Would you like to kiss Beth?


Nov 17, 2018
My biggest weakness, outside of run on sentences, spelling and typos is coming up with good playable ideas, so I’m always open to suggestions.

Mostly I've been wanting to do F/F play, but that's just a want, not a rule.

A few things I've been thinking on include:

The more I’ve turned this basic plot over the more excited I’ve gotten due to the number of directions it could take.

MC, Olivia struggled for decades trying to convince herself she wasn’t a lesbian. Finally in her mid 40s with her daughter grown and 2 failed marriages behind her she comes to acceptance. With her acceptance comes a new strength and freedom, that has taken her from a meek, depressed woman to a strong, confident person who has seized life and is no longer afraid of her sexuality or exploring any number of decadent behaviors.

When she finds your character, she recognizes many of the traits that she struggled with herself. I can’t decide on age or background of YC, but I don’t see her less than mid 20s and no more than MC's age of late 40s. YC could either be in a bad marriage or just out of one, but not accepting herself. Or, she could be in the early stages of coming out and struggling, maybe hurt and taken advantage of by someone else.

The 2 main characters could be casual friends, co-workers, strangers that meet in a bar, anything really I have no set ideas. I love plotting with someone to flesh out all this initial detail.

I see this a long slow smoldering story, that has intense peaks of passion, kink, and exploration. The long term goal, and I hope it takes months to get there, is to see where the relationship goes once YC has the same acceptance of herself the Olivia has.


Can a middle aged bisexual or lesbian move back to her small town home and be accepted by her childhood friend?
Should she try and start a romance with her?

I don't want it overly smutty but a strong sexual tense, especially early.


It was the 1950 when women stayed home and took care of the house during the day, and their husbands in the evening.

But what went on when the housework was done and the kids were still at school?
Were these girls fooling around on their hard working husbands?

Were they fooling around with each other?
How about on Saturday nights? Were the neighborhood bar-b-ques turning into much more?
This would obviously be smut heavy, but I don't want to sacrifice any plotting to get there.

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