Fx Male Searching for partners


Oct 9, 2017

I'll apologize for the potential wall of text right here, also read the entire thing and ONLY contact me in PM


Hey there, I am Meliel. I am a female in my early 30ies. Love to role play, write and game. Like many others I am a refugee from that other site and am looking to make a new home here. And I hate making request threads, because by the time I am done I will find 50 things wrong with my thread, there will be revisions. Many revisions.​


I like to believe I have a good grasp of the English language. But I can’t always promise to be perfect! It is not my native language and while I primarily speak English these days I still run into minor hurdles here and there.

My normal post length is between three and five paragraphs on average. Of course, at times more is called for and rarely less. I don’t really like to put a word requirement down if the story flow is right I am happy, that being said frequent responses of one paragraph or less will probably make me reconsider the RP.

I will ONLY write third person past tense. No compromises!

Plot is important, I like smut just fine but it can’t hold my attention without a good story to go with it!

I try to post at least once a day, usually more often than that. I don’t like to keep my partners waiting. When I have to go MIA longer than two days you will be informed! I rarely post before 2PM EST and usually stop responding after 1AM, girl’s gotta work and sleep!

No thread RP, I just don’t feel comfortable doing that at this time. I can offer RP in PM or on Discord.

I generally do not do Fandoms with one exception (Omegaverse) and prefer painted or 3d face claims to real and anime ones. (Will accept real ones, but please no anime)

I am comfortable in a variety of genres such as Fantasy, Sci-Fi, historical (ancient world to around 1850) I am not looking for slice of life office romance type of stories.

My main character will always be female, but I don’t mind playing NPCs of varying genders.

I am only interested in long-term RP
No blurring of IC and OOC lines, ever! I love making friends with RP partners but I am not here to find my next boyfriend or an e-lationship. If that boundary is crossed I cut contact immediately.​

A good grasp on the English language. Acceptable grammar. I am notoriously bad at deciphering typonese or mangled sentences.

An average post length between 3 and 5 paragraphs.

Third person past or present tense writing. No first or second person please it just creeps me out.


Your main character will always be male, I do not care about NPC’s you create they can be of any gender, I do not require the writer to be male IRL.

Give input, add to the setting, take initiative. I don’t want to feel like the only one putting effort into the story.​

Writing Sample

This is not from any RP but a story I am working on

The pregnant female stood, bound, before her accusers. Her long blonde hair hung in wild strands around her face, casting it in shadow. There were no tears. She had wept for days in her cell; today she refused to cry.

The heavy doors to the courtroom opened once more but she kept her eyes cast downward. She knew who they were bringing in; the rattling of chains accompanied their steps. She heard the boots of twelve guards accompanied by the heavy step of their prisoner. There was a cage ready for him, adorned with runes to keep him bound. T they crafted the bars from a metal only her people had access to. A metal their prisoner was vulnerable to. It was made up of gold and her people’s blood. Truycium.

Her kind called themselves Gahl while humans referred to them as angels. The winged creatures of myth. Three-hundred years ago humanity learned that even biblical myths had a grain of truth to them. Life on Earth had changed that day, humans nearly wiped out in a war between good and evil. The question of who was good and who was evil blurred. The answer, as humanity learned, wasn’t just black and white.

The silence in the courtroom was deafening. The guards, the judges, judicators, and even the onlookers dared not to speak. Everyone waited for the high-prince, Remeriel, to address the assembly. He sat on his throne in no hurry to speak. Seated next to him on smaller, although no less pompous, thrones were the lesser princes

Remeriel dragged his gaze off the caged prisoner and speared his female captive with his ice-blue gaze.

“Princes Raheliel, my heart sings with joy to have found you alive and-“ The stopped to make a show of looking her over before focusing on her rounded stomach.

“-Well. It is with great sadness that I have had to learn about your betrayal. You, a paragon of justice and defender of the law, have consorted with a ‘dark one’.It wasn’t just any dark one but prince Kezran of the wretched lot himself.” Another theatrical pause to let those that watched the proceedings gasp and mutter in disbelief. Remeriel enjoyed starring in his own melodrama. He got up from his throne and pointed at the small, now empty seat, next to his own.

“This is where your place is my dear sister. You leave me no choice, I have to charge you with treason. There is only one sentence for this crime, death.” Raheliel raised her head to look at her brother, defiance etched into her face.

