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Bounty of the Sea (Survivor00 & Chokuro)

Alex Fenyves hummed softly to himself as he dragged his faithful rowboat down the soft, sandy beach to the waterâ??s edge. The cool sea breeze brushed against his skin like the softest of fingers, while the distant sigh of waves breaking against the shore was a pleasant melody to his ears. As the son of a fisherman, Alex had lived by the ocean all of his life, and it had been an ancient, unending companion to him as he had grown. The sea was a living thing, it had emotions, it had feelings, and if you listened closelyâ?¦it spoke to you. It was as much of a person as any that walked on two legs, and he had spent years learning those nuances. But now as his father had grown old and weary, it was his turn to woo the sea for her bounty.

The waves broke softly upon the shore, sending sheets of foam rushing over the moist sands. It crashed over his feet and ankles in a cold, fleeting embrace. The sea was welcoming him back to her. Looking out over the cove, he could see the brightly colored buoys where he had place his fishing nets bobbing in the waves. He pushed the rowboat out further, the water rising and ebbing against his legs, her embrace stronger. He climbed up into the boat, sitting there for a moment before reaching for the oars. They were weathered from years of use, but strong, they had been well-crafted. Dipping the ends into the waters, he began to row out towards the first buoy.

When trying to woo the sea, you had to be careful, for she could easily grow too enamored, and choose to keep you forever. Or you could enrage her and face her full wrath. But if you did it just right, you could be rewarded with some of the finest treasures she had to offer.

After a few minutes, he had reached the first buoy, the bright paint on the wood helped it stand out. He reached in with a hook and lifted it from the waterâ??s surface, the rope leading down to the net trailing and dripping behind it. He took hold of the rope, wrapping it around his arm to get some extra grip on it, before beginning to pull. It was heavy â?? a good sign. His muscles flexed and strained under his skin as he lifted the net to the surface. It was writhing with fish, and he pulled it from the water and into the boat. They flopped all over each other, trying to swim, to escape, but they could not. As always, he only took what they needed, letting the rest go. It was best to stay on the oceanâ??s good sideâ?¦

With the first net retrieved, he dipped the oars into the water once more, moving out towards the next.​
Reina definitely did not know how any of the merpeople reproduced. She had seen the mermen that were out there. They were not attractive to her. The ones who may have had a shot with the Princess were ones who were already taken, and she did not want anyone who would cheat. She needed a single partner for the rest of her being, but no one was appealing to her in anyway. Her parents did not like that either. They threaten her quite a bit. â??Find someone, or we will for you.â? That definitely was a threat that did not work well with the girl. She would find someone. In due time she would, they just would not be part of this colony. Actually, she had found someone. A few months ago, there was a sailor going around up top and her curiosity had gotten the best of her, so she took a peek at him.

He had been gorgeous. His dark hair glistening in the setting sun, strong shoulders heaving when he pulled up the last of the fishnets, and the best yet? He did not even keep every single fish. He only took what he needed. He was perfect for her! She knew he was, and she was so very happy to have found the one she knew she was meant to be with. The only problem was that he was a human. Humans did not live in the sea. She wanted him so badly. His name was Alex. She had heard an older man on the shore calling for him, and so she picked up that that was his name. He was twenty-two. She found that out a few months ago when he had celebrated his birthday. Yes, she frequently investigated around the human and his doings, always curious to see what was happening. She really was fin over head for him.

The little princessâ?? mind was literally filled with only him. She could not seem to shake the image of him, especially from intruding into her dreams. There was so much passion she had for the man. She was at the peak of her sexuality right now. Eighteen years was the perfect time to find oneâ??s mate and to start the reproduction process. Reina knew this, and well, her dreams easily told her that she wished for the mating process more than the offspring. She woke up in a pant, her whole form just shivering with the emotions that ran through her body. It was lucky for her that she woke up before any of the rest of her family would think of awakening. While she had her own chambers, no one ever waited for her permission to enter, so she easily had the time to relieve some of the stress that was built within her from her dreams. Sadly, her fingers were not what her body wished for, but at least it soothed.

