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Fx Any Domme/Master wanted for various plots- craving Arcane, the Locked Tomb


Jun 14, 2017
Currently looking for only 1 or 2 rp partners!
This request thread is a constant work in progress, and will be updated as my availability, desires, etc. change.

For the most part, I am looking for folks interested in playing Master/Mistress characters for darker, taboo threads that could include such plots as non-con, dub-con, TPE, incest, etc., or otherwise f/f plots that are extremely kinky.

About Me
  • I am a 30+ female
  • I prefer longterm plots, with maybe 70/30 smut/plot- though the quicker we can dirty it up the better!
  • I only play female characters (generally younger than 30ish)
  • They are always on the submissive side, though not always willingly so
  • I only play with dominant or switch characters (unless there are more than two of us in an rp, but am open to characters of any gender identity
  • I always play as characters, and prefer to use faceclaims for reference, but am open to art
  • I only play in 3rd person, and will not play as myself.
  • I will play in past or present tense.
  • I am here to roleplay. Not engage in online relationships. Please do not ask any sensitive information about me, as I will not answer you.
  • I am looking for fairly literate partners. I can deal with grammatical errors, etc, but would prefer fewer of them, and prefer to engage in threads with plenty of detail provided, so I can better picture scenarios and how my character would feel and think.
  • I generally write between 2 and 6 paragraphs per reply, and expect a minimum of one paragraph from my partners
  • My preferred platform is threads on site, as I'm trying to keep my rp here away from the rest of my electronic footprint, but I am also willing to play through Discord or pms.
  • I work full time and play a lot of dnd/tabletop. I do not have consistent times/days where I am able to rapid-fire post. Rather I will have one or two days a week where I can post, and an occasional weekend where i can get more done/engage in more rapid-fire posting
  • Lastly, I sometimes just have off-periods where i am not feeling like doing smut rp. if possible gaps in the rp would bother you a lot, we are probably not a good fit.

Particular Kinks
  • Total Power Exchange
  • Manipulation/Dubious Consent
  • Non-consensual
  • Forced anything
  • Branding/Marking
  • Humiliation/Public Humiliation
  • Dehumanization
  • Objectification
  • Bondage/mummification
  • Pain/Torture
  • Breeding
  • Incest

Prefer to Avoid
  • Fetishization of non-white races. This is why you will most often see me using white playbys, as I am white, and am uncomfortable with the thought of a non-white pb I use being fetishized due to her race.
  • Playing as real people.
  • Vore.
  • Scat.
  • Being on the giving side of penetrative sex
  • Being the dom.
  • Gender transformation (I find this is difficult to do without it coming across as transphobic). - should be said that this naturally does not include actual transitioning of a trans character
  • Plots with non-stop blow jobs . . . I don't mind playing them here and there, but I don't really get much out of them, and if this is a kink you will want to do all the time, we may not be the best match

Hard Limits
Under 16. Smothering or suffocation with a bag/plastic wrap over the face or stuffed down the throat. Snuff. Teeth-related trauma.

For a longer list of kinks, you can find my F-List here. Any kinks not on the list or mentioned above are ones I am likely neutral about. Or they're a given, with things such as specific scenes, etc.

Specific Kink-related scenarios I would like to try:
  • a scene in which MC is tied down on her back, and made entirely helpless as she is given an enema, unable to do anything but watch her stomach inflate with whatever is being put into her
  • a mummification scene in which all of MC is wrapped/covered and immobilized except for her sexual parts, leaving only her mouth, anus, vagina, and breasts bare for use. essentially making her nothing more than a sex toy
  • sensory deprivation. similar to the above, in which MC is bound (perhaps suspended), blindfolded, gagged, and earmuffed, therefore unable to sense what punishments or touches are coming and when
  • YC having MC on display for others at some kind of party/gathering at their house. perhaps suspended, but made to remain as a prop either solely to look at, or for guests to use (i.e. as a sextoy, table, chandelier, etc)
  • YC possessively claiming MC by piercing her genitals and placing a lock directly through the piercing as a chastity device when YC is not using her
  • MC having to wear obvious signs of ownership (bells, collars, clamps, vibrators, plugs) in public
  • Situations in which YC gives MC rules which she is incapable of following because YC wants an excuse to punish her. (i.e. 'reach this thing that's super high while staying on your knees, etc')
  • the use of cages (the smaller/more restricting, the better), bondage, & poses without any support that cause MC great discomfort
  • some kind of female version of a humbler device to keep MC on her knees. I've got some thoughts about a way this could work if you need advice
  • Body writing!

