Hello! My name is Circe and I posted only a few hours prior, but I got a bit hasty—so my post was incredibly vague, my apologies. I also can’t edit my original thread so here’s a new one haha.
How I role play:
I play female characters only.
Third person POV (I’m most likely not going to budge on this)
Plot based. I know this is an 18+ space and I totally encourage smut and sexual themes! However, I really like the sexual stuff to be complementary to the story and the rp instead of the sole purpose of it. I find single scenes to be really boring.
No one liners.
My time zone is Pacific Standard (GMT -8) and I’m pretty busy so I will let you know when I have to go offline and I ask that you respect my time. I will of course do the same.
I generally like to keep the rp private. No threads. My hierarchy goes PM > email > discord
OOC chat is totally fine.
I like my characters to be in their twenties.
I tend to play characters who are subs sexually.
Some boundaries. I will not do the following:
Incest of any kind
Ridiculously sized... anything. I like to keep things pretty realistic and when certain body parts are exaggerated it takes me out of it.
Indigenous/jungle women/native/etc.
loli/shota (I’m pretty sure this is a TOS thing anyway)
Arranged Marriage
Duchess/Earl x Maid
Teacher x Student (one shot)
These are just rough starting points, things can be changed and collaborated.
Sold to the Earl:
A young woman is sold off by her parents to a wealthy Earl known for taking beautiful women into his staff. She is assigned to tend to his specific section of the estate and inevitably runs into him. He at first is interested in her physically, but later begins to actually fall in love with her.
To Tame Him:
The son of a wealthy family is betrothed to a woman in an attempt to tame him. He has created himself the reputation of a real Casanova and his father would like him to grow up. He would need his son to take over the company. The woman is meant to give him some sort of stability. The son tries to charm the woman, but finds that she’s not someone who is swayed so easily.
I also have an F-list
Please feel free to PM about any of these ideas or any of your own
How I role play:
I play female characters only.
Third person POV (I’m most likely not going to budge on this)
Plot based. I know this is an 18+ space and I totally encourage smut and sexual themes! However, I really like the sexual stuff to be complementary to the story and the rp instead of the sole purpose of it. I find single scenes to be really boring.
No one liners.
My time zone is Pacific Standard (GMT -8) and I’m pretty busy so I will let you know when I have to go offline and I ask that you respect my time. I will of course do the same.
I generally like to keep the rp private. No threads. My hierarchy goes PM > email > discord
OOC chat is totally fine.
I like my characters to be in their twenties.
I tend to play characters who are subs sexually.
Some boundaries. I will not do the following:
Incest of any kind
Ridiculously sized... anything. I like to keep things pretty realistic and when certain body parts are exaggerated it takes me out of it.
Indigenous/jungle women/native/etc.
loli/shota (I’m pretty sure this is a TOS thing anyway)
Arranged Marriage
Duchess/Earl x Maid
Teacher x Student (one shot)
These are just rough starting points, things can be changed and collaborated.
Sold to the Earl:
A young woman is sold off by her parents to a wealthy Earl known for taking beautiful women into his staff. She is assigned to tend to his specific section of the estate and inevitably runs into him. He at first is interested in her physically, but later begins to actually fall in love with her.
To Tame Him:
The son of a wealthy family is betrothed to a woman in an attempt to tame him. He has created himself the reputation of a real Casanova and his father would like him to grow up. He would need his son to take over the company. The woman is meant to give him some sort of stability. The son tries to charm the woman, but finds that she’s not someone who is swayed so easily.
I also have an F-list
Please feel free to PM about any of these ideas or any of your own