Mx Female Help me Destroy a Universe


Jun 12, 2015
I hope that the title tell you that this is not a happy shiny romance RP. I have been craving a semi to extremely dark take on the superhero universe, but with a twist.

Let me give some back story first. I have read more comics than most people know exist. Its a hobby that turned into a passion. One cliche that always bothered me is the mind controlling villain is always a moron. He always tries to draw as much attention as possible. I want to play a smart villain. Imagine a mind controller starts out in the shadows and captures one heroine. He breaks her and turns her into his devoted slave and strips her of her moral center. Then, using her, he moves on to other heroines. My goal is to take a happy and developed universe like the Marvel or DC Universe and slowly tear it down. I want to show the results of the heroines turning evil and being united under one man

I am looking for that magical unicorn that like to play superheroines and doesn't mind moving from character to character. We can go back to characters as we come up with ideas. I prefer to play with cannon heroines, but we can create OC if needed.

Feel free to message me on here or over discord

Mind Control
Large Cock
Large Breasts
Heroines turned strippers/prostitutes
many many more

Gender bending
Extreme weight gain
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