters I play as or against in role plays. I also take things I like or enjoy and incorporate them into some of my characters and plots. I hardly place characters on bicycles because I never rode them when I was younger. Same with motorcycles, which I find to be unsafe and expensive. But my characters do tend to drink "adult" beverages more often and eat more expensive food than I do in my real life.
I just do tons and tons and tons of people watching wherever I may go. Often in my head I'll formulate a sentence or phrase that describes the person that I pass on the street.
I do like you ShyRPer, though I definitely include situations I'm not familiar with and I research them. Like, I swear, I was never in a space Shuttle, or a Handmaid, or whatever else I am writing about :)
Some of the situations I describe, I'd love to experiment them. others, heh. I'm so happy it's just RP.
After finally watching few recently ended TV shows and some movies for the first time, I've been using actresses from them as faces of my characters. I can also see a picture of someone or a GIF showing some kind of act and become inspired to create a character from the picture or GIF that I saw.
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