Fx Male Character and Plot Driven Rps


Oct 24, 2018
Hello people. River Wolf here. I guess I'll start with myself before I get into the plot bunnies.

I'm 26 years old and a prolific writer. I write in 3rd person, past tense with an average length of 3-4 paragraphs depending on how much I've got to work with. I joined my first forum rp back in 2011, but I've pretty much stuck to only a handful of forums. When it comes to writing, I put a heavy emphasis on story and character. I don't mind doing smut and romance, but they aren't my forte so I'm doing my best to expand my abilities as a writer. That being said, I'm not looking to get my jollies off with my plots or characters. I'll write smut and do my best at it, but I'm not trying to tailor things to my interests. I want to make a clear distinction between who I am and who my characters are. That being said, I do have lines I refuse to cross.

Hard Limits
  • Rape/non-consensual
  • Characters Under 18
  • Toilet play (urination/deification)
  • Beastiality
  • Necrophelia
  • Vore
  • Incest
I'm looking for an rp partner who is will respect my hard lines, myself as a writer, and is a proficient writer. This means someone who can write paragraphs instead of lines. It doesn't need to be five paragraphs, two is fine. I'll even accept one when appropriate. However, I do expect decent grammar and spelling overall. Mistakes happen, so the occasional misstep is fine. I also like discussing the plot, at least in part, before starting anything. That way the inciting incident can be planned and both parties have an understanding of what the other wants out of the story. I prefer to rp over thread, pm, or gmail. As a final note, I have poor health. Unfortionatly, this means that there will be times where I won't reply as often. It may take me days or even a week or two to get a post done. If I'm taking too long, you're welcome to pm me. I'll try to at least reply to those quickly.

Please note that some of these plots have been claimed already by other people. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to run them again, but I'd like to put more emphasis on the plots that haven't been taken.

The Plots
Each plot presented is just a rough idea of what I'm looking for. I'm open to changing the plots and their direction should you have any similar ideas you wish to explore. Additionally, I'm willing to play either the male or female role (if applicable).

Omegaverse Exploration:
This particular story falls into a pretty niche category, but it's also the one I'm most interested in trying. It requires a writing partner who is familiar with the omegaverse and we'll have to discuss the specific rules and lore in detail. However, I'm looking to explore the unique aspects of alpha/omega dynamics. The general gist of the idea is that I'd play as a non-traditional omega. Omega's are supposed to be these small, cute, submissive things; but I want to play one that's really into parkour and has a loud, somewhat immature personality. They wouldn't be that small either. Not large per say, but shorter and built like a swimmer or a runner (a physique he'd have to actively work towards). In the plot, they'd meet an Alpha and the pair would get to know one another. Maybe hit it off as friends or start off as a one night stand that blooms into something a little deeper. But the goal would be to explore the alpha/omega relationships and the difference between rational attraction and instinctual attraction.

Takers: 1 (I'm craving omegaverse stuff so I do want more takers)

My Father, the Demon King:
The world is ravaged by war; split apart as the Demon King and his merciless armies as they spread from one country to the next. So far, none have stood up to their might. Most human civilizations are left burned and razed. Many groups of heroes from all different backgrounds and countries are tasked with killing the Demon King (and potentially his heirs) to try and stop the war. Some heroes are on holy quests. Others, mercenaries out to claim their bounties. Maybe even a few groups who banded together on their own, funded by no one but their own sense of justice or need for revenge. One such band or individual hero is surprised by the sudden appearance of a robed stranger. They reveal themselves to be none other than the Crown Princess and Heir to the Demon King's throne. Only, instead of trying to stop the hero, she begs the hero to help her stop her father's reign of terror.

For this scenario, I'd prefer to play the Princess. The hero can just be a single lone hero, or a group. I don't mind picking up some of the group hero characters if needed. As always though, I'd be willing to change the Princess to a Prince.

Dragon Rider's Journey: Closed for Now
This high fantasy world is filled with magic, monsters, and dragons; but in unequal portions. Some lands are gifted with magic while in others magic seems almost entirely absent. This led to a divide between people, countries, and races. Some countries embrace magic with open arms while others outlaw the practice. My character would come from a country rich with magic and, as a dragon rider, is sworn to protect both their country and magic as a whole. The dragon, an intelligent creature, is their best friend and companion. It's through their dragon that they are able to wield magic. My character will most likely be human, but I'd be willing to consider elf or half-elf.

There are a few options for this story. It could be a clash between dragon riders from rival countries that fall in love. Another option is a dragon rider from the same country who they gradually grow closer to. Or my character runs dragon hunter who tries to take out my character's dragon and they have to show the hunter that dragons and magic aren't something to be feared and hated. If you've got an idea, I'd love to hear it.

Takers: 3 (please pick something else)

Half Baked Ideas:
Basically these are just general ideas or pairings that I'd like to play with but don't have a complete idea of what I want to do yet.

Other Omegaverse Stuff: Honestly, I'm just craving doing this in general. So if you've got an idea, feel free to hit me up. I do really want to play as an omega though.

A Walk With a Vampire: Basically a story where I play as a human who someone meets a vampire. Either because she's a vampire hunter, or he's hunting her, or it's a mutual relationship where she agrees to become his source of food as a job.

Werewolves: Fuck it. I like werewolves. They are cool and fun. Obviously the "no beastiality" rule still applies, but I don't mind working with anthros if that is your thing.

An Adventure: I've seen a few people who like to run D&D or tabletop like adventures as a text rp and those seem pretty cool. I haven't found one yet that interests me, but if you have an idea I'd love to hear it.
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