Fx M or F π•ƒπ•’π•§π•–π•Ÿπ••π•–π•£ 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣'𝕀 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕖𝕀π•₯ 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕

Lavender Lover

Oct 27, 2018

Roleplay Status

Hello all! Welcome to my RP request thread. If you're reading this that means you're interested in roleplaying with me, and I take much appreciation in that. I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself. I've been roleplaying for a while, I think six years, and I love it! I really enjoy creating interesting stories and beautiful worlds with other people, plus it helps me exercise my writing muscles. I recently graduated from university (sweet freedom) so I have more free time to write for now. I aim to respond at least three times a week, but this of course depends on a lot of variables. If the story is good, and we are both online, then you can expect more responses from me. If life gets busy, then you can expect less. I'll try my best to give a heads up! I am not looking for anything outside of writing partners and forming some possible friendships, so keep it classy my friends! Anyway, that's enough about me. Lets get on to the the RP stuff!

Looking For...
  • Interesting stories that you and I can both enjoy!​
  • I usually prefer long-term stories/partners.​
  • Looking for respectful partners. If things don't work out between us then let bygones be bygones!​
  • Literate writers. You don't exactly have to be a word wizard, but I do prefer writers who are able to write with detail and convey their characters emotions.​
  • Some fun!​
  • Challenging play and casual play. I'm always looking for ways to better my writing!​
  • Someone that is comfy with OOC chat, like talking about characters and plotting things when we need to~​
  • When it comes to stories I like an even balance of spice and story. Spice should always be rightly timed.​
My RP Facts. . .
  • I write in third person only.​
  • Genres I play (beloved highlighted)​
    • Fantasy​
    • Romance​
    • Supernatural​
    • World Building​
    • Reverse Harem​
    • Drama​
    • Horror​
    • Medieval​
    • Slice of Life​
    • SCI-FI​
    • World Ending​
  • I generally write female and male characters.​
  • My post length is usually no less than 500 words and are multi-paragraphs. This fluctuates or deflates depending on mood and inspiration. I would like the same from my partners.​
  • I tend to play multiple characters depending on the story, especially if its long term and world building. This can include non-important side characters or very important main characters. Depends on our story~​
  • I prefer to play in threads, but I don't mind PM's if you're shy.​
RP Rules...
  • Do not completely control my character.​
  • All powerful characters with absolutely no weaknesses are a no for me.​
  • Do not leave all story decisions up to me. We're in this together!​
  • I will not play anyone under the age of 18.​
  • I don't enjoy smut/kink centered play. There has to be a good balance of spice and story.​
  • One sentenced posts are a no for me. It's just not my playing style.​
  • If you're no longer interested in out story no worries! Just let me know!​
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Below is where I will keep all of my RP ideas. Base Pairings contains a list of interesting pairing's that we can build a story off of. All ideas can be tweaked and fiddled to fit our needs. I am also open ears to any ideas you may have yourself, just be sure to check my rules and information before messaging me! If a story says open, then it is free to be played. If it says taken however, then it is not open to be played. This is simply so I don't take on more than I can chew.

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Queen X Peasant
Queen X Queen
Princess X Knight
King X Peasant
Prince X Peasant
Assassin X Target
Assassin X Assassin
Vampire X Human
Vampire X Hunter
Dragon X Human
Siren X Human
Lamia X Human
Dragon X Dragon Slayer
Pirate X Captive
Orc X Witch
Fae X Human
Witch X Princess/Prince

RUNAWAY KINGDOM - World Building | Fantasy and Adventure |Open
My character is a member of a royal family, heir to a a throne and a vast kingdom. They've grown up sheltered and the only knowledge they have of the outside world is from the books kept in the royal library and escorted tours of their own territory. The king and queen finally decide that it is time for her to wed, and they've chosen to betroth her to an enemy kingdom, governed by a ruler known for their savage ways and cruelty. She objects to the wedding, but her parents give her no choice on the matter. Determined not to fall into the hands of a cruel stranger, she runs away with the help of her trusted knight, your character. Trained to be her guard, your character has protected and watched over her since she was young, so when she comes begging for your character to take her away, they help her. Now the two are outlaws, travelling the vast land to escape both kingdoms wrath. What will be discovered on this journey? This story can of course be reversed, with my character playing the knight. This is a chance to build our own unique worlds and have a fun adventure with it.

ISEKAI - World Building | Fantasy and Adventure | Open
Life is going good for A, or maybe its going to absolute shit, who knows. All we know is that one day they're going about their normal routine when suddenly a light blinds them and they're transported to an entirely different world. This is where they meet B, the one who summoned A. Why they were summoned can vary. Maybe they were called upon to help B save their world, or to become the weapon that destroys it. Or Maybe B needs a bride/husband and A has been chosen through the ritual. A lot can happen here and I'm open to discussion!

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Lycan X Human
Ghost X Human
Stalker X Stalked
Lycan X Hunter
Normal Person X Normal Person
Human X Succubus/Incubus
Monster X Human

CRAVE - Reality | Open
Tough times have fallen upon my character, very tough times. After her relationship with her family comes crumbling down and she's laid off by her job, she finds herself struggling to pick her life back up again. Now being homeless and penniless, she relies on the only thing she can, her looks. Being blessed with a beautiful body and face, she picks up a job at a strip club in the city, Crave. This is where she begins to rebuild her life. This club isn't all what it seems however. Many unsavory and dangerous people lie within the shadows of the crowd and establishment, and my character just happened to let these people into her life. She gets herself mixed into things she shouldn't have and now finds herself stuck within this dangerous and erotic underworld. So, who is your character in this story? Are they one of my characters regulars?, ready to save her from this life? Or are they a figure apart of this underworld, wanting to drag her deeper and deeper into this darkness? Maybe they're a fellow dancer and they're both seeking freedom. This story can go a lot of ways and have many interesting twists and turns.

ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE - World Ending | Open
An oldie, but a goldie in my opinion. A good ol' zombie apocalypse. We can use any type of zombie we decide. We could use World War Z as a reference, Left For Dead, or even our own creation. All in all, the world is beginning to get overrun by flesh eating monsters and our characters come together to find a way to survive. They could be complete strangers, or maybe even friends. This RP is very open ended and can take many paths. You would have to be fine with playing multiple characters however, as its inevitable for them to eventually meet others. How long they stick around is completely up to us.

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This list is pretty small for now, but I'm sure more will be added at a later date. For some stories I'm comfortable with playing canon characters, and for others I like to go off script with our own characters. Each will be specified. Characters that I would prefer to play will be specified in purple.

A Court of Thorns and Roses Complete Series
Cassian X OC
Cassian X Azriel X OC
Azriel X OC
Lucien X OC
Nyx X OC
Azriel X Gwyn
Cassian X Nesta
Nesta X OC
Tamlin X OC
Elain X OC
Emerie X Elain

Castlevania (Netflix Series)
Sypha X Alucard X Trevor
Alucard x OC
Hectore x OC
Lenore x OC

My Hero Academia (All characters will be 18+)
Bakugo X OC
Bakugo X Uraraka
Mei X Izuku
Tamaki X OC
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