Fx Male Looking for a Dom


Nov 26, 2018
It’s been quite some time since I’ve roleplayed, but I’ve been very excited to come back to it.
Currently I’m looking for a partner that can reply consistently (it doesn’t matter if it’s once a day or once a week, as long as there’s some semblance of consistency—essentially I don’t want ghosts).

As for writing style I’m more inclined to write longer posts because I really enjoy writing and also reading. This means I generally like replies that are at least two paragraphs, but would honestly like much more.

While I am writing a submissive character in terms of the bedroom, I don’t like writing characters that are completely submissive. I like writing characters that can be independent and strong willed. This mostly means I want our experience to be collaborative and not one sided.

Discord, PM, or Email is ok for roleplays. If you would like more rapid fire interactions I would say we go to Discord. Otherwise email and PM work okay too.

Pairings I’d like/am craving:
Maid/Master (cliche, I know)

Other cravings:
Non con/dub con
Forbidden romance

If you have any plots that can be applicable please feel free to send them over. I’m all ears!

One last thing, I’m not one to use pictures so I apologize to those that are visual roleplayers.
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