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Mx Female Dreadful

Dec 7, 2018
I hate this... well... not hate, strongly dispise?

Fact is, I'm not good at making these. I tend to see so much work and effort others put into this, and somehow I fail to reproduce those results, which bothers me to bits.

Hey there, welcome to my request thread! What you read above is not an excuse, more of an apology towards you. I reallt try to make this fancy, sexy and the likes... but it ends up being a boring read 90% of the times.

I will try and spice it up though, with ideas, f-lists etc. Though, of anything, please feel free to ask questions at any time. I'll happily answer them, but probably won't think of posing them in the first place.

What do I enjoy? Well to be honest to you, I haven't done a lot of sexual roleplay. Not on a site like this at all... though I have been doing a lot of roleplay previous. So, no short posts, no leaving my partner, none of the annoying habits we all dispise.

Well, on the positive side... I'd say there are a lot of possibilities with me...
I'm up to discuss anything and eager to find out what I like, and what not.

So in case anyone has something thwy want to try, or some roleplay they've been wanting to do for a while. Pkease hit me up!

I do have to specify, I prefer playing with women. Both as a male and/or female character myself. But only against female characters... that make sense?

Let us start the updating, shall we?

First I must admit I do not work out plots here in great detail, mainly because I want to do that with my partner. In case you'd be interested in a deeper explanation about anything don't hesitate to ask.

#1 Therapy for Two
YC has everything going well for her, she's a succesful psychiatrist, known to solve the hardest cases and not be bothered by any if the hideous crimes she hears of. Yes, a criminal psychiatrist, working to get her patients te proper treatment and back to society. The only thing bothering YC, is her private life. The most private part. Being married to a rich lawyer has it's positives. Money is no issue, and they are both well raised and mannered. He's charming, sweet and calm in every aspect. Even in bed... there is the only small bump in her live. She's bothered to bits by her boring sex life, bit she can't seem to move her husband into becomming a bit of a man.
MC is the opposite, convicted rapist, freed because lack of evidence and no one to testify against him. Because of fear. His maximum sentence has been served, the only thing left to try and combat him is place him in therapy. He has to visit a psychiatrist until he is declared "no danger" to society.
What will happen between pur characters when yours hears all the "disgusting, kinky and sexy things MC does and YC feels like she needs to be disgusted of? Will there be a small voice in her head yelling her craving, or can she put that all aside?

#2 Not a full plot, but I'd like to give a go at a character I've been working on for a while. A high school principal, but the worst you could ever imagine. Have a teacher x student kink? Well, be careful. This dude isn't romantic or sweet. This is the biggest and meanest asshole. Sees everyone but himself as a piece of meat, and makes sure they know it too. What I'd like to do in this roleplay is have 2 or 3 main characters, but havw a lot of side characters pass to set the scene.
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Okay... don't do this often...
Like true sluts... really wanting to find someone who can play someone who makes me go. "Damn... you slut..."
It is my honest and true belief, that every play I start gets taken away from me. I don't know why I should even play, this isn't fun for me anymore... ghosting is human's second behaviour or something...
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