Fx Male Looking for Long-Term Partner


The world’s upside down here…
Dec 7, 2018
My name is Alexandra (or any other shortened version you’d prefer) and I’ve recently celebrated my twenty third birthday for those who are concerned playing with writers less than twenty-one or younger then eighteen. I’m an emergency nurse and often pick up extra shifts when my department is short staffed, so there is no such thing as a schedule when it comes to me. I have loved writing for as long as I can remember, where my stories were of the fantasy genre when I was younger. The genre is still a favourite of mine, among the many others that I now dabble in, because there is absolutely no limit to what you can create.

What can I offer?

Reply frequencyVery dependent on my shifts and timings, but typically every day that I have off (be it a string of two, three or sometimes even four). During my working week/shift block, I’ll rarely be able to reply.
Writing tensePast or present tense, and always third person
GenresFantasy, horror, supernatural, crime, mystery, slice of life, sci-fi and historical
Post lengthIntroductions tend to be 1,000 words or more simply to set the scene.
Usual and regular posts tend to be 4-8 well-sized paragraphs depending on what I have to go off and what’s occurring in the story.
What I love to include in my storiesPlot twists! Surprises! Anything to give my partner something to work with and keep the story fresh. There’s absolutely nothing worse than falling into a routine or the story beginning to feel mundane. I’d love to be able to surprise you with mysteries and secrets and plot twists you don’t see coming (all within reason, of course).

I’d love romance, chemistry, tension and power play. I love sharp witted characters and a lot of banter. There is nothing like the sexual tension being thick enough to be cut by a knife!

I love smut, in varying forms and amounts. I do prefer, however, to have a majority of story even if we go heavy on the smut. If there’s no chemistry between the characters or it seems forced, I won’t be interested in the smut and that’s a definite shame.
CharactersI can play male or female, whatever my partner is looking for at that particular time. I also enjoy playing multiple characters, though prefer to focus on only one to ensure they have depth (the others will be for story progression and featured rarely).

They are always witty, brave, confident, independent, stubborn and rebellious. I also love to give them unique habits and qualities, perhaps even skills should the genre allow it.

I prefer for my male main characters to be mostly dominant, and my main female characters to be mostly submissive in the sexual nature (though both are considered switches). Don’t expect my men to be brutes and want to fuck roughly all the time, and don’t expect my ladies to just lay there and take it; they’ll put up some fight and some challenge.
Ghosting policyI will endeavour to let you know how I’m feeling about the roleplay. I always believe that there is value in all, and if something isn’t taking my fancy I believe it can be remedied by communication. I will not ghost you, or randomly abandon you.
VisualsI like to incorporate pieces of artwork that I have accumulated over the years; whether they be for character’s face claims, scenery or worlds. I’m also not opposed to linking in some more explicit artwork either, should you be comfortable with NSFW visuals once we get to that point in the story.

What am I looking for in a partner?

Reply frequencyNot specified. I don’t mind how frequently or infrequently you reply, so long as I know during long periods of absence of leave that you are still interested upon your return. All I ask is that you try to keep me in the loop when you’re expecting a hiatus or leave of longer than a week so I’m aware.
Writing tensePast or present tense, preferably third person. I find it difficult to reply to a post that is written in first person when I am writing in third. I’m also far more comfortable with the story being entirely third person perspective.
GenresWhatever takes your fancy. I only hope that you’re open to creating new races, civilisations and worlds with me.
Post lengthI’m hoping that you’re able to write a substantial amount, preferably 4-8 well sized paragraphs. Of course this is determined by what’s occurring in the story at the time of the reply, but I very much enjoy being given food for thought just as I like to do the same for my partners. One lines or just one paragraph are an absolute no.
What I hope you’ll include in our storySome fresh ideas of your own are always greatly appreciated. I love being able to discuss ideas back and forth. Also bringing some plot twists and surprises of your own are always loved!

Writing three dimensional characters are a must. I enjoy playing against characters that are written with back story, habits, fears and peculiar traits. I find them much more interesting than other characters that can sometimes seem like they’ve been punched from a cookie cutter.

The ability to keep me on my toes is something I’m looking for!

As most people on this site, I’d expect that you’re interested in including some amount of smut. This could be a lot or very little, and can be discussed further shortly. I will hope, however, that you still appreciate a good story even if there is a lot of smut involved.
CharactersThis is entirely dependent on what pairing we decide upon.

I enjoy playing against males that are the dark and brooding type with a mysterious background story that is slowly revealed. They don’t need to be harsh or brutish, but I enjoy a male character that isn’t always sweet and kind and gentle. A little rough handling will go far with me. In this instance, I’d prefer a more dominant male that isn’t entirely opposed to a female dominating him on some occasions.

