Fx Any Plot? Smut? Sounds like a plan.

winter's lover

Aug 30, 2016
Hey all! Looking for a couple more partners, since a few of mine haven't worked out. And revamping with a new thread!

Anyway, you can call me Winter! I'm 23 and in the EST timezone, for time purposes. I currently work part time and do school part time, and may be getting another job to fit somewhere in the empty hours. Depends on if I can find something that won't want me available forever and whatnot. As such, I'm not really looking for anything rapid-fire -- I generally post a couple hundred words a reply, at least. At the very least it usually takes me a couple hours to reply, but depending it can take me several days. I usually promise about a reply a week, if just because that's about the minimum response rate I know I have, so that way I'm always covered. I'm looking for a partner who posts about the same; I'm not looking to write novels, though I could, and I don't want to feel stressed about every little grammatical tidbit in my posts. This is a hobby and I treat it strictly like that.

Typically, I prefer about 75% plot, 25% smut or about there. I may be persuaded to do 50/50, but realistically you would need to prove that it won't just boil down to "He inserts dick. He thrusts. She moans. He keeps thrusting." I'm sure you get the picture. I enjoy writing smut, but not just for the heck of it -- if it does stuff to move along the plot, I am more than willing to spend more time on it, but if the plot is smut then that's going to get somewhat boring to me.

I play characters of any gender or sexuality. While I prefer to play female for more smutty situations, I am more than comfortable playing a character of any gender and against any character of any gender.

In any case, my kink list is here. If it's not on there, it's probably a maybe, or at least something to bring up for discussion. I have two other hard nos that should be obvious and/or are mentioned on there, but I've had enough people ask that I feel the need to actually state: no characters under the age of 18 (or sexual maturity, whatever it is for that race) or age gaps over five years (with some wiggle room for magic and immortality or plot dependence, but I'm not into "old, wrinkly, grandpa fucks teen!" stuff).

Images: I prefer to describe my characters, but I will use images. Typically, I operate under the rule that you may suggest things, but I have final say, though typically I will go with one of your suggestions or heavily base my character off of it. However, if you do suggest things, I am likely to also suggest things.

Genres: I prefer fantasy (as in fantasy creatures, not sexual fantasies)! I like both medieval/historical and modern, so any time period is more or less fine with me, as long as you don't want complete accuracy. I dabble in some sci-fi as well, so that may be an option too!
I do not, under any circumstances, do anything modern or slice of life.

Plots: I do prefer some kind of plot. It doesn't necessarily have to be super planned out, but there needs to be at least a small plan for forward movement of our characters. I do have a few that I have below, as well as a general list of pairings I enjoy writing. Plots may be written for certain gender pairings, but they can be substituted for any.

At this point in time I'm really only looking for historic and medieval fantasy role-plays, preferably including big monster men and smaller human(oid) women. I'm also looking for something a little more smut-based than usual.

A God and his Harem
Warlord x Princess
Basically any of my medieval/historic plots
Something ancient Egyptian

Vampire: the Masquerade
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Game of Thrones

Werewolf x Human
Hunter x creature
Dragon/half dragon x princess
Thief x Guard
Angel x Angel
Angel x Demon
Angel x Werewolf
Angel x Mortal
Angel x Vampire
Angel x Witch
Demon x Witch
Werewolf x Witch
Mortal x Witch
Vampire x Witch
Demon x Demon
Demon x Werewolf
Demon x Mortal
Demon x Vampire
Ghost x Angel
Ghost x Demon
Ghost x Mortal
Ghost x Vampire
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Mortal
Vampire x Vampire
Arranged Marriage
Vampire x Princess
Prince x Commoner
Princess x Commoner/Peasant
Elf x Human
Elf x Vampire
Elf x Dragon
Demi Goddess x Mortal
Demi God x Mortal
Accidental Pregnancy
Pregnant Woman x Old Friend
Pregnant Woman x Stranger
City x Country
Mermaid x Sailor
Tribal person x shaman
Captured woman x shaman/tribal man
Vigilante x Civilian

A primordial God, secure and supreme in his power, has taken a harem. He frequently casts out into the world and will bring back women who please them, hiding them in his mountain halls and making them immortal to remain with him. His harem is large and extensive and, despite it all, he has a clear favorite. It is well known throughout the harem that she is his bride in all but title, but his nature does not allow him to take one, and so she remains.

