Fx Male Ren's Request Thread


Oct 7, 2018
Pain. Crushing pain was the first thing she dimly registered the moment she regained consciousness. The sun, despite it's warm beams gently caressing her skin, was absolutely not helping her migraine. Winry groaned lightly and buried her face deeper into the warmth of her bed, her fingers flexed slightly in her hair while her leg hitched a little higher on her body pillow. She tried to ignore the searing pain currently ricocheting off the inside of her skull though found it difficult to ignore. Sleep seemed more reasonable than waking up to start the day especially since she knew she had to be in front of a small group of people she barely knew. The attention would rightfully be on the bride and groom most of the time but she was expected to do her part as maid of honor. The role itself was terrifying and one she thought she could have avoided all together with her seriously small group of friends, but alas, her dear friend Ashley was too tempting to not be snatched up by her dashing groom.

A small sigh escaped her plump lips as she mentally prepared herself to be groomed in a fashion she had never done before knowing full well it would be more intense and straining than it was last night for the bachelorette party. The silk baby blue dress that hung in the closet was the best armor she was provided with to chase away her demons. She hated any attention on herself. Winry nestled her nose closer to her pillow as she recalled the previous night instead of focusing on the impending ceremony. It had been exceptionally awkward primping herself into perfection as she tried to follow the youtube tutorials on how to contour and what products needed to be used where. Winry had no clue there was so many different tools, tapes, and products. She couldn't even remember the amount of hours she spent in front of the mirror watching the youtubers create art on their faces, her mimicked attempts horrible. Hell, even going down the beauty aisles was overwhelming. She was guided to a beauty store and immediately ran out with her tail between her legs at the vast amount of products and bodies trying to claim their prize. Winry had felt a massive respect for women everywhere who went through this routine on a day to day basis and here she was struggling to make a decent "cat eye".

It didn't help that she could see her audience in the background waiting anxiously with their twitching fingers ready to snatch the wand from her own hands. She wasn't sure at the time if it was to correct her mistakes or to rush her along so they could start the night. It wasn't until she had to reapply her eye makeup for the 4th time, because damn it her eyeliner wouldn't stay even, that the collective groans had her shoulders hunching. Immediately the trio snatched her products and set to work. She later found it was impatience and time that prompted their help. Either way she was very thankful for their intervention. Contouring, high lighting, priming, just everything was confusing and eyeliner was the bane of her existence. No amount of research could make her skilled without years of practice. Back in her make up years it consisted of concealer, blush, and mascara. How was she to know times would change so drastically?

Winry hitched her leg a little higher when embarrassment flooded her system. They had gone to a strip club first. It was her first time being in such an environment and while Winry was no prude it was difficult to put years of drilled modesty aside to enjoy half naked men gyrate on stage. Her mother would have had a fit if she were alive today and heard about her shenanigans. Still, she sucked it up, did her part, even managed to slip a few bills into a thong while not inducing a nose bleed from all the blood that filled her head. She paid for a few lap dances for the girls and retreated to a safer area where she could watch from a distance without having to feel pressured into slapping dat a** as her tipsy bride friend was encouraging her to do. She managed to get away with one shot at the strip club, a mental tally board with one line drawn appeared in her vision. The pain drew her thoughts back to her current predicament and she knew she would have to get up soon to pop a few Ibuprofen. While her head protested her position, the rest of her body continued to bask in the comfort of hotel bed. Sleep threatened to drag her back into its clutches once more and Winry was having a hard time denying it's call. She had set an alarm that had yet to sound so she knew she had time before she needed to start getting ready. Her thoughts wondered again, determined to wake up and to find the source of her massive hang over.

After the strip club Winry had suggested the hottest dance club that had just opened a few months prior. All her research on Vegas paid off when she saw the awe and excitement flush color into Ashley's cheeks. The club was booming, the loud music practically vibrating into her bones, but everyone seems to love it. Crave it even. Winry had to bite back the knots in her stomach as anxiety threatened to take over when she noticed very little room to have her own space. Bodies were practically sliding against each other as they danced to the latest song with wild abandon. Her eyes had already mapped out the closest exists at every point in the room should something happen that she needed to run. She gulped thankful the music hid the loud noise. She honestly hated crowds but a quick brush of her best friend's hand against her own put her selfish fears aside. Instead, she had tried to find the least crowded section to claim. Her saving grace had been the bar. Though there were few stools open, one could at least stand without someone rubbing themselves all over her. Ashley had asked her questions and Winry had stumbled awkwardly through them before she was led to the bar. Winry remembered she reluctantly downed two more highly embarrassing shots putting her at three total and giving her belly a nice warm comforting embrace. Three tallies on the board still didn't explain the hang over. Ashley at that point had ordered a Long Island for Winry in hopes to give her liquid courage enough to join them on the dance floor. She remembered watching the trio leaving knowing the only one wanting her there was Ashley. This was nothing new. Winry had always been excluded from activities due to her inability to relate or socialize in general.

