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Fx Male Castlevania: A Love Story


A Cute Peach
Oct 18, 2018
I just binge watched Castlevania on Netflix and I love it dearly. I never played the games growing up, but now I really think I ought to. Anyway...

I'm looking for someone to play Dracula to my Lisa. The show only touched on their relationship slightly but I think there's a lot of sweet character development and fun story elements to be had there. So I'd like to start off shortly after Lisa arrives at Dracula's castle asking for him to help her learn about science and medicine. I want to explore what every day was like for them being together and slowly falling in love. I think the premise could be a little like Beauty and the Beast where it'll start out with Dracula being very rough around the edges, disliking humans, finding Lisa (whom isn't afraid of him at all) very interesting, and being a bit forceful and even a little mean. I'd like for there to be smut eventually, but not until their relationship develops further. I'd like to eventually get to the point of their marriage as well!

So just a couple of things that I prefer:
  • I typically write at least two paragraphs. Please be willing to do around the same length as me per post so we both have good content to work with.
  • Please be willing to be active in coming up with plot elements as much as I am. With a story like this, to keep it going, we're going to have to come up with some conflict and interesting events and I'd like a partner that's willing to come up with ideas just as much as I am so it doesn't grow stale.
  • I write in third person, past tense. You don't have to copy this, but I won't write any other way.
  • I'd like to chat with you OOC so we can get to know each other while we RP! I have a discord we can talk or even RP on, just ask if you're interested.
So if you've watched Castlevania and you're interested in exploring Dracula and Lisa's relationship then please, send me a PM! :giggle:
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