-Basically, premise is based on the life of those in the harem of an ancient God. I figured he would preside over fertility, to explain his overly horny ways, and whatever else you decide to give him.
- I prefer to play the favorite, with the other harem women as mostly side characters that are NPC'd by both of us as needed. I'm not against playing a small harem, but the intent of his is that his harem is extensive, and I'm not up to playing a hundred different characters.
- This has a lot of freedom as far as options for continuing, some of them including:
- Typically, a major catalyst and beginning plot point is a yearly ritual that's partaken of in the harem, in which case the God picks which of his harem he wishes to carry his child. This would be the first one that his favorite has been picked for, despite her many years in the harem, for whatever reason: perhaps he only wished to breed her when he intended to be somewhat more monogamous to her, or make her into a goddess, or whatever motivation you decide.​
- From here, it would either deal with the outcomes of that, main one being her pregnancy and whatever drove his decision. Another possibility is that other women of the harem plot and, after the ceremony, find a way to throw her back into the world at large, where she can be found by anyone of any time period, in which the focus would more shift to her explorations of the world outside and of how others take a god touched woman.​
- In other words, want something more smut? Probably pick the option where she remains in the harem. Something more plot? Pick the option where she's thrown out.​
Shaman are not only the spiritual protectors of a tribe, but beings of mysterious power. They can commune with the Gods and the honored dead, transform into animals, they can see the future, and they have the ability to curse their enemies into dust. Most tribes have at least one, and they are treated with god-like worship, for an angry shaman could easily wipe out a tribe or curse them to ruin. Most tribes have an annual festival, in which they present the shaman(s) with women from the tribe who have recently come of age, and the shaman will pick one, every year, to become his new bride. Typically, unless she becomes with child or he is fond of her, he will give up the bride of the before, however it is not unheard of for a shaman to keep multiple, or to keep his current and merely mount the offered women. Being given up is not a dishonor on the woman: in fact, she is typically sought after for a wife for another tribesperson.

The time for the festival has come again. This year is strange, as there is a smaller number of women coming of age this year. The tribe, to solve this problem, has come with a solution: they had recently raided a village and taken a woman as hostage and, as a cruel joke, intended to offer her to their shaman to humiliate her whilst they wait for ransom. The shaman has other ideas.

- I have an intro ready that details much of the preparation for the ceremony, as well as a general outline of what happens, so if you're interested feel free to ask for it. This is meant to be a kind of medieval feel to it, though time period if kind of ambiguous.

She had been raised to expect the day she would be wed to a stranger. That was what a Princess was supposed to do. She hadn't exactly wanted to marry into his kingdom, but her parents had made the alliance, and so it was to be done. If things went poorly, and he did not win his civil war and competition for his crown, he would die. And she would too, likely, if fates worse weren't in store for her.

She was not expecting, though, his enthusiasm for their marriage night. But he did need a heir as soon as possible, to make his claim even more solid.

- My character is marrying into your kingdom, basically. Your character, who is currently King, is in the middle of a civil war. The reason for you is to decide, but it has to specifically be linked to his succession: he has bastard half-siblings or cousins or uncles who are trying to press a claim, there's doubt as to his legitimacy (suspected the queen was cheating), etc. In any case, having a heir would solidify his position.

He is one of the last of his kind. The lycan are almost extinct, and the few that remain are scattered tot he winds. There is little hope for his species, and so in reckless anger, he's taken to lashing at human villages. At once, he finds hope in the form of a human who, it turns out, was meant to be his mate. He claims her, taking her with him and finding a den, trying to get her settled and accepting of him and in her role of the survival of his species. But his earlier actions have earned him the scorn of humans, and hunters have been hired to track him down and bring the King his hide.

A new vigilante is in town, trying to clean up the streets. She has an unfortunate and accidental run in with some thugs hired by the main crime boss, and he comes to the rescue. He saves her, calming her rattled nerves with charming remarks and casual flirting, and makes sure she's safe at home before taking off into the night again. What's surprising, however, is that this marks the beginning of habitual visits, and what appears to be a weakness for anyone to exploit.

A town and an old "abandoned" castle. Every few years, the castle's resident demands some kind of tribute, usually in the form of a beautiful young girl, and promises to leave the town alone. The fate of these girls is usually known: he uses them for blood for several years before their bodies finally give out to the stress, which is when he comes back. But this time is different. The two dance around each other, exchanging blood and lingering looks, and finally they give into their shared desires. Of course, that also has to be when the Crown decides to finally investigate the town's many reports of the vampire.