Arcane Craving: Vi/Caitlyn. I don’t usually play as canons, but I’d really love to do something with these two, either in canon or an AU. I would play as Vi (as a sub) and you would play as Caitlyn. This plot would not be non or dub con, just a lot more kinky than canon would ever be! Some possible kinks: TPE, bondage, roleplay, cuddling, praise, age regression, spanking, trust, blindfolds, gags, withholding touch/touch as a reward, therapeutic dehumanization, discipline, dirty talk, rules, difficult positions.

-Canon: Vi just got out of prison, where the only physical contact she had was through violence, and she’s been there since her mid-teens. Only to discover her little sister, for whom she is responsible, is perhaps beyond saving and it’s all her fault. She is tired of trying to be responsible for everything and feeling guilty and tired of trying to be tough all the time and maybe just wants someone else to love her and take control. Enter Caitlyn with her commanding voice and desire for someone to take her seriously and respect her for once! And possibly a little angry that Vi’s sister killed her mother. If we want to take it that way.

-AU: Vi is a boxer or MMA fighter who is winning fights left and right, but just wants someone to take care of her. Problem is, most Dommes she’s met take one look at her impressive physique and scoff. Enter Caitlyn. She’s new to the scene but she wants to prove herself and that one pink-haired woman looks like a challenge. Or maybe her family wants to sponsor an up-and-coming fighter and she takes an extra special interest

Alternative Arcane Plot: I play Vi and you play an OC Enforcer or prison guard who wants to have their way with an angry, mostly powerless Trencher. Maybe YC knows her story and uses her guilt, etc to play mind games and/or make it an ongoing situation. Non-Con, dehumanization, humiliation, abuse, mental fuckery, TPE, any fucked up kink our little hearts desire. We could also mix the two plots, if you wanted to do something long term and start with this plot in prison and then switch to you playing Caitlyn at a later time.

She-Ra Craving: Catra and Horde Prime. An AU spin-off from season 5, episode 3 of SPOP. Catra betrays Horde Prime to help Glimmer escape, but instead of brainwashing Catra, Horde Prime has other punishments in mind. He's taken an interest in her after finding himself surprised by her successful betrayal, and rather than using her as bait and fodder for She-Ra, he decides he wants to keep her for himself, as a plaything. He specifically decides not to brainwash her, wanting her to be fully conscious throughout her torment. We could play it where Adora still shows up, but after Prime threatens to kill Catra she leaves, or we can play it that for whatever reason (i.e. couldn't find fuel/got lost/Adora was convinced they couldn't risk going back for her or made to believe Catra was dead), the Rebellion never comes to try and rescue her. The end result is, of course, that Catra stays with Horde Prime as his unwilling toy. I've definitely got some specific ideas and scenarios in mind for this, so pm me if you want to hear more!

Some likely kinks for this plot (obviously they are not all required, and we are by no means limited to these): Non-con, TPE, forced petplay, forced crawling, bondage, humiliation, forced nudity/clotheswearing, multiple penetration, branding, torture, breeding, degradation, dehumanization, forced body modification, mind fuckery, gags, leash and collar, immobilization, master/slave, mutiliation, objectification, abuse, bestiality, corporal punishment, size difference.

Alternatively: Catra and Shadow Weaver, either pre-show or during season 1. Equally non-con, but a fucked up, incest-y situation, with the narcissistic and full-on abusive mother/daughter situation. Would probably be lots of focus on discipline, dehumanization, and all kinds of abuse here.

For something lighter: Adora/Catra! Post season 5, Catra has some serious self-worth issues, trust issues, touch issues, vulnerability issues . . . you get it. Adora decides to help her work on this through the incredible healing power of kink. bondage, impact play, sensory deprivation, “therapeutic” pet play and dehumanization, collars, body markings, praise, cuddling, age regression, roleplay, etc

The Locked Tomb Craving:
Harrow/Gideon from the Locked Tomb book series. If you’ve not read the books and enjoy queer ladies, i highly recommend! My favorite kind of dynamic- the jock puppy subbing to the tiny, bossy, uber powerful drowned rat. I kid? only a little. I would play as Gideon, who has a serious craving for praise and affection and would do literally anything Harrow asked her to because they are lonely idiots that share a mutual (and very unhealthy lbr) obsession with one another. You would play as Harrow, who i feel like would be a rather strict Mistress even in the healthiest version of their relationship. Kinks are pretty flexible here, and I think similar to those for the Arcane plot, but i would especially like to include leash/collars, puppy play, praise, corporal punishment, holding positions, plugs, gags, bondage, tpe, objectification/dehumanization, rules, name-calling/light verbal abuse. Would love to play this as consensual, but quite toxic given these are two very messed up young women. Like Arcane, this could either be in canon (likely in an unknown post-books time), or an AU, which is probably my preference. maybe a college au where they’ve left from the same cult. open to ideas if you’ve got a specific setting in mind!

