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Battlefield 1 Players Cease Fire to Observe 100th Anniversary of WWI


Devil with a Heart of Iron
Apr 5, 2014
Article Link: Battlefield 1 Players Cease Fire To Observe 100th Anniversary Of WWI

I thought thisbwas a really neat thing to do, and wanted to share for those not already in the know about it. It's rare to see gamers unifying to do something like this, even if it was such a small subset of the player base and a further subset of that weren't participating. Those outliers, whether aware of the event or not, didn't bother me as much as I thought they would.

Anyways, the article hit me in an odd place and I felt like sharing. Have a good day!
It's an interesting idea, for sure, and kind of heartwarming. Given that it's arguably shaky ethical ground to play games intended to be fun while using actual grisly wars as the 'playground,' I think it's important we at least try to remember the actual tragedy. So it's nice to see some people did just that.
That is a very simple but powerful gesture. Touching, like Trias said. Kinda wish that would be a more common display, but maybe it will over time.

Thanks for linking the article~
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