Winry licked her lips, her tongue meeting her pillow accidentally only to come back a little salty. That shouldn't be right, Winry almost opened her eyes and regretted it immediately as her head throbbed even harder. She tried to dive back into memory lane though she remembered after the Long Island, another tally appeared on the imaginary board, she was pleasantly buzzed. A young man had approached the bar, Winry remembered he was really cute and seemed just as out of place as she. She couldn't completely remember his face but a great jawline and thick hair seemed to stand out. A warm voice, smooth and sensual, came to mind though she couldn't recall the words. The tone was soothing to her, she clutched her body pillow tighter, the haze of sleepiness slowly melting away as she tried to force herself awake. Bits and pieces of the night seemed to come back in snapshots. The man again, smiling wide at her though his face slightly blurry probably due to alcohol robbing her of her full memory. Another of her trying to walk on the edge of the water fountain at the Bellagio while someone held her hand to keep her from falling in her drunken stupor. Her camera phone in her face as she took selfies with Elvis in the background.She remembered stumbling down the hall to her room, laughing at something and having a door crack only to be told to quiet down, which caused more laughter. She definitely remembered struggling with the key card at the door before throwing her shoes inside. Winry winced knowing she had to have blisters on her feet as well as being disgusted at walking barefoot in Vegas. Her memories seemed to be surrounded by darkness and the more she tried to remember the more her head hurt if that was even possible.

Winry grasped her strength and mentally pulled herself from her need to sleep. She could feel the pounds of make up on her face still present and clogging her pores. Her eyes felt stuck together and crusted from the mascara and fake lashes she must have fallen asleep in. Was she too drunk to even do her nightly routine? She pressed herself closer to her body pillow, her body coming to rest flush against it in one last ditch effort to fall back into oblivion with the sun's warm rays gently stroking her skin. The movement caused her to pause as her mind woke up fast. Instead of crappy hotel cotton she felt smooth skin. Against her own. Her fingers curled into her hair only to realize her hair wasn't this short and it wasn't the same texture. Her body froze as she registered her bare leg was not on a body pillow as she originally thought but on something hard yet silky soft. It was then that she realized she did not own a body pillow. Her breath hitched as a memory shoved it's way violently to the forefront of her mind. Lips on her own, hands in her hair tugged her head back before the lips traveled the span on her neck. Her own hands fumbling with buttons, her dress at her waist...and then that was it. That was as far as she could remember.

Her eyes finally opened and she shoved the pain in her head on the back burner. Pale olive skin met her gaze along with short dark hair at the nape of the neck she had been nuzzling. She instantly pulled back into a sitting position and noticed the Adonis from the bar. In bed. With her. And then she noticed her dress was not how she was wearing it last night, one sticky bra pad left on while the other was stuck in the length of her hair. A horrified yelp escaped her as she covered herself and jumped away from the man, her legs entangled with the blankets and before she knew it, her world tumbled. She found herself on the floor blinking up at the ceiling, legs still draped over the bed.

"Wha-Wha-What??" She didn't even berate herself at her stutter. With the grace she didn't normally possess, Winry twisted herself to a kneeling position and peeked over the bed to the other person. "Who are you? What happened? Did we--?" She had a million questions and could barely form them into words that would leave her mouth. She glanced back down and noted her clothes, though a disarray, were still present and accounted for. While she was sore in the head and feet she wasn't sore anywhere else. She glanced back at the person again, cringing at the possibility of taking advantage of the nice young man just because she couldn't hold her liquor. 'Bryan...his name is Bryan.' The name came to her as did the embarrassing encounter at the bar. 'Fuuuuuck.'

The tantalizing aroma of coffee filled her senses. The usual hustle and bustle of the mid morning fray disappeared from her mind leaving her thoughts void of anything but the current issue. She inhaled the rich redolence of Jamaican Dark Roast, a new brew they were recently shipped. Almond shaped eyes opened and stared at the gentleman across the small table through thick, dark lashes. The man fidgeted under her calculating stare, practically choking on the tension. One red lower lip became ensnared between her teeth, studying her charge with tenacity. She could easily see the sweat collecting at his temple and roll down his face to meet with his thick facial hair.

