Fx Male Obsession/Stalker/Captivity rp ideas (graphic)


Nov 24, 2018
I'd really like to come up with a one on one to with general idea. My main character is a siren who's blood is addictive to vampires because it induces a drug like high when consumed and since a siren is immortal, they could be used as a permanent blood supply. Sirens also have a lure to them that draws in other beings as they are naturally seductive type creatures, which makes it easier for them to feed.

There is also an idea given the fact that a sirens voice effects different creatures in different ways depending on their underlying nature. For example, which male werewolves it brings out the primal need to mate by any means necessary.

Or any general idea for obsession/stalker/captivity rp is open for discussion if you have ideas. I'll post my character info below:

Name: Katherine Hawkins (Kat)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: Siren
Hair: Fire engine red, length to waist
Eyes: Electric blue
Skin: Pale/Translucent
Height: 5'9
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Abilities: Manipulation/creation of fire, hypnotic voice, voice manipulation, high pitched damaging shriek, immortal and able to heal as long as she stays fed on life energy, blood is addictive and induces a drug like high to vampires, voice effects different races in different ways: humans become docile and easily influenced, for werewolves it invokes primal urges (for instance female werewolves become territorial and want to kill the siren, male werewolves want to mate with the siren by any means necessary), vampires seem to have a higher resistance to their voice, but mostly seems to generally fascinate them. Each race has a different reaction depending on their underlying nature. Kat can feed off life energy through singing, touch or growing sharp long nails to penetrate the flesh to feed more quickly if necessary.
History: Kat is the reincarnation of the original Mother Siren (Auris) and she's been running from other sirens who want to resurrect Auris using Kat as the host. Shes also been running from a vampire Dimitri who became obsessed with her, her blood and her history. His character is open for being played to any interested.

Also, here is a link to mt f-list:

F-list - Warning
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