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Fx Male Let's Write an Adventure! ((Plot Before Smut))


No Creature of Theirs
Nov 4, 2018
About Me
My name is Cath and I've been roleplaying for about 15 years now. I greatly enjoy creating stories and arcing plotlines and especially love it when I find a partner who enjoys the same. What else... I'm Canadian, married, in my 30s, and I have a full time life that eats much of my time.

My Style
  • Third person POV. Past tense.
  • I write female (main) characters.
  • I can and will write many secondary characters (male and female) as well as NPCs.
  • My post length varies depending on situation though generally, you can expect at least two-three (often more) paragraphs of writing.
  • My post frequency also varies thanks to that full time life thing that I have going on. But I will try to find time to reply once every 1-5 business days.
  • I am plot/character driven. I want a story. I want to laugh with/at our characters, I want to feel anxiety. I want to look forward to the next plot twist, the next bit of drama, the next encounter, the next retort.
  • I do not care how often our characters have sex. They could go at it three times a day if that works for them. Or a few times a week.
    • This might deter a few people but... To avoid the roleplay becoming nothing but smut, I will probably not want to write out every. single. fuckfest. in extreme detail. Some/many/enough scenes? Definitely have to have the full detail. Others not so much.
  • I do not write strict dom/sub characters. All of my characters are their own creatures, both in personality and sexuality. They can be either, both, or neither depending on character dynamics. If your character has dominant tendencies, my characters can probably adopt a more sexually submissive role - perhaps initially, perhaps over time. Again, this depends on the dynamic between characters. If this is make or break for you, let me know at the start and the character I bring/build will accommodate.
  • Please. If serious dom/sub / BDSM is your thing, I do not want this to mean quasi-abuse 50 shades style. This needs to be healthy and mutual.
    • This does not carry over into villainous characters. Mine nor yours. Because villains are assholes and we like them that way.
  • I personally don't do face-claims. If you like them, feel free to use them. I DO enjoy inspiration/aesthetic images. My issues with faceclaims is that they rarely suit what I see in my head.
  • I greatly enjoy chatting OOC. It helps me connect to the story more.
  • PM is my preferred place to roleplay. I'm anxious about writing on a forum because I'm my own worst critic. I might be able to be convinced...

Thanks for getting through all that. Still interested?

The Good Stuff
  • Genres and themes:
    • Fantasy is my bread and butter. I want that magic - even if I'm writing a character that has none.
    • Action/Adventure. I want a STORY.
    • Supernatural. (Be warned: I'm REALLY picky when it comes to vampires.)
    • Sci-fi. I've never written it, but I certainly enjoy it.
    • Romance. Though it might not be easy.
    • SLOW BURN. Usually. I generally won't jump into smut in the first "chapter" of our adventure. It has happened! But it's very rare.
    • Dark themes.
    • Light themes.
  • The sexy stuff:
    • Yes!: I'm pretty fine to write most anything. Serious BDSM comes up? Sure. Sweet vanilla? Awesome! Aggressive and rough? Great! Non-con is okay... but it can't be the main theme of the RP.
    • No!: Nothing involving underage characters, and take your vore elsewhere. Come at my with hyper anything and I'll glare incredulously at my computer screen.

If you think we'll get along, shoot me a PM with what sort of plot you're interested in writing. It doesn't have to be specific - We can build something together!

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