Long Term Partner for Multi-Arc Story Needed!


Oct 29, 2017
Hello there! Thanks for reading my request!

I am looking for a role play partner to join me in a very long form RP which will require both of us to portray multiple characters. The premise is fairly simple and has some fantasy elements, and many themes both sexual and story based. I will include a short synopsis as well as a list of kinks and fetishes I fully intend to include as well as others I am open too but I are not essential. Ido have limits but not many, so if you are interested and want to suggest something kink or fetish wise that you don't see go right ahead and ask. I'm always open to talk and discuss things.

Premise: The main character is a boy who after a horrible accident nearly dies. He makes a deal with a lust demon to live. The deal is that the demon will give him powers of corruption/suggestion, as well as a giant cock in order for him to fuck every woman he can, thereby feeding the demon all of the lust and pleasure they feel. The boy then goes forth using this power to corrupt and fuck nearly every woman he meets, gaining power and influence over the world along the way towards his own final goal of creating a world so filled with lust and beauty that most sex is more normal than a handshake to greet someone with. (This is just the backbone, there will be sagas, arcs, and storylines built on this. The fantasy element is not highly instrumental, but merely an explanation of where the characters powers come from.)

Kinks and Fetishes: Things in bold are must haves
Oversized cock
Oversized breasts and ass
Excessive cumshots
Dominance and Submission (Main Character Domming others)
Mind Control

Lite non-con

So yeah If you are interested at all let me know! I prefer to Rp in PM, and Can usually reply at least once a day, often times more so.
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