She arched a brow. He tugged at the collar of his button up shirt. She leaned back in her chair, one high top converse clad ankle resting on her knee. Her fingers thrummed a pattern absently, causing him to gulp. The tension thickened.

"You're lying." It wasn't an accusation. It was the simple truth. Call it a gift from the heavens, call it dumb luck. Truth be told, Tatum knew a liar when she met one. This man was flat out lying to her. He interrupted her in the middle of her work, and taking up her precious time. The man took a deep breath as she twirled the ends of her long brown hair around her finger. The thick mass usually seen in a messy ponytail now hung down her back in a sea of dark curls. She freaking hated liars and this man practically had it tattooed on his forehead with how transparent he was being.

"Don't look down on me for what I do. You sought me out. You know the rules." She leaned forward, her arms resting on the table between them, her voice but a whisper as she stared into his nervous eyes. "'I want to know why." It wasn't a request. It wasn't as though the object was a priceless jewel, from what he was telling her, it was a dirty old journal. Why not get it himself? The man looked panicked for a moment before licking his lips in what Tatum could tell was a nervous twitch. Still, he remained silent. Moments passed as the life in the cafe moved at a fast pace, however, in their own little corner, time seemed to stand still.

"Well, if you aren't going to talk, I'll just back to work." She sighed, not particularly caring if she acquired a new run or not. The brunette smoothed her palms along her jean clad thighs and sighed, wanting to demand the last five minutes of her life back if it were at all possible.

She rose from her chair and prepared to fix her black apron when the man reached out in lightning speed and grabbed her wrist. Tatum opened her mouth in a knowing manner. He was desperate. Her "O" shape turned into a grin and she plopped down on her seat once more. Her brow arched as her dark eyes fixed onto him, demanding him to spill his secrets and make it worth her while.

"All I know is the book--no journal, belonged to a great wizard or something. My boss thinks he hid spells in there or whatever." The man seemed to be looking around as though trying to find a competitor for the prize listening in. Tatum rolled her eyes and narrowed her dark eyes at the man, any sliver of credibility slipping through those sweaty sausage fingers. His beady eyes seemed to sense this and he wiped the sweat as his brow with the arm of his sleeve.

"Look. I don't know what it really is or what's written in it but my boss has a ton of money and he isn't shy on picking a price. Just do it will you?" The man practically pleaded. Tatum tugged her wrist back and glared at the one who dare insult her. First with his accusations and second with his bullshit story.

"I don't steal things. I take back what was stolen in the first place. I doubt a library is a hard place to get something from. Why not tell Professor Snape to do his own work if he's going to get rude helpers like yourself." She bit back through clenched teeth, eyes flashing a warning while her voice dripped with sarcasm at her nerd pun. “You are the one who came out of your way to interrupted my goddamn day with a bunch of fairy tales. You don’t get to make demands. You get to tell me what the hell this is really about and I’ll see if its worth my time.” Her tone left no room for argument. Sure there was always someone shady willing to take her place but they weren’t clean nor could they be trusted. Her black market reputation was spotless. The man sighed and adjusted his collar once more.

"Apparently it belonged to his great grandfather or something, I don't know. Maybe it was family or maybe it wasn’t, who gives a crap, its a journal. It's not located in the public sections, its in the private room only available to select staff." He admitted. He took an envelope out and slid it towards Tatum. She rolled her eyes and picked it up with ease.

"Oh come on, could you be any more shady?" She asked opening it up and seeing a neat stack of one hundred dollar bills. Her gaze flickered back to him. Her mother had a hip surgery and they were short on cash, this would definitely help...the man smiled. She sighed. "Alright Sabrina, you have yourself a deal." She slid the money back towards the gentleman and couldn't help the urge to slap the satisfied grin off his face. Her stomach churned.

± : . : ± : . : ± : . :± : . : ± : . : ± : . :± : . : ± : . : ± : . :± : . : ± : . : ±

Tatum frowned at the choice she had made, her pale fingers gliding along the journals cover as she walked away from the library with her charge. It had been easy enough to get in, public libraries rarely had surveillance cameras on the inside and the ones outside only reached a yard or two from the front door. All it took was a nice little divergent featuring a well aimed football at a table full of books and a random objects needing to be displayed. Really, it was quite easy. As soon as the ruckus started, the librarian dutifully left her perch to investigate, effectively forgetting her keys which Tatum conveniently found. The item described was easy to spot, there weren't many places for journals in a library, especially old leather bound journals covered in dust with pages old enough to feel fragile when handled. At the time, she didn't think about it much, simply grabbed it and slipped in under her T-Shirt and in the waist line of her pants. The journal wasn't thick, thankfully, or else it would have been suspicious. She slipped out of the private section as easily as she had slipped in and headed towards the exit, timing her departure with another person carrying books just in case the alarm rang. Silence. Perhaps the journal she held so close was meant to be in a museum.