After a quick bit of food for nourishment, the white haired female was soaring through the waters to where the buoys were for her human. She twirled around the other fishes, going through the coral reefs and all out just so very energetic as she searched for the other. She saw one net full of fish being pulled up into the boat and she instantly made way to break the surface of the water. Her long lashes batted against her pale features, long white locks pooling around her as just her nose and eyes followed the manâ??s actions upon the little rowboat. She kept her gaze directly on him, being sure to sink away whenever he may have looked at her. She then looked over to the other buoy, perking up with an idea. She could bring him into the ocean with her, right? Save him from drowning like that silly redhead did a while back. Darn girl spoiled their reputation. Wanting legs? Who wanted those things anyhow? Sure, they looked lovely upon her human, but that was beside the point.

Diving beneath the water, she coursed through to the other net, feeling it begin to be tugged upward and she took a strong hold upon the item. Looking up at the man through the rippling ocean, she was determined to win. He would tug and she would tug back harder and harder, hoping one of them would be enough to pull him into the waters with her.​
As he rowed further out into the cove, Alex was certain that he felt a pair of eyes watching him. He paused his rowing and looked around, seeing not a soul on land or among the waves. He felt the slightest shudder flit up his spine, and he nodded his head in silent understanding. The sea herself was watching, judging him. He lifted the oars and plunged them into the surf, rowing out towards the next colorful buoy. Drifting up alongside it, he reached down and hooked it, pulling it out of the water. Taking hold of the wet ropes leading down into the water, he gave them a hearty tug, dragging a few feet of the ropes from the water. Suddenly, something pulled back sharply from beneath the surface, pulling that length of rope back down.

â??What theâ?¦â? He stammered, peering down over the side of the boat. Was the net stuck on some seaweed, or a sunken log? Impossible, he knew these waters were clear of obstructions. Gripping the ropes again, he pulled with all his strength, feeling that force pulling back just as hard. He did not want to have to cut the net loose, for it would be a waste of a good net, and an entire group of fish would die needlessly. He reached down to grab the length of rope, and wrapped a loop of it around his arm. Knowing that it was in place, he pulled, using his upper body to give him extra leverage, hoping to pull the net free of the snag. Suddenly there was a powerful yank that could not have come from anything except something living. Throwing him off balance, he rolled to the edge of the boat, causing it to flip and throw him, his gear, and the fish into the water.

He sank quickly, trying to fight both his initial disorientation and the rope that he had wrapped around himself. The waterlogged cords seemed to grow tighter around him, and he could not seem to pry them away. His eyes were wide as he sank deeper into the crystal waters of the cove, dozens of escaped fish flitting around his sinking form. What nature of sea creature could have pulled him from the boat? Were they going to feast upon him? Or had he simply failed to safely seduce the ocean?
Reina did not like him fighting back so much. She figured that it would have been an easy tug into the waters and then moments later it would be time for him to realize that he was her destined mate. He was stronger than she gave him credit for. Not strong enough against her, but she was determined. She would not give up on him easily just because it would be harder to get him. In fact, his strength only made her like him even more. She would need a mate who was strong and witty and so much else. He really did fit her perfectly. She would be happy when he became hers. She just knew that they were meant to be. How could they not be? She was drawn to him, that was a definite sign right there. The very fact he caught her criticizing eye was a tell-tale sign that he was good for her. She was picky, and so she would need a mate whom attracted her. This man really did attract her.

Soon enough, the man was under the water and she was all too happy for that. She pulled him further and further into the waters to be closer to her. Her eyes sparkling and her lips upturned into a very pleased smile. She was happy he was falling closer to her. At least until she realized that humans needed to breathe. He seemed bluer than normal and that was the trigger that made her establish he could not breathe properly. She had not thought about that before! How could he be her mate when he could not even breathe where she lived?! Oh, she did not like this at all! She did not and would not stand for it! He would be hers one way or another ... Just not under the water quite yet.

Not wanting to kill him, she wrapped her arms around his form and then made her way to the surface of the water. Swimming to the shore, she laid him out onto the sand and hovered over him. Her one hand was in the dirt on the side of his form while her torso was over his, long white locks covering her breasts as her eyes traveled along his features, waiting for him to wake up just a bit. She leant down, her ear pressed against his chest while she listened to be sure he was breathing. He was not down there that long, was he? She continued to rest her head on him for a while, eventually hearing his breaths and she relaxed a little bit. Phew. That was a relief. Now, if he would just wake up, fall in love with her, mate with her, then she could be on her merry way â?? right?​
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