"Goddamnit, I told you SPECIFICALLY I didn't want a freaking latté, I wanted coffee with a bit of milk! What's so hard to understand about that!?"
The director looked almost cartoonishly comical, a large vein of his neck nearly throbbing as he was clearly challenging his blood pressure to keep up with his screaming at the young man who had finally managed to get the order from the coffee shop across the street from the set. At least he wasn't spitting with his roaring this time. Matthias, starting to finally get used to the way the man acted, stood and waited for him to finish screaming about someone else's mistake. "Sorry, sir," he said and put his rectangular, frameless glasses back seeming as they had slid down his nosebone. "I'll get a different one right away."
On the surface, this job as a gofer at the set seemed like hell, but to the young blonde boy, it seemed to be just about perfect. He could not believe his luck when his aunt, a producer in Hollywood, had managed to get him a summer job here on the set. Sure, he wasn't exactly hanging out with the stars, but simply being there - seeing people work the cameras, occasionally managing to catch a glimpse of the actors as they went on with their scenes... it was fascinating, to say the least. And of course, there was the perk that one of them was one of the most impossibly attractive women to walk the earth. THat kind of helped, too.
The director looked almost cartoonishly comical, a large vein of his neck nearly throbbing as he was clearly challenging his blood pressure to keep up with his screaming at the young man who had finally managed to get the order from the coffee shop across the street from the set. At least he wasn't spitting with his roaring this time. Matthias, starting to finally get used to the way the man acted, stood and waited for him to finish screaming about someone else's mistake. "Sorry, sir," he said and put his rectangular, frameless glasses back seeming as they had slid down his nosebone. "I'll get a different one right away."
On the surface, this job as a gofer at the set seemed like hell, but to the young blonde boy, it seemed to be just about perfect. He could not believe his luck when his aunt, a producer in Hollywood, had managed to get him a summer job here on the set. Sure, he wasn't exactly hanging out with the stars, but simply being there - seeing people work the cameras, occasionally managing to catch a glimpse of the actors as they went on with their scenes... it was fascinating, to say the least. And of course, there was the perk that one of them was one of the most impossibly attractive women to walk the earth. THat kind of helped, too.