Hello ladies, This story is about a young couple. They can be friends, siblings, family like uncle, aunt, cousin, or just roommates.
One or both are into spells and magic. They find a book of spells at an estate sale they went to. Inside are all kinds of spells for evil or good. To conjure up demons. Near the back they find one titled do as you please.
It is a spell that requires a potion to make it work. The ingredients are normal looking herbs and things that they can find at stores in town.
What draws them to it is the user is able to do as they wish on whim or from suggestions from someone they know. The user will remember everything that happens during its short time span of about an hour or so. It gives the user an uninhibited state of uphoria and opens them to suggestions and to their own hidden desires.
They decide to try it but who will be first. Ground rules in place as to what they are not allowed to do not asked to do. This is why they must have no previous intimate contact before this happens.
One or both are into spells and magic. They find a book of spells at an estate sale they went to. Inside are all kinds of spells for evil or good. To conjure up demons. Near the back they find one titled do as you please.
It is a spell that requires a potion to make it work. The ingredients are normal looking herbs and things that they can find at stores in town.
What draws them to it is the user is able to do as they wish on whim or from suggestions from someone they know. The user will remember everything that happens during its short time span of about an hour or so. It gives the user an uninhibited state of uphoria and opens them to suggestions and to their own hidden desires.
They decide to try it but who will be first. Ground rules in place as to what they are not allowed to do not asked to do. This is why they must have no previous intimate contact before this happens.