Dommy Mommy Craving: Mommy in the most literal sense. MC is a teen, growing into adulthood and likely preparing to go off on her own to work or college. Your character is her super narcissistic, gaslight-y, uber competent, and abusive (can be physical, but DEFINITELY verbal and emotional) single parent mother. Or adoptive mother. And she doesn’t want to lose her complete and total power over her daughter. This is where it gets a little flexible. it could be that the daughter maintains some sense of rebellion despite the years of living under her mother’s thumb, so the mother resorts to literally locking her up. Alternatively, years of manipulation have made the daughter pliant, so when her mother commands her not to move out, she obeys. Either way, the mother decides to add a sexual aspect to the control over her daughter. Some desired kinks and themes are: TPE, age regression, abuse, humiliation, gaslighting, degradation, name calling, bondage, corporal punishment, incest, impossible expectations, bathroom control, clothing control, food control, discipline, gags, and general mind fuckery.

Self-Conscious sub Craving: MC is a young, vulnerable, and insecure woman who is desperate for any kind of attention she can convince herself is love. YC is looking for someone they can take advantage of - someone they can use and abuse to fulfill their own needs - and MC is the perfect target; lonely, naive, and willing. She has no idea what she's gotten herself into with YC, but she is willing to do anything and everything they tell her, no matter how uncomfortable or painful, because she thinks that's love. Specifics are pretty open - maybe they met online and she agreed to be a 24/7 slave, or maybe they started as just dating. Perhaps it started as a mentor relationship, or MC even just works for YC. Regardless of how it starts, MC becomes YC's slave to mistreat, explore kinks, share with friends, etc. I have no interest in some kind of happy ending, with YC teaching mine to love herself and be confident; MC is their slave and their toy, not worth the dirt on their shoes.
  • Details about MC: depends on specific setting, but she likely grew up in foster care after neglect/abandonment by her birth parents. She had a series of abusive or neglectful foster parents all the way through 18, as well as a series of short term relationships with boys who moved on after they slept with her. Lacking any stable environment or a basic understanding of what love actually is, she takes whatever she can get, or rather, what she thinks she deserves. MC is extremely uncomfortable with herself. She's short and a little chubby (and extremely aware of that fact), and a bit of a mess, with baggy clothes and messy long hair. She generally thinks she's useless and clumsy and stupid, and is likely to thank YC for any abuse they deem her worthy of. She firmly believes she is in love with YC, no matter what they make her do, or how they feel about her.

  • Details about YC: Male or female, YC should be confident, mature, and older than mine, but a lot of this is up to you. Perhaps YC has a romantic partner, and is looking for someone they can explore their darker fantasies with. Perhaps they just want a maid, and then realize they want more. Perhaps they take one look at MC, and feel as if it's their duty to put her in her place. Maybe they've got pets, or even other subs/slaves that they treat better than her. Maybe they want a slave they can pimp out and make money off of. Or maybe they take some sort of genuine interest in MC, finding pleasure in degrading and humiliating and objectifying her. Any of these can work. YC is probably well off - maybe they work a lot and use MC to decompress, or even leave her in their car while they're at work, both because her life should revolve around them, and in case YC takes a break. As far as appearance, I honestly don't care. Whatever makes you happy.
If you've got a different plot this scenario could work in, I'm open to that as well! Feel free to request different ideas or specifics from me as well - I've got tons of thoughts about this one.

Other Vague and/or Specific plot ideas: (I hope to add more detail to these later)
  • a breeding plot
  • the classic abduction plot
  • being tricked into a 24/7 master/slave relationship
  • a possessive, jealous Master who pimps out his slave to other men and then punishes her for the way it makes him jealous
  • being the slave of multiple owners (i.e. two brothers, or a husband and wife, etc)
  • something medieval or Roman times could be fun . .
  • Critical Role- Cassandra and Lady Briarwood. Super dark plot. More info found in my other interest post.
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