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The Headsman Cometh (Potter-kun x TheMadMan)


Mar 2, 2014
"Mistress... do we even have a plan here?" A man, standing just about 6 feet 6 inches tall asked the woman walking next to him while they walked down a dark hallway. The man was dressed in a very expensive looking white suit while a blindfold of some make covered his eyes. Short, well-kept white hair adorned his head while he was shockingly pale. His hands were neatly folded behind his back.

"Pfft, of course I have a plan, my dearest Khrnous! I am Telos li Natsume Knight after all!" The woman chirped happily, standing a near foot shorter than her... well, butler. She was dressed far more casually than Khrnous in a sleeveless purple sweater, skin tight black pants, and rather heavy boots that made a rather hard clomping sound with every step. Hair of a dark purple color and descending nearly to her ass descended from her head while a pair of dark purple eyes sat back in her head.

"Are you sure about this though? Throwing him into a mission this early and especially into a world like his own could cause a relapse," Khrnous asked, turning his head towards the woman. The sound of metal scrapping against stone

Telos scoffed, waving off his concerns. "It's fine! I know what I'm doing."

"You said the same thing about The Old Man and you got us banished from his world."

"That was an one off accident. I can't be blamed for that!"

"Of course," Khrnous nodded before looking over his shoulder. "Headsman? How are you feeling?"

There was a second man walking just behind the two, slouched over a bit but still clearly 6 feet tall. He was dragging a large axe behind him in one hand, the source of the metal on stone scrapping echoing through the hallway. This man was dressed rather ruggedly. His dark jacket was worn hard and lightly frayed at the edges while his tan trousers looked like they were decades old. Heavy combat boots adorned his feet while he lacked gloves at the moment. A hood was pulled up from the jacket over his head and concealing most of his face. "Fine," He answered, his voice rough like he wasn't used to talking or hadn't talked in a long while.

"Good good," Khrnous nodded before turning forward. Soon enough, the were presented with the giant double doors that led to Salem's meeting chambers. "So, Mistress, how shall we... Mistress?" Looking over his shoulder, he noticed Telos taking several feet back.

The insane goddess grinned getting down into a low stance before rushing forward. Launching herself into the air, she landed a double kick to the doors, sending them flying open. She did a little spin in the air before landing on her feet. "Which one of you motherfuckers wants to buy a motherfucker that can kill motherfuckers?!" She yelled with a wide grin.

"Ah, the motherfucker route," Khrnous said, sighing as he and the Headsman followed her in.
If Telo's actions were meant to annoy or impress anyone, Salem didn't seem to be either as the trio walked into the room. She sat on her chair, high above the rest of the room atop of staircase as she looked down on them. Part of her didn't even seem obliged to acknowledge their presence but she gazed upon them stoically as she spoke.

"That would be me. I'm assuming that large, brute of man behind you is the one I've been told of?" Salem inquired as she pointed to Headsman as she examined him. In terms of raw physical presence, he certainly seemed like he was able to kill some people. Raw strength didn't always equal skill though and Salem was somewhat skeptical. They were here now though, so she would at least inquire. That useless foe Cinder could use some help, after all.

"So, how much then?" Salem asked, seemingly bored and uninterested at the concept of hiring the man and seemingly not caring much at all for Telo's presence either.
Telos puffed out her cheeks at Salem's indifference to her entrance. It probably really didn't help that Salem was seated at a point higher than her and looking down on her. It really annoyed the goddess, but... she was hear to make a deal with her, something she was more than willing to do to test out some of the... modifications she had made to the Headsman.

"Yes, he is," Telos responded curtly while crossing her arms over her rather... lacking chest. Her attitude had had certainly changed though given Salem's indifference. "I am not asking much for lending you his services. Just access to your world is all. You see, I can only appear on a world when I'm within a certain range of a minion of mine. Unless I am given access by denizen of that world," Telos said before tapping her chin for a moment. "Oh! And some of those Grimm! They are soooooooooo cute!"

Meanwhile, The Headsman stared up at Salem, only a single glowing eye visible underneath the hood. Even with so little of his face seen, it was obvious he didn't like Salem.
Salem simply glared back at the Headsman, not at all intimidated by him it seemed. For the price she was asking, her acknowledgement and just a few Grimm, it seemed like a fair enough of a trade. The brute of a man likely at least had more combat intuition than a Grimm so there was that, at least. Salem let out a bored sigh and simply nodded her head.

"Very well then, I grant you access and acknowledge your presence in this realm. You may have a handful of Grimm to start with, breed them if you want more." Salem waved her hand for a nearby servant to go and fetch the Grimm for Telos before she turned her attention back to the trio.

"So, can he do anything special or does he just hit things really hard with that ax?" Salem inquired as she gazed back at Headsman, meeting his cold and icy glare with a practiced one of her own.
The Headsman just stared back at Salem, not even really blinking it seemed. Telos giggled at Salem's acceptance of her demands, bouncing up and down while happily clapping her hands. "Hm? Oh, I'm sure he does. I mainly just throw him at problems until the problem goes away." Telos replied with a shrug.