“While you are at it charge yourself with warmongering and slavery.” The twin prince and princess had been at odds all their lives. D during the last three-hundred years their animosity grew into thinly veiled hatred. Raheliel advocated for peace and compromise, her twin wanted the ‘dark ones’ wiped off the face of earth.

The princess didn’t want to rule over humanity, but her brother harbored resentment towards humans and their freedom given by the all-father. Their opinions couldn’t be any more dissonant.

“These words wound me dear sister.” The smile on his face belied that statement. He turned his attention to the prince of the ‘dark ones’.

“As for you Kezran, what were you thinking? I indulged your little peace summit, sent my beloved sister to meet with you and you thank us by leading her astray?” Kezran refused to answer the prince’s taunt.

The male had to hunch over in the small cage confining him, his obsidian skin gleamed in the bright light of the court room. The cage did nothing to hide his impressive stature. Kezran’s eyes burned with hatred, all of it for the prince. Nothing could be done, his people unable to save him. They thought him dead already. Any attempt to free him would end in bloodshed and losses that he didn’t want to cause.

He had made his decision and now he accepted the consequences with little regret. He would never get to meet his youngest child that his and Raheliel’s secret union had birthed. His other children, three sons and a daughter, perished in the war between his kind and the Gahl. He lost hope that this child could show both sides that peace was possible.

“It wasn’t like that brother and you know it. I chose to go with him, no one led me stray. I wanted to.” Raheliel’s voice cut through the silence. It enraged her brother, he turned on his heels and rushed to where she stood. H his armored hand gripped the back of her neck and forced her to her knees.

“You don’t know what you are talking about!” His voice echoed through the courtroom. Kezran finally reacted, with a loud roar and unfolding wings he tested the strength of his cage. I it held but the display alone shocked the attending masses into a fearful silence. Remeriel let go of his sister and her attendants helped her back up on her feet.

“My prince! Let us not tarry with dispensing justice. Surely no one is helped by dwelling on things we can’t change.” Amaerah, one of the prince’s advisors, got up from her throne and approached him. She couldn’t condone the actions of the princess but there was no sense in dragging this out or being cruel to her, especially not in her condition. The infant was blameless and not part of the treachery her parents committed. Remeriel glared coolly at Amaerah; she had ruined his enjoyment of the spectacle.

“Fine. Kezran is condemned to death, the sentence will be carried out tomorrow at noon. He will be brought to Judgment Square and executed, for all to see. I’ll leave my sister’s judgment to my esteemed council, she is my blood and I can’t be expected to judge her fairly.” The prince’s interest in the proceedings waned, and he was all too glad to leave it to his advisers. Amaerah breathed a soft sigh of relief. The council was less prone to outright cruelty. She placed one hand on the princess’ hand in a small gesture of kindness before she returned to her own throne. Raheliel turned her head to Kezran, her eyes conveying her sorrow. She could not allow herself to cry here, but he knew how deeply hurt she was.


I have a F-list. If something is not on the list feel free to ask about it.


Set in a fantastical version of the early Renaissance, swords, rapiers and early firearms. Let’s not forget magic there will be a lot of that too. The never-ending battle between good and evil and a myriad of characters trying to find their way.

YC could be anything from a Paladin/Templar type to a Witch Hunter someone that works for the Inquisition trying to hunt down evil. There is much evil, very little truly good and so much in the grey twilight. YC has caught a magic user (witch/sorceress) and has every intention to take her back to his superiors so she can be questioned and brought to justice. On their way to the ‘capital’ they come across more dead bodies and burned down villages than usual and then there is the steady increasing number of undead and some demonic creatures. Will YC ignore what his prisoner has to say on the matter and simply take her his order or will he become derailed by her chasing ghosts and other things that go bump in the night?

Depending on YC’s choices a variety of ways to find answers will open up, each choice has consequences.

Includes everything that makes such settings yummy, from the aesthetics to romance, and the unending fight between good and evil. Our characters in the midst of it unable to stay neutral.

I am an artist so several scenes will probably be illustrated to go along with the story.


If you have ideas for the following pairings or would like to collaborate, send me a PM



Victorian ( Master/ maid or Master/ ward or Master/ young wayward wife)

Conquering General/Prince / conquered Princess​

Thanks so much for reading, hope to hear from you soon!

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