My Sick And Disturbing Request Thread


Nov 13, 2018
I thought I'd go ahead and post this. A simple list of rp story ideas that I have had floating around my brain.

1. Daughter Rape Porn Movies - In this one I will play multiple characters, the main ones will be a husband and wife that both just lost there jobs. There's no jobs out there. Were 2 months behind on the rent, bills piling up. Then one day one of my friends comes over for some drinks. He tells me and my wife that he has a idea of how we can avoid being homeless. He asks how old is your daughter, and I say 16. He says that there is a huge market for a certain type of home made videos, teen rape videos. And he thinks we can make a boat load of money if our daughter is forced to do some videos. And that he has some friends that are willing to pay a lot of money to do these videos with your daughter. My eyes go wild like saucers, my wife is crying and about to tell the guy to get out. But then I talk to her about the money we would make. I asks how much could we make. He says over $10,000 a week. I tell him Ok, we'll do some. Over the next few months countless men and sometimes women come over to our house to rape our daughter on video and soon we're out of the poor house.

2. Daughter For Sale - In this one I can play either a single father or mother that has a real bad drug habit. My daughter wants the best in life and I'm getting tired of her. One of my friends comes to me with an offer, to sell my daughter to him, no questions asked about what will happen to her. And I'll be paid a lot of money.

3. You Wanna Rape My Daughter? - In this one I will play multiple characters. I am your father with a real bad drug habit. I go to an area near our house to try and buy some drugs. But when I reach into my pocket, all I have is a few bucks. The man says no deal. Then an idea comes to my mind. I tell him do you want to rape my teenage daughter??? Him and his friends (all black) come close to me. The guy says "I don't believe you, prove it!!!" I pull out my cell phone and show them a picture of you smiling to the camera. The guy offers me his entire supply of drugs in exchange for letting them rape her anytime they want. I agree. They follow me to my house and I tell them which room she is in and they attack you while I watch.

4. Porn Movies - This one is similar to #1, but in this one you are kidnapped and forced to do underage porn movies.

If any of these ideas interest you or if yo have an idea of your own, please PM me.

Thanks for reading
Anyone out there that still wants to do any of these kind of rp's? I'm feeling very dirty and sinister right now.
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