Just behind Telos, Headsman raised a hand. Dust began to pour from three ports that appeared in his hand, circling the hand until an appropriate amount was dispensed before it began to condense in the palm of his hand. After a few moments, it formed into a large shiny revolver, which he tossed to Salem's feet. "Different Dust has different effects. For example, Fire dust," Reaching up, he pulled off his head. The entire right side of his face was covered in heavy burn scars. His right eye was gone, covered by an eyepatch. "Immolates me."

"Eww, don't do that. Cover that up," Telos hissed. The Headsman sighed before pulling his hood back up before looking away.

Khrnous chuckled before turning to Salem. "He is also quite skilled at the sexual arts, Ma'am. If you or any of your female compatriots need satisfaction, then you'll find his services quite satisfactory," He told her, causing Telos to look confused for a moment.

"He is?" Telos asked.

"He is, mistress."
Salem raised a curious eyebrow at his manipulation of the Dust. His disfiguration didn't seem to bother her all that much. What finally drew some emotion from her was Khrnous' statement of Headsman sexual prowess. He was certainly a large man....Salem imagined he had a large cock to boot. Her grin widened as she let out a small chuckle. It had been awhile since she had had fun and let loose, so why not.

"Is that so.....I'll give him a test spin then. My servant will show you out and get you your Grimm." Salem motioned for the two others to leave as she beckoned Headsman towards her with a wave of her fingers.

"Now then, Headsman....why don't you show me that sexual skill your friend was just bragging about." Salem seemed to almost mock him as she sat on her chair, amused and waiting to see how he would react.
The fact his... condition didn't seem to bother Salem was certainly quite the surprise to The Headsman, though it didn't really show through all that well, especially given most of his face darkened by his hood. His gaze did turn back to Salem when she chuckled at Khrnous' words, obviously quite amused by such statements.

Telos nodded before turning on her heel and heading for the door. "Thank you for your time, Lady Salem," Khrnous said, giving a small bow before following his Mistress out. Once the large doors were closed behind them, Telos grabbed the back of the servant's head. "We can find some Grimm to serve my needs. You'll have another purpose, deary," Telos hissed before her and Khrnous disappeared along with the servant and several Grimm from around Salem's citadel.

The Headsman walked forward before kneeling in front of Salem once he reached her. "Khrnous is no friend of mine," He responded curtly as he looked at her. With a sigh, he then asked, "How shall I service you, my lady?" It was obvious the young man was used to being subservient.
Salem watched as the other two walked off and turned her attention to Headsman, giving him a small smile as he stepped forward and took a knee before her. "Good, I am glad to see you know proper manners, unlike the two guests you were with." Salem spoke as she tried to peer underneath his hood. "Take your hood off, you need not wear it in my presence, understood?" Salem commanded him with a small smirk. She was unfazed by his condition and if anything, she found it to be somewhat attractive...she loved scared and injured things. At his question, her grin widened.

"Eager to get started? Very well...." Salem's voice became lower and more alluring as she slowly began to speak her legs. "Why don't you use that mouth of yours to get me warmed up...." She licked her lips as she eyed him, eager to see what the monster of a man was true capable of. Anyone could have a big cock, but it took the right aptitude of skill and talent to be a good lover. Salem wondered if this man had either.
With a nod, The Headsman pulled back his hood to give her a solid look of his face. To be honest, the left side of his face looked quite well and hinted at him having been quite the handsome man before everything got fucked for him. Around his eyepatch was bits of blackened and charred flesh, again hinting that whatever happened to his eye was terrible. That grin on her lips sorta unnerved him, especially with what he knew that Salem was capable of.

As her legs spread, he looked under the skirt of her dress, his single eye staring into the abyss for a moment before he looked back at her face. He seemed to be doing quite well at keeping up a stoic appearance. "Yes, ma'am," He replied with a nod. Lifting one of her legs, he began to kiss down her thigh, slowly licking and kissing down the black veined pale flesh. After a few moments, his head disappeared under her dress, founding her to be without underwear. As one would expect from such a powerful woman. His surprisingly long tongue reach slowly over her lower lips before it began to lash at her clit harshly, circling and twisting around the sensitive nub in a show of skill.
Salem seemed pleased at the sight of the Headsman's full face. She seemed to be the only person he had ever met to not recoil from the sight but rather, embrace it with a smile. Well, Salem could hardly be called a person, really but it was something. As he moved forward, his tongue brushing against the skin of her thigh, Salem let out a soft moan. "Yes, just like that...keep going. You have quite the impressive tongue. "

Salem complimented his rather long tongue as it soon began to assail her womanhood directly, and more specifically, her clitoris. This drew a sharp moan and gasp from Salem as her hands moved to grasp at Headsman's head. " can't target there so need to go slower..." Salem commanded, sounding slightly off kilter and surprised, that was for sure. Not many people got to see Salem flustered and live to tell about it, after all.
The Headsman couldn't help but feel a bit... at peace as it seemed like Salem was rather accepting of his looks. Whenever he would reveal that part of himself, Telos would retch and tell him to cover himself up. Having been around that kind of reaction for so long had given him a bit of a complex about how he looked, obviously ashamed. When she complimented his tongue, he nodded a bit and smiled.

