Fx Any Pokemon Interest

Fera Lockhart

Feb 17, 2011
Welcome to Random Craving of the Week! Year!(My goodness it's been a while)

A little disclaimer! I am looking for smut with plot. If our rp turns out to be just smut I will abandon it without remorse. So please come with the desire to have some plot with our rp. Also! Limits! I don't do MxM and I don't do poop for any reason, that includes diapers. Anything else just bring it up and let's see where we can take it!
-Smol addendum, I roleplay over PMs.

Hello! I know it has been some time since I've posted a craving and I'm very sad to say that I have yet to find someone ideal as a partner! I'm sure it's a personal problem on my end and I ask forgiveness from everyone that I have failed with.

Right now I'm looking for something with pokemon. Preferably with actual pokemon and not anthropomorphized. Female trainer or male trainer, or some other variation I don't know! I'm very open to the idea and I'm game as long as the plot is interesting. Smut with no plot is very boring to me so we need something to drive the story along. I can also help brainstorming! I'm always looking for something long term, although a catchy short term is also acceptable.

Past Desire
The Anime Overlord
So! Every time I come across old anime I've seen I'm constantly drawn towards Overlord, and I get this desire welling up to rp some of it. It doesn't have to be specific characters either. I would love to try and explore some of the daily activities from different parts of that world. Even though I have read as many of the novels as I could find I don't consider myself that knowledgeable, I'm sure we can fill in the dots. Now that being said, I'm open to roleplaying just about any character in that world, or at least trying to, as well. If you're a fan and feel the same way I do please message me! We must work something out.
Anyway~ I'm looking for a Twin Sister x Futa sister rp.
Ideally I want something really cute with a INSURMOUNTABLE amount of build up. That being said let me explain what I mean. I want a lot of tension and cutely sexual moments. That means the actual act of sex is probably not going to happen. But there will be plenty of teasing, naughty scenes, dirty scenes, and just "wholesome" goodness! Of course I'm not close minded when it comes to the dirty deed, it's just not what I'm looking for at the moment. Although I'm somewhat open to the idea of a twin male x sister rp, I get the feeling this pairing will attract a lot of conflicting interest. So please, female x female futa only! (Unless you can promise you'll play nice as the boy?)
Picture References~

Have a female, either humanoid or not, that you have wanted someone to play? Show me and if I like it we might be able to work something out. I am not looking for celebrities, however I might do some fandoms if the plot is good. But don't expect me to stick to their lore.
Addendum; I'm looking for something to inspire me to rp them. The more ordinary a picture is the less interesting I will likely find it.

If you want me to Dom I'm willing to do it, only if you Dom for me first. Otherwise I will be looking to play sub.

((Now I never did find someone to do this. Most people that brought it up to be were essentially looking for a real world predator and their 'prey'. What I was looking for was literally hunter and prey. Only one person approached with something similar to what I really wanted, but was ultimately incompatible as well. Tough break for me.))

Hunter x Prey

Now this can be taken in various themes and I'd love to hear interesting ideas you might have. So medieval, sci-fi, even modern settings are game. Now I don't mind if this actually includes vore! But conversely, I won't be disappointed if it doesn't. You can be as brutal as you like or be a little kinder and sweet. I prefer finding a reference picture after we figure out what kind of prey we want to have for our rp. I can play submissive or strong willed.

I'd like to play a life-like android. I say life-like because it doesn't need to be human. Look at these cuties, for example.

I'm not limiting myself to those, if there are others that you have in mind I won't mind doing it.
I recently started a rp with one that someone immediately lost interest in. It's sad because I was smitten by the android.

Below are some of the responses I gave, if you're curious. My android is just human here.

Little Addendum here: I'm looking for some plot, some development. Not "Me want sex now!"
That is just so droll, not to say it can't be done right. I suppose it would help if I offer little plots? But I'm open to just about anything, so long as it's interesting. Not "Sex now pls." I know I'm being a bit sarcastic here but that's what it feels like. Smut is so much better with plot to back it up, just a little character development and it becomes so good. Like adding salt to food. Have you tried food without salt?
Android 001 was waiting patiently in her assigned quarters. If you could call it that. She was essentially inside a capsule of a room just waiting to be used. Most of her equipment was in sleep mode, connected to her charging station. Most of her hair was used to transfer this energy, that way there was no unseemly hole in her body, aside from the ones that would realistically be there. If one looked closely you could see grooves that normal people didn't have, bit they were in areas that were always covered with clothes. Her pelvic region and her under arms. She had jet black hair and dark brown eyes, a hairless body that would radiated in the moonlight with how fair she was.

Was she bored? Not at all. She didn't know what boredom was. You wait. It was an easy task. So she waited. And waited. How long has she been here? She checked, or at least some part of her did. Two days 17 hours, 32 minutes and 17 seconds. 18, 19, 20. Although she knew it was incorrect, but intentionally paying attention to time really did seem to slow it down.

The android nodded once, with a convincing smile, and looked towards the other person. "Secondary access acknowledge. Hello, Andrew Martin." Her brown eyes returned to the primary user, as she was her primary owner all her attention would be to her by default. She stood there, naked, and her nipples perked slowly. Unfortunately, she was uncertain if she was suppose to begin her basic functions or not. Since she wasn't addressed for it then she probably shouldn't. The ones and zero's calculated furiously in her motherboard.

Her attention suddenly shifted towards the secondary user. She then bowed slightly. "This one's function seem to be one hundred percent operational." Which she assumed meant that she was to start. Perceiving orders without them being given was part of her programming, to make her seem more real. "Is this area satisfactory to the secondary user?" She gestured the area and was already walking towards and touching Andrew, in a manner a lover would.

No Longer Accepting Normal Human Androids

Okay so I thought I should add a few ideas here and there.

Human x android-
first generation Androids that are still full of potential problems!

Ex-military Android x domestication-
A story where an Android is to be repurposed for civilian life

Sci-fi, pleasure brothel Android x owner-
I don't mind monsters and aliens for this!

AI ship x owner/crew-
Not really sure what to do with this, think of something like Cortana. Would love to plot over this.
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Okay. New craving for this week. Although the last time I did this was months ago... maybe I should call it Craving of the month?
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