For females, I prefer them to have some kind of spark and sass. I’m definitely not interested in playing against wilting wallflower and shy females that are entirely and purely submissive. It just doesn’t interest me at all.
Ghosting policyIf you’re not enjoying the story or my writing style, there’s absolutely no harm done but I would prefer for you to be upfront and honest with me. If you feel that it’s an issue that we can’t resolve by discussing it, then let me know and we’ll part ways politely. Please don’t just leave without a word, or tell me that you’re going to take a couple of days (which is often code for ‘forever’). Just drop me a line, you don’t even need to explain, and I’ll be thankful.
VisualsI hope that you’re not opposed to receiving SFW visuals for world building and face claims, though this is not a dealbreaker. I understand if this is not something you’re interested in.

What are some pairings I’m interested in?
Not gender specific

FantasyHuman x Tauren (craving!)
Human x Fae
Human x Shifter
Human x Selkie
Human x Nymph
Human x Vampire
Human x Orc
Human x Minotaur
Human x Elf
Vampire x Wolf
Wolf x Fae
Fae x Tauren
Human x Sentient/Humanoid Tentacle Monster
Witch x Demon
Witch x Paladin
Pirate x Siren
Slice of lifeHitman x Target
Crimeboss x Civilian
Veteran x Civilian
Insane person x Therapist
Rich x Artist
Serial Killer x Kidnap Victim
Sci-FiInvading Alien x Human
Invading Human x Alien
Human x Mutated Human
Cryogenically frozen Human x Scientist
Scientist x Mutant/Experiment
HistoricalQueen x Enemy King
Rebel leader x King
Rebel leader x Queen
Arranged marriage between two Houses
Gladiator x Noble Woman

Now, let’s talk about kinks. I have an F-list
and would like to suggest that you give this a browse as I think it accurately displays what I am and am not interested in. If there is something that you are interested in that is not on the list, please ask! I also will try most things at least once, so if you’re craving something in particular, I most likely will give it a go to test the waters.

I also have a range of written works that are public that you could browse through also, to get a sense of my writing style to gauge whether it is something you’d enjoy playing/writing against. If you have any ideas, please throw them my way!
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  • A King has conquered a great deal of the continent, and enslaved the people of his newly concauered lands in order to keep them from rebelling. This king is ruthless, twisted and cruel. There’s several “work camps” (such as mines or harsh farms etc.) for the enslaved people and criminals. The conditions in these work camps are deplorable, and many die within their first days.
  • As twisted as this King is, he’s becoming aged and knows that his days are numbered, but instead of simply giving the crown to his eldest son, the King has devised a game of sorts. He has invited his three children and eligible lords to present a Champion each (can be of any background, though most Champions are criminals chosen for their deadly backgrounds to endure their Lords have the best chance) who will complete numerous tasks, duels and challenges until the final two are left. The last two will fight to the death. The Champion who wins, wins the crown for their Lord, while also earning their freedom, a title as the King’s assassin and an estate.
  • However, the King has set the challenges so that they’re deadly, wanting to wat h the gore, violence and death. Think gladiators, but with magical beasts (ie. wyverns, massive flesh eating sand worms, a hoard of dead raised by a necromancer). It’s definitely not a fair fight, or game, but that’s what the King wants. He even goes behind people’s backs and promises some Champions gold coin should they murder other Champions. The King loves mayhem, but it’s also a way to kill off the empire’s most notorious killers and criminals.
  • Which leads us to my character; who is a notorious assassin, though her identity has been kept secret. She’s the best assassin in the whole of the empire, and has been kept in one of these work camps/mines for several years, and has miraculously survived despite every attempt to off her. She’d have been arrested for something petty, like stealing, but the empire doesn’t know that they’ve actually captured the assassin and assume that the assassin simply died or moved on (explaining the lack of activity). However, there’s whispers among the people in the work camp of her true identity and the rumours would have slipped from the camp and reached noble ears.
  • Your character can be whomever you’d like, but they’d be eligible for the Game, and would be in need of a Champion, which would lead them to seek my character. There would need to be promise of freedom, and a new identity, to convince her to become his Champion.
  • There’d be plenty of chemistry between them, where she’d use her natural charm to tease him, and there’d certainly be a myriad of scenes to involve the specific kinks that you’re craving (oral scenes, vocal sex/ahegio, mutual attraction, etc.).
  • They’d need to work together to ensure that she survives the tests, since there’d be plenty of beasts, traps, and attempts on her life by other Champions who’d initially see her as weak.
  • Are you a fan of fantasy and is this something you’d like to include? There’s an option that the King has killed off the Fae (original inhabitants of the continent) and the magic has died along with them. Anyone who believes in the Old Religion, or who has magic in their blood, is hunted down and murdered. Those who are of magical bloodlines but show no signs of magic end up in the work camps. If this is something you’d be interested in, there’s the possibility that my character (unknowingly) is a descendent of a strong magical bloodline, and some gifts begin to reveal themselves during the Tests, much to the King’s horror. It would add extra drama, as they’d need to conceal this new information and she’d need to pretend to be a mundane human. Also potential for some kinky, trantric sex.

P.S. Bump!!
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