I will admit this is probably closer to setting information rather than plot, however it's still something to build off of.
The one below is for Kalos, however I have a Hoenn one around here somewhere.

Due to Kalos's highly metropolitan state, it fell rather quickly. The region's remaining population has more or less been forced into Lumiose City, which has been properly walled up for defensive purposes. The rest of the region is more or less lost, lacking good defenses and having thus been abandoned, however in some cases towns have been taken over by bandits. Bandits in and of themselves aren't the main priority of the survivors, as they're more likely to take out zombies rather than people, however their continued raids on supply trains coming into the region are starting to take a toll and many are wanting action.

Prism Tower is the current base of operations for the region's remaining Gym Leaders, Elite Four members, former and current Champions, and professors. While Lumiose City isn't quite under martial law, curfews are enforced due to increased zombie action at night, and citizens with Pokemon are strongly encouraged to join the various watch and guard organizations. Contact is being kept with the other regions as well as possible; several prominent members of other regions -- including the current Unova Champion, the holder of the Dragon of Truth, and the current Sinnoh Champion, holder of the Dragon of Time -- are offering direct assistance, however their aid has been rejected for the time being... not to say they won't suddenly show up, of course. Kalos's own hero from the Team Flare incident has been missing, and no one wants to think of their fate... or of the help Xerneas would bring in this time.

Most scientific research is going into discovering things about the zombies, including if there's a cure to the deadly bites and easier ways to kill them, however information is slow coming. Professor Sycamore's new pet project is learning about the rare zombie Pokemon, however that is also slow going. A small team of researchers is keeping an eye on Yveltal's location, as it seems the largest horde of zombies follows the Legendary Pokemon of Destruction and Death for an unknown (or simply not acknowledged by anyone) reason.

As it's seen as a suicide mission to leave the protective walls of Lumiose City, the remaining trainers are seen as legends, perhaps even more than the region's Champion is. Trainers are the only ones who dare leave the city, and do so for various reasons; some collect Pokemon for the guards, some do it to find survivors, some to find lost belongings for misplaced people, or others simply to lower the zombie population.

All in all, the region's geography remains the same, however the region itself is much more dangerous. Zombies are able to travel more or less freely due to the lack of rivers and other such obstacles. The only places in which zombies do not flourish are in the colder, snowy areas of the region, however those were also the areas first abandoned due to lack of livability without proper supplies that were slow coming. It's rumored people still remain in Shalour City, however this has not been able to be confirmed, and since the city's gym leader has vanished, no one has high hopes of any survivors.

Character A is a hunter who travels the country in order to extinguish supernatural threats. When Character A gets news of yet another small town being terrorized by a murderous creature, they pack up their things and make haste to the next destination. Character A settles into town quickly and gets to work investigating these mysterious, grisly deaths. Despite Character A’s best efforts, over the course of several weeks, they keep coming up short of catching the culprit, unaware that Character B is watching their every move.

Option 1: Character B is a supernatural creature, the same kind as the killer, but innocent. They approach Character A and offer to hunt down the killer together.

Option 2: Character B is the killer and tries to throw Character A off their trail (by seduction).

About fifteen years ago, the various Kingdoms of the world were in peril; the underground races of goblins and orcs had formed an alliance, and were spilling onto the surface to conquer and destroy. The Kingdoms refused to aid each other until the Dragon Riders -- a mostly politically neutral (though in recent years they've started involving themselves more and more in politics) military organization tasked with upholding and protecting the realm -- stepped in, bending the Kings and Queens to their will and finally driving out the invaders. For the next fifteen years neither a goblin or orc is seen on the surface, and for each year of such peace there is a festival to celebrate such a victory.
This year, however, is different. While none of the different races had been friendly, tensions are strangely high, and the Riders are hiding information -- one of the mountain outposts, which are tasked with guarding the entrances to various underground tunnels, has stopped reporting in, and scouts have revealed the persons occupying the outpost were slaughtered. There's whispering something isn't right, but no one's willing to acknowledge it, lest the hostility between the Kingdoms lashes out again.

