Azazael once held rank amongst the Grigori, a group of Angels dispatched by God to watch over Mankind countless eons ago; their purpose was to watch only, to monitor for signs of demonic interference or other acts of greater Evil. They were not to interfere, and most certainly not intended to mingle with those they watched... but as time passed, they began to succumb to corruption, assimilating with those they'd been tasked with watching. First, they began to teach the humans arts that Heaven had kept from them, such as astrology and magic; they taught them to craft steel weapons, and advanced their civilization through guidance and wisdom. Their greatest crime, however, was to fall to temptation, as they began to lust after mortal women; copulation between mortal and divine became rampant, and inevitably gave birth to the Nephilim, a breed of monstrous beings that spread across the world like a plague.
In the end, God chose to cleanse the world of these beings, along with many of the mortals who had fallen from His favor, with a Great Flood.
But even as the torrential rains began, many of the Grigori were found and imprisoned by the Archangels, sealed in the depths of Heaven for all eternity. But Azazael was cunning, and unerringly evaded their hunt, taking on many forms and seeking shelter throughout the span of existence. He survived the Great Flood, and as mankind struggled to rebuild in the wake of that cataclysm, he once more hid himself amongst their ranks, concealing his divinity. Still, he had learned his lesson. Mostly. He knew better this time than to try and lead the humans, or breed with their women; his continued safety relied upon Heaven's belief that he was either dead or gone from the Earth. The Archangels, and others of his kin ceased visiting Earth soon after the flood, but occasionally he could feel their burning gaze on the land, watching... ensuring that nothing was amiss. He moved from village to village, throughout the known world, always remaining in one place for no longer than a handful of years before moving on somewhere new.
For millenia he endured, using his powers to survive and even thrive amongst the humans. Never rising too high above them, he nonetheless lived comfortably, and although he was careful to restrain his seed, he fully embraced the full force of his growing lusts, copulating with as many women as he could find. On occasion, he would be drawn to his original purpose, seeking out a site of demonic interference and using his own wrath to put an end to it, but he mostly kept himself distant from the conflicts of mortals, avoiding any man-made wars or strife.
The last hundred or so years represented... a shift in his behavior. Whereas before he would settle in one place for a time, make connections to the surrounding mortals, he became more and more prone to wanderlust; humans were growing and developing so much more quickly since the Renaissance had passed, changing in temperament and capability with each passing moment.
But at the same time, the state of the world had grown increasingly dire. Heaven had grown all the more distant, the gazes of the Archangels rarely falling upon the Earth... and as a result, the demons had grown bolder, beginning to seep into the world in greater and greater numbers. Drawn to his original calling, as a watcher of the humans and opponent to the machinations of Hell, he began to push back against the demons; he didn't have the power to cast them all back into Hell, but he slowed their advance, disrupted the worst of their plots, exorcising the more powerful Hellspawn, and utterly destroying the younger, weaker ones. With the watchdogs in Heaven having grown lax in their duty, he found himself free to pursue bolder and bolder acts, even spreading some small bits of knowledge to select humans to aid them in combating the demonic hordes.
((For the most part, Azazael is intended for a modern setting with an obvious supernatural twist, although with some discussion he could likely be adapted for historical or fantasy settings, so long as his character history can remain mostly intact. Rather than having a super specific scenario already in mind, I wrote a character that I'd like to throw into supernatural shenanigans, and therefore I'm open to working out something with a lot more worldbuilding and plot
Buuuuut it should be worth noting that I'm still going to want a healthy dose of lewds thrown in there. Whether it's a mix of story and smut, or pure smut, I'm open to both! When it comes to literacy and post length I prefer well-written posts that are at least a couple of paragraphs long, though for the lewds one good-sized paragraph'll do.
The sorta settings I'm looking for aren't so much ones that put him in serious peril, (as between his raw power and sheer level of knowledge there's not much that can take him down,) but rather ones that worldbuild a setting and bounce him off a variety of different characters played by both of us. Whether anyone would like to play a GM/DM role, or have a sorta 'partner in crime' that he meets and adventures with, (with both of us sharing the duties of secondary characters,) I suppose the most obvious comparison to the kinda storytelling I have in mind is Supernatural. ^^
Naturally, message me with any questions or story suggestions! The device I use for the site is suited just fine for posting, but not so much for big ads, so I'm probably going to be tweaking and adding to this over time.))
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