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Fx Any Do you want to play a game?

Sally Aces

Nov 1, 2018
Hello, thanks for popping by. Grab a seat, some snacks, a drink and stay awhile.

Comfy? Yes, good. So here we go...

What’s Sally looking for anyway?

  • First and foremost, a partner that wants to weave a wonderful story together that involves our various dark desires, sexy notions, creative whims and fun, silly musings. I’m SUPER not into doing things by a formula, sorry guys. Please don’t look for a
My Character X your character​
thing, that looks too much like a chore list to be fun. Also, please no “Do you want to RP?” PMs. I’m here, aren’t I? This isn’t a knitting circle, right?​
  • If you haven’t guessed by now, I can be ‘a handful’, so I’m looking for the same. Someone with ideas, opinions, imaginative impulses that will not be denied. Remember, respect goes a LONG way to building trust and Trust is the special sauce that makes a story something more then just naughty words strung together to delight, entertain and get each other off. So pretty please, with sugar on top, don’t write my part for me, write my character’s reactions to the events that are unfolding or tell me what I feel. I find that nothing kills my enjoyment of a story more then that.

  • Someone into creating worlds/cities/encounters as well as characters tailored to our wishes. In particular I like superheroines, magic users, monstergirls as well as more ‘normal’, slice of life stories with twists that make them interesting.

  • I also like using pictures, songs, artwork and such to inspire more details in RP. So I look to play with folks who enjoy that too.

How shall we make things happen?
  • I prefer threads to PMs, PMs to off-site play
  • I can be counted to post daily, slower on weekends though
  • When you contact me do so in a way that tickles my imagination and engages my creativity
  • My Kinks are many and varied, but my hard OFFs are:
    • Vore
    • Scat & toileplay
    • OOC disrespect
Ok, this has gone on long enough for now. I will add to this and update it as the muses move me. Thanks for spending some time with me, I look forward to talking soon.
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