Her reaction to his actions got him to raise an eyebrow at her. Never seen that kind of reaction from her before. To be completely honest, he very much would've continued to work over her clitoris like he was if she didn't stop him. Looking up at her again, he nodded and moved his tongue down to her pussy lips proper, his eye focused on her face to watch her reaction while his tongue lapped hungrily at her folds. It seemed less like he was working to get her warmed up and more towards getting her off.
Salem ran her hands through the Headsman hair as her moans increased in volume. Her toes curled slightly as she rested her legs up on his strong and broad shoulders. Her face and expression was one of bliss and enjoyment as she curled her fingers in his hair, rubbing gently at his scalp. She knew what he was getting at and she was fine with it. Her pussy oozed with her love juices as if to encourage him.

"Go me out....make me come. You seem to want me so badly." She moved her hips to press her pussy against his lips more firmly, indicating her consent to go ahead and do more. She wanted that long and skilled tongue buried inside her womanhood.
The feeling of her fingers in his hair, gently scrapping against his scalp, caused a shiver to run down his spine. This... was an oddly comforting experience for him since she didn't seem to mind how he looked. The sounds of her moans only seemed to drive him on, especially as her long legs rested over his strong shoulders. As her sweet love juices leaked from her, he was eager to lap them up.

When she finally spoke up and gave him permission to bring her to an orgasm, his eye swivelled up to her face before he nodded. Wrapping his arms around her thighs, his tongue dove into her pussy, reaching surprisingly deeply into her, at least several times longer than a normal human tongue. The powerful muscle swirled and twisted around inside of her in an amazing display of skill. His right hand came around her tigh and began to rub at her clit. If she wanted a show, he was going to give her one hell of a show.
Salem let out soft moans as Headsman licked up her juices that flowed eagerly for him. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had made her feel good, and he was doing quite the good job.

Her breath hitched in her throat as his tongue plunged into her pussy. How was it able to reach so deep and how was he so good with it? Those were the questions she would have asked if she wasn’t now a moaning mess, pushing her hips up against his face eagerly, trying to make his tongue go deeper as her inner walls tightened around it.

“Ahhhhh~ Soooo good....more, Headsman...give me more!” She commanded him between moans with lust as she let out a higher pitched moan as his fingers began to skillfully get to work on her sensitive clitoris.
Telos had started modifying the Headsman in various ways to suit her needs, both in terms of what he could do for her and her sexual needs. Granted, the insane goddess never actually experienced sex itself, at least with a man. She used proxies and drained the memories and emotions from those proxies. She had others to fill the Headsman's shoes while he was gone, so it wasn't all that much of a loss.

As she commanded for more, The Headsman nodded. His tongue went into overdrive, swirling and twisting ever so strongly inside of her, reaching almost to cervix. Feeling her walls tightening around the strong muscle, his tongue work around inside of her in tighter circles and movements. Meanwhile, his fingers worked her clit hard, rubbing and pinching it, grinding that sensitive nub between his fingers.

Hearing her so pleased with the experience caused him to smirk a bit against her loins. No doubt it'd been a while for her and he was probably topping her charts in terms of lovers.
He was indeed the best lover Salem could currently remember and she doubted she had actually had any better or even equal to him. Her eyes began to roll back in her head slightly as she arched her back with each thrust of her tongue. She let out a very long and powerful moan as she felt that long and magnificent tongue of his nearly reach her cervix. She had never felt a tongue so amazing.

Her pussy and indeed her whole body was quivering for him, with the need and desire for release. She began to buck her hips against his face, pressing her pussy lips as closely as she could to his own face and lips, trying to get his tongue just that tiny bit deeper into her so it could lash at her cervix.

"Ahhhn~ Headsman! Good~ Your tongue is godly, wonderful~ I'm....almost~" Salem let out mews and moans that did not befit her station one bit, but clearly showed her affection and lust for the man who was eating her out so skillfully, building her to her climax so quickly.
Those unbefitting moans and mews of pleasure coming from such a haughty woman seemed to fuel a fire within him. As she bucked against his face, he tightened the grip on her thigh, trying to keep her nice and still for him, though he could guess what she wanted from him; the tip of his tongue was almost there anyways. Pushing further against him, his tongue closed those bare few millimeters between his tongue and her cervix and began to lash against it.

The Headsman's good eye looked back up at Salem. He could feel her orgasm fast approaching and from the feeling of it, it was going to be a good one. If she thought this one was going to be good, wait until she was orgasming on his cock. With a smirk against her loins, he pressed forward, his tongue continuing to whip up her pussy. His fingers continued to work her engorged clit, squeezing and rubbing at the nub.

This was one hell of a warmup and if it didn't completely impress, then nothing would.
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