Fx Male Into the Lions Den

Oct 19, 2018
I am enjoying incredible successes. I have broken up many of the cities worst gang and sent their leaders to jail for very long times. But the worst gang, the most secretive and evil of them all, I have had no luck bringing to justice. These are not thugs from poor neighborhoods. They are not murderers who met in prison. These are ex military, products of swat and seal team training, led by retired generals, organized crime gang lords and political policy makers.
I have tried every trick I know to get into their headquarters to collect the evidence I need to bring them down. Nothing has worked. There is one thing I haven't tried yet tho because of the danger. I know for a fact among their many illegal operations they have a fondness for kidnapping the most beautiful and desirable women in the city and presenting to their leaders to keep as personal bondage sex toys. There is no record of any girl they snatched ever escaping. But this is the choice I must make. Am I willing to walk into their trap, let myself be captured so I can be taken to the headquarters of their top man and hope I can escape and take him down?
My informants tell me their gang is hijacking a huge shipment of gold from one of our depositories that is being shipped to Switzerland.
I ride in the truck with the guards waiting for them to spring their attack.
We drive on thru the night on back roads in a well armed convoy. Crossing a bridge we are stunned to see a section of bridge ahead of us explode and fall to the river below taking most of the cars in front of us down as it collapses. We screech to a halt and the section behind us explodes and drops into the river. As chaos breaks out two huge helicopters appear, drop these giant claws onto the cab of the truck and the trailer and pick us up off the bridge flying us away at a high speed me and the two guards are immediately hit with drugged darts from high powered rifles and pass out in seconds.
I wake up laying face down on a grassy field, my boots crossed and bound, ankles and thighs tied, wrists and elbows tied, ropes around my waist and framing my tits lock my arms to my back and, I have a large ball gag tightly strapped in my mouth.
I groan a soft unnnhhh and hear a man say
She's awake. Bag her.
I get lifted up by my hands and feet and laid down in a military style heavy duty body bag that gets zipped shut then cinched tight from ankles to throat in straps then thrown into a can and driven a good 90 minutes before we finally stop. Men grab my feet and shoulders and carry me a while then drop me on a floor as a voice I don't recognize say
Welcome to your new home slave blunder.

Evil masterminds with a love of tight ropes and helpless heroines please feel free to pm me continuing the adventure!
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