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Mx Female Paradise lost


Aug 8, 2014
Hello everyone! I'm going to keep this pretty brief for now but the long and short of it is that i'm looking for partners to write with. I've been roleplaying for the better part of 7 years now but i do struggle to find good partners to keep the stories flowing with. Admittedly, i know part of the reason is due to the views i've adopted, more specifically the fact that i've gotten bored seeing the same thing that feels like make up 90% of the requests i see, which leads me to what i want now.

I want to switch roles around, i want the female to be the lead, i want stories with smut. It doesnt have to be crazy literate or feel like every post we do is a chapter long but i'd like for there to be chemistry between characters and a drive for the story and sex. I'd love for them to be gentle and sweet or rough and tumble when the scene calls for it. I'd love it if there was emotion and thoughts behind the characters, even if it comes down to portraying a disability in the character's body or mind. If any of this sounds interesting, feel free to shoot me a message.

I'm also going to leave a link to my F-list. I don't think i've changed too much there but i know it needs to be updated at some point too. F-list
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