I look at the message a couple of times. It just didn't sound right. My aunt has never texted me, until now. That in itself would not have been as suspicious, if it was just a simple social call. The text asked me if I could come down to her house tomorrow at 10 "...for some chores around the house". That did not sound like my aunt - not at all. She has a husband for doing chores around the house but while the request made me excited, it also caused me to pause and think. You see, I had been fantasizing a lot about her in recent times, but there is no way for her to know that. Or would she? I know that I was a little too open with my friends the other day when we were hanging out and aunt was there. But, what were the odds that she would be listening to me? Besides, my reddit account wherein I posted some things about her was too obscure for her to find out. I sigh and send her a simple message "Sure, I will be there
". I am sure she wanted to fix something that her husband can't or won't. At least, I get to see her. That made me excited for she's quite good to look at. Very good, in fact.
You are tensed as you wait for a response. Your husband has just left home for the airport. You knew that you shouldn't be afraid of getting caught... yet. I mean, why would he suspect you? You love him with all your heart and there are two kids to prove the point. This thing, whatever this is, is just a curiosity. You want to confront your nephew and ask him why he thinks these things about you. It really is a curious thing - you had never imagined that he would think about you this way. After all, he is almost half your age and you're his aunt to boot. And growing up, you were not his favorite aunt anyway. Your sister showed all her love for him and you were jealous when he would choose your sister over you when he was a toddler. But now, he is grown up and when you met him at the mall the other day, he was proud to introduce you to his friends. That in itself was not very strange but then, you excused yourself since you had a long day ahead in the mall. You went past them, trying to locate your youngest. It was totally by chance that you happened to walk right behind them a minute after you met them and you could clearly hear him say "Yeah, I know she is hot. Well, damn, she's not just that - she's a nice person too. And a great mom. You know.." your nephew's voice was unmistakably excited and strangely, a little whiny "..I wish I could knock her up. I would love to put a baby in her. If only she was not my aunt...". You didn't know what you wanted. To run away or to confront him. How dare he? But then, you decide that it was not in you to confront him in front of others. So, you leave the place, hoping that you would forget this by the time you meet him next.
That night, after your regular sex with your husband, you checked into the computer and searched more about him. His facebook posts were innocent enough but you dig in a bit more and find out from an old family email which contained his old email address. It was a strange one, his name interspersed with a couple of his favorite cartoon characters and his birth year. Ummm.. he has not been using this email id for a while. You google search that name and nothing returns. You were almost about to give up but you slowly delete the mention of his name in the word and click "Search". A couple of responses, one of them is a website called 'reddit'. A user by this same name. Could it be him?
You take 30 minutes to finish reading some of his previous posts an realize a couple of essential things: It is unmistakably him (he had mentioned about his family and school life and you know that it is him). He wants you, sexually (there was a whole post in a place where people make confessions about how much he desires his 'aunt'. And the mention of previous Christmas dinner which was hosted in your house). He has observed about how good a mom you are and is keenly interested in... well, there is no other way to put it, knock you up. You turn off the laptop. You're slightly nauseated - he was a baby boy not too long back. He is family - and he is just a kid. You need to confront him about this. You decide to take some action.
The next morning when you wake up, your thoughts are all consumed by your nephew. The best way to confront him would be to send him an email. You don't want to look at his face while you tell him that he needs to stop thinking about these stuff. I mean, he is a kid, right? He is going to be heartbroken and you cannot see it. After your husband has left for the office, you start typing an email. You could not get the content right that day.
That night, you go back online and check back his whole post history. He has been active in the community (which seems to be mostly of nerdy young teens talking about their life) for a while now and most of his recent posts are about you. He has fantasized about fucking you for a couple of years now (Jesus - how young was he when he first thought about this?) and some of his posts are very sincere in his yearning for you. Awww!!
You bring the email draft back up and start making edits to not make it sound harsh. In the end, you cannot send the email because it still looks very... confrontational. You sigh and save the draft for some other time. You go back to sleep.
There is a chime that indicates a response. You don't want to see the condensed version of the message in the notifications. So, you unlock your phone and carefully open the text to see what it says. You smile and send a "Thanks
". Well, that's done with. Your husband is on a business trip for the next 4 days. Your youngest went to his parents for the week and your eldest goes to day-school every day. You have some time to talk to your nephew tomorrow and you hope that the talk goes well. After all, he is still your darling nephew and it is kind of.. cute that he thinks about you this way.
First of all, thanks for reading this post. I will be glad if you enjoyed it. The story is inspired from someone whom I chatted with about a fantasy scenario. She very much wanted to have her nephew knock her up after hearing him talk to his friends about her. If you are interested, please message me. I would rather have us discuss things before we start.