Now that she was in a safe zone, she held the journal in both hands, lightly tracing the weathered lines on the cover. Her client described the book perfectly, every nook and cranny. She opened the cover and looked at the ink splot on the first page. 'Down to every detail.' She mused walking through the park. The meeting time was in a half an hour, she was early of course, just like she preferred. Her brown eyes scanned her surroundings for any signs of suspicious behavior, a satisfied sound escaped her throat when the search came up empty. Spotting an empty bench, she took a seat, her position a good distance away from the oak tree near a phone booth. Her white converse tapped a tune on the pavement absentmindedly. This was not necessarily how she wanted to spend the rest of her day after she finished her shift at the cafe, yet her side job was in high demand. She made a name for herself, word of mouth of course and always with an alias. It had started back in middle school when her friend lost her ipod to a bully. While Tatum wanted nothing more than to show the bully who was boss, it wouldn't help to release her friend from being a victim. Instead, she followed the kid home and watched with her father's binoculars as the kid entered his room and tossed the i-pod onto his bed. She calculated her entry and after a short while and many gymnastic and track maneuvers, she managed to successfully steal the i-pod back undetected.

Word spread and word still spread. Tatum eyed the book before scanning a few more pages. The script was old, regal, almost as though it was written with a quill. She shrugged not being a history buff. Her gift was simply retrieving things that were stolen. Like a messed up version of Tinkerbell. Still, she smiled at the book and hugged it close to her breasts. This would help to pay for her mother's surgery. This must have been important to the client. She shivered as a gust of wind seemed to circle her. Despite her skinny jeans and baggy sweatshirt, she couldn't help the quivering of her lower lip. It was May for goodness sake, the weather should already know summer was just around the corner. Still, she sighed as the wind died down, it was nice to be absolutely free for the rest of the day on a lovely Sunday afternoon. She glanced around the park for her client, he would be coming in a yellow beanie. Totally inconspicuous and totally not around. She found her eyes resting on the book once more, something about it seemed to nag at her subconscious. "Just what about you is so special?"

My dearest family,

It has been a week since I had last taken to my quill, I apologize for the delay in responses, as you know, exams are fierce and I must study my hardest. I am so very pleased to hear Petunia is doing well in her classes, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to mention my praise to her but I doubt she'd like to hear it coming from me. You know how stubborn she is, of course, she gets that from you mum. Don't let your feathers get ruffled, mum, being stubborn is not necessarily a bad thing. Still, I miss you all, so very much and although I love my time here, I can't stop my aching to be by your sides like old times. The house elves cooking can't compare to mum's meals. Close, but Mum-made is always number one in my tummy. How are you father? In the last letter I had heard you had fallen ill, of course the handwriting was neat and proper so I assume mother was behind the telling...

At her own table she did discover two familiar faces that stood out from the sea of acquaintances, friends, and newly fresh. One being Talia, the Asian beauty, seventh year. The other being, her gaze softened on it's own accord as it lingered on her new crush, James Potter, year seven. It was amazing the turn around he performed, from once bullying her friend and causing chaos to being the Head Boy and somewhat serious student. She didn't know what brought the sudden change but Lily wasn't complaining, she sort of liked it. Thankfully it took her attention away from her friend's ex love, the golden rule still rang clear no matter what world one lived in. Never date a friends ex. Lily decided to go with the lesser of the devils, not necessarily trusting herself with her newly found affections. Lily moved along the students to the open seat across from Talia, she smoothed her robes beneath her before sitting and smiling at the girl. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked thoughtfully, her goblet already filled with pumpkin juice. She waited briefly for the answer before beginning the process of filling her plate. Mashed potatoes took residence on her silver platter, next to it an array of squash and finally some slices of the honey baked ham. Her stomach grumbled in eagerness, the sound drowned by the chatter of the other students. Lily folded her napkin on her lap and plucked her fork from the side of her plate. Just like with everything else, Lily took her time and ate with grace. The burst of seasonings hit her