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Fx Male That Most Favored - Star Wars Tales (Original Characters)


On Leave (8/17 - sporadic replies)
Aug 20, 2018
Yes, I'm a woman who heartily enjoys Star Wars, but have no fear, I am far from being one who knows everything and gets hung up on what has already been written.

My goal: to join with another gamer/writer in creating a game/tale set in the Star Wars setting, using the Star Wars Universe as a backdrop and setting. The ideas are as boundless as the stars, and HAVE FUN.

I would love to match a lass up against the Empire, not to make it fall, but because she likes a challenge and the mystery, as well as the thrill of danger and power. A simple storm trooper, an officer with his own mind. Although a bounty hunter would do.

As for character ideas, ladies I could present for your lads:

The MECH: A mechanic, and black-market weapons builder, Fyria Mel has her own secrets, and her own eccentric ways of rendering herself untraceable. Why, you ask? The last thing she needs is for her family to find her, especially the man who is her grand-uncle, and one of the prime movers in the Empire. In her blood is the family heritage, and her body the only female of their pure bloodline, and they need heirs.

The PRIMATIVE: her planet sits on the edge of the Outer Rim, her people the few inhabitants on a world where electric tech hardly works, and a tale runs strong of their ancestors, the Star Sailors. Crash-landing on the world hundreds of years prior, the people have become "primative." Their weapons range from knives to black-powder guns, their farms are small. What happens when someone not from the world arrives? What happens when galactic war comes to their sparsely-populated doorstep?

The OWNER: she runs a restaurant that would be the equivalent of a very, very nice truck stop. Once, it was a research outpost, studying the barren planet below, and even housing a weapons testing platform that's been decades forgotten.

The SLEEPER: recovered from an ancient ruin, the statue, it was realized, contained a coffin, but the woman inside was alive. What happens when she awakens and who awakens her?

These are just thoughts, seeds of ideas to play with. By all means, contact me with yours and we can discuss!

I look forwards to writing with you!
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