I am looking for someone who wants to be a curious aunt in this case. You could be outright interested in the sex part of it, because it excites you so much or play someone who is really curious and wants to talk to her nephew about his apparent obsession with her. Or maybe, be a little tease about it? There are many possibilities and I welcome all. Bonus points to someone who can be a little reluctant but overall, very much into it. Impregnation, is a major plus but not absolutely necessary.
I prefer to roleplay in first-person. I would encourage third-person RPers to let me know beforehand. I can certainly do third person RPs as well.
View: https://i.imgur.com/7jynZNT.png
Limits: fat bodies, vore, gore, pain.
Disclaimer: I am an adult looking for an adult (18+) for a fantasy roleplay.
You are tensed as you wait for a response. Your husband has just left home for the airport. You knew that you shouldn't be afraid of getting caught... yet. I mean, why would he suspect you? You love him with all your heart and there are two kids to prove the point. This thing, whatever this is, is just a curiosity. You want to confront your nephew and ask him why he thinks these things about you. It really is a curious thing - you had never imagined that he would think about you this way. After all, he is almost half your age and you're his aunt to boot. And growing up, you were not his favorite aunt anyway. Your sister showed all her love for him and you were jealous when he would choose your sister over you when he was a toddler. But now, he is grown up and when you met him at the mall the other day, he was proud to introduce you to his friends. That in itself was not very strange but then, you excused yourself since you had a long day ahead in the mall. You went past them, trying to locate your youngest. It was totally by chance that you happened to walk right behind them a minute after you met them and you could clearly hear him say "Yeah, I know she is hot. Well, damn, she's not just that - she's a nice person too. And a great mom. You know.." your nephew's voice was unmistakably excited and strangely, a little whiny "..I wish I could knock her up. I would love to put a baby in her. If only she was not my aunt...". You didn't know what you wanted. To run away or to confront him. How dare he? But then, you decide that it was not in you to confront him in front of others. So, you leave the place, hoping that you would forget this by the time you meet him next.
That night, after your regular sex with your husband, you checked into the computer and searched more about him. His facebook posts were innocent enough but you dig in a bit more and find out from an old family email which contained his old email address. It was a strange one, his name interspersed with a couple of his favorite cartoon characters and his birth year. Ummm.. he has not been using this email id for a while. You google search that name and nothing returns. You were almost about to give up but you slowly delete the mention of his name in the word and click "Search". A couple of responses, one of them is a website called 'reddit'. A user by this same name. Could it be him?
You take 30 minutes to finish reading some of his previous posts an realize a couple of essential things: It is unmistakably him (he had mentioned about his family and school life and you know that it is him). He wants you, sexually (there was a whole post in a place where people make confessions about how much he desires his 'aunt'. And the mention of previous Christmas dinner which was hosted in your house). He has observed about how good a mom you are and is keenly interested in... well, there is no other way to put it, knock you up. You turn off the laptop. You're slightly nauseated - he was a baby boy not too long back. He is family - and he is just a kid. You need to confront him about this. You decide to take some action.
The next morning when you wake up, your thoughts are all consumed by your nephew. The best way to confront him would be to send him an email. You don't want to look at his face while you tell him that he needs to stop thinking about these stuff. I mean, he is a kid, right? He is going to be heartbroken and you cannot see it. After your husband has left for the office, you start typing an email. You could not get the content right that day.
That night, you go back online and check back his whole post history. He has been active in the community (which seems to be mostly of nerdy young teens talking about their life) for a while now and most of his recent posts are about you. He has fantasized about fucking you for a couple of years now (Jesus - how young was he when he first thought about this?) and some of his posts are very sincere in his yearning for you. Awww!!
You bring the email draft back up and start making edits to not make it sound harsh. In the end, you cannot send the email because it still looks very... confrontational. You sigh and save the draft for some other time. You go back to sleep.
There is a chime that indicates a response. You don't want to see the condensed version of the message in the notifications. So, you unlock your phone and carefully open the text to see what it says. You smile and send a "Thanks
First of all, thanks for reading this post. I will be glad if you enjoyed it. The story is inspired from someone whom I chatted with about a fantasy scenario. She very much wanted to have her nephew knock her up after hearing him talk to his friends about her. If you are interested, please message me. I would rather have us discuss things before we start.
I am looking for someone who wants to be a curious aunt in this case. You could be outright interested in the sex part of it, because it excites you so much or play someone who is really curious and wants to talk to her nephew about his apparent obsession with her. Or maybe, be a little tease about it? There are many possibilities and I welcome all. Bonus points to someone who can be a little reluctant but overall, very much into it. Impregnation, is a major plus but not absolutely necessary.
I prefer to roleplay in first-person. I would encourage third-person RPers to let me know beforehand. I can certainly do third person RPs as well.
View: https://i.imgur.com/7jynZNT.png
Limits: fat bodies, vore, gore, pain.
Disclaimer: I am an adult looking for an adult (18+) for a fantasy roleplay.