Dragon Rider ranks:
Rank 1 - The smallest branch of the organization, and the most elite. Rank 1 Riders are the various people in charge -- the First Rider, leader of the entire organization, and the Second Rider, as well as various Generals and Spymasters. Very rarely are people put in this Rank for political reasons, however it's been known for Princes and Princesses and war heroes to be promoted to Rank 1 so that the Riders can better use them in political
Rank 2 - The second smallest branch, Rank 2 is mostly composed of members of various officers and knights.
Rank 3 - The highest rank for most, Rank 3 is composed of various lower ranking officers and Senior Riders. Senior Riders in and of themselves have no commanding power unless in times of emergency.
Rank 4 - Rank 4 is composed of those who have just gotten their dragons. Most spend years in this ranking, where their training in Riding begins.
Rank 5 - Rank 5 is the newest members to the organization and those who do not yet have their dragons. They're trained in swordsmanship and other such things, however since they don't have a dragon they cannot be trained in the art of Riding.

- The First Rider is hiding the Outpost slaughter on purpose. He's ignoring the possibility of another attack because he's too busy trying to gain more political power for the organization; later it becomes known he's been making deals with the goblins and orcs.
- I usually, like, play a bunch of characters. Usually a girl of Rank 1 who was put there for political reasons, her dragon, and a Rank 3 or 4 guy Rider and his dragon. However this can be adjusted.
- I would love if someone played the Second Rider (which is traditionally reserved for men), and whatever other characters you'd like to play.
- Basically any species is fine.

He’s a warrior prince returning to his kingdom after the death of his brother, the crown prince who was to be heir to their ailing father’s throne. He’s choosing to follow the old custom and take the betrothed of his brother as his own wife – as the brother died at the wedding feast and she’s still pure. The bride is reluctant as the crown prince was cruel, so she’s terrified of the “warrior” version of her dead husband.

Character A is a hunter of magical creatures, sent to a city plagued by random, magical killings. He searched high and low but finds nothing, at least until someone tells him to find Character B-- a young witch who tried to protect one of the victims and failed. B is distrustful of him. He's everything she hated in hunters, but for whatever reason she can't deny her draw to him, just like he has a hard time resisting a similar calling...

She refuses to tell him anything, at least until, a few days later, he thwarts an attempt on her life by the creature. That makes them team up to hunt this creature, or at least if they can keep their hands off each other long enough to.

A mysterious stranger rescued a princess from drowning as a child. Her father, the King, offers the young man anything in his kingdom as a reward and the man shocks them all by choosing the very Princess herself. The King, unwilling or unable to go back on his word, agrees to the arranged marriage. Years and years later, the Princess grows up and the mysterious stranger returns on her eighteenth birthday for her. Much to everyone's surprise and horror, the young man has not aged a day since last they saw him, and when he takes the Princess home with him as his bride she realizes there is a lot more to him than meets the eye.

An evil witch places a curse on the royal family, and only the princess manages to escape with only a half-curse. While her family is trapped inside the castle, the princess leaves in search for a cure to their curses. She travels to the enchanted forest near by, where she encounters an animal that shows her the way to a sorcerer's tower in the woods. She goes to the sorcerer in search of a wise old man who can help her, but instead finds a belligerent young man with a bad temper. The sorcerer does not like people, especially royalty, and after being pestered for a little while, he agrees to help the princess break the enchantment binding the whole royal family. They must set out to find the old witch that cast the spell in the first place so that the sorcerer can break the spell.

The world is full of dark and evil creatures. A notorious crime mob is actually a pack full of werewolves, who do business out of the paranoid eye of humans. Character A witnesses a crime and instead of being executed on the spot, is taken back to the mob’s headquarters. A has gained the interest and affections of Character B, the mob boss/Alpha of the pack. The mob boss wants A all to himself, and will do anything to keep it that way.

I prefer to role-play over Discord or email, but will do PMs, threads, private forums, etc. Original contact with me should be done over PM. In your initial message, please introduce yourself and tell me a little about what you want to role-play. I've had too many people message me asking to do things I outright say I don't do, and then angrily spam me when I say I'm not interested. If you give me no information on what you're looking to role-play, I'm probably just going to delete your message. Sorry!

I also accept random intros, as long as it's something I'm looking for. I you see a plot that I have and enjoy, feel free to just write up and send me an intro (or, say you're going to write me an intro and you'd like to role-play on x platform, and I'll send over my info). If one of my plots has an asterisk in the title (*), I have an intro ready and would be willing to send it, and in that case you can just ask for it and tell me where you'd prefer to rp.
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Did some updating! Added some plots and changed my cravings. Mostly looking for medieval and historic fantasy!
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