Mx Female Not my little sis!


May 15, 2012
This RP is a fairly simple premise: a brother fools around with his sister and gets her pregnant.

Now, if that premise jives with you, here’s what I’m after: a light, romantic but smutty jaunt between two siblings. Maybe the sister has a boyfriend they can blame the pregnancy on, maybe they keep it a secret, maybe the whole family is in on it, who knows?

Main kinks: biting, cumplay, impreg, incest. Can definitely add public sex, filming, and light bdsm if you want. There are some other kinks I’d like, but they’re not everyone’s cup and tea and tend to scare people off. Since those ones aren’t required, I won’t list them here and we can discuss them privately.

Alternatively, same basic plot but with daddy/daughter would be fine
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