Fx Any Fox's Fondly Fervant Fixings!

Secret Fox

La belle renard
Nov 4, 2018
Hi, I'm a Secret Fox, and welcome to my Request Thread! If you're looking for an awkward but hopefully charming place to get to know me and my ideas a little better, then here it is! If not, then... Um... I uh... I'm sorry. ^^;

  • The "FxAny" tag above does come with the following caveat: In real world sexual situations, I prefer men. Not exclusively, but I simply like them more. This may influence what I like to play with/against in stories.
  • I work a full time job where I can be called in at any time, so I'm not always available every day. Sorry about that. ^^;
  • I like tea.
  • I am working on an F-List, and I'll edit it in here later when it's done. It will be probably be done by Tuesday. In the meantime, just assume that anything that belongs in the bathroom should not be present in our roleplays when performing kinky acts. Also, tell me what you want in terms of kinks in advance--the list doesn't have to be thorough, but being on the same general page helps!
  • I don't mind being solicited for roleplays (eg: Linking me your request thread), but if I find nothing on there I like, I'll just say so and move on.
  • Foxes are canines, which means they have sharp teeth. They are also small animals. In that same sense, I like being submissive and cutesy, but I'm not afraid to bite if someone does something mean to me.
  • If you approach me with your own thoughts and ideas for something I've listed below here, I will be quite enamoured by that. Proving you can and will carry your own share of the writing burden in your first message to me is impressive and thoughtful. :)
  • I don't require my partners to have an exquisite linguistic capacity upon which superfluously obtrusive filibustering of post content can occur. It's what you say with your words that matters, not the number of them or the intricacy of the language.
  • If you write me into a corner, I'll ask you to help me get unstuck. If you won't do that, I'll be a sad fox.
  • If I've read your message but haven't replied, I'm likely still thinking on it. If I haven't replied in a couple days, go ahead and poke me over it--I don't mind the company! :)
  • Short one-scene write offs or long form multi-part adventures both appeal to me.
  • I can do overly smutty things or write bonafide legitimate stories, and enjoy both for their own qualities.
  • Any character in Ideas or Pairings marked in pink is normally a female character, whereas blue is normally a male character. That said, any of these characters can be gender bent into something else, because that's half of the fun of brainstorming--changing ideas to make them unique!

Summary: A warrior meets a monster in battle in order to defend a nearby member of the royal family.
Notes: It's a simple idea that can be expanded in many directions. Its core part is the battle itself, which can be as kinky or plain as desired.
Summary: Deep space is a lonely place. While out on the frontier, an exploration vessel and its crew discovers an abandoned capital ship floating through space. Intrigued by the discovery, they enter the vessel to discover one occupant in cryostasis, and the rest of the crew missing. From there, a lot can happen out in deep space...
Notes: This requires a bit more creativity on the part of a potential writing partner. It can be as kinky or soft as can be imagined. The crew could be one person, or a few people, and the occupant could be male or female. The occupant could be hostile or friendly, and the capital ship could be relatively easy or extremely difficult to traverse. There are lots of choices here!
Summary: An Elven pilot in a modern fantasy world crashes far away from home in a jungle. As she parachutes down and gets stuck in a tree, a local guide spots her descent. He approaches her, and offers to help her get to safety, as the local area is filled with danger.
Notes: This has plenty of story opportunities and input potential from my partner. It can also be overloaded with smut, as the "jungle full of danger" can be treacherous, and so can the guide. Alternatively, it can be filled with world building a setting with modern conflicts and ideas draped in fantasy terminology. It's entirely up to my partner to decide how this goes.
Summary: An assassin infiltrates a slaver's den and attempts to kill the slave master. In order to infiltrate, she has to disguise herself as a newly acquired slave, and must go through the process to reach her target. Little does she know that the process itself may just break her will before she can even reach her target.
Notes: This idea tends toward being kinkier and smuttier than most plots, as it directly invokes master and slave imagery. The slave master can also be gender bent.

--Coming soon! My expert team of foxes are still building this section with their tiny, adorable paws and need more time!--

  • Angel X Demon
  • Knight X Knight
  • Princess X Demon
  • Princess X Knight
  • Princess X Monster
  • Princess X Vampire
  • Thief X Guard
  • Thief X Slaver
  • Warrior X Monster
  • Warrior X Bandit
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