Fx Female Satisfy Me?


Oct 26, 2018
Hey y'all, and welcome to my one and only request thread! Here you will find a little about me, some of my favorite pairings, ideal settings and genres, and what I'm looking for in a partner! Current cravings are marked with ***

  • I don't typically classify myself nor my characters as strictly sub or dom, I can either top or bottom
  • My responses vary between 2 to 4 paragraphs, though length always depends on context!
  • I typically only have time to reply in the evening, and run on pacific standard time
  • You can expect to hear a response from me at least once per day
  • I'm currently craving some longer drawn out roleplays with extensive characters and world building!
  • My plot to porn ratio is about at 60:40 respectively
  • Though I really do love to get down and dirty with my roleplays, so please come at me with any plots or pairings you've been dying to do!

  • Incest...
    • Mother x Daughter
    • Sister x Sister ***
    • Twin Sister x Twin Sister ***
    • Aunt x Niece
  • Boss Intern/Secretary
  • Teacher x Student
  • Best Friend x Best Friend ***
  • Princess x Rival Country's Princess ***
  • Mermaid x Pirate
  • Other...
    • Dm me with your suggestion and I'll be all ears!
FANDOMS: (I typically only use OC in fandom based rp's but would be willing to use canon if you have a good enough plot!)
  • Pokémon
  • Avatar the Last Air Bender
  • My Hero Academia
  • Monster Metsume
  • One Piece
  • Other...
    • Dm me with your idea!

  • Slice of Life ***
  • Drama
  • Romance ***
  • Fantasy

Congratulations for making it this far down my post! Brownie points for you! Here's where I talk about what I need from you to create a work of literary art. I need you to send me a message with at least a little skeleton idea of what you want, don't make me do all the planning! I need to know what you want out of this as much as what I want out of this! This should be beneficial and fun for the both of us, so please let me know what you're looking for!

Hope to hear from y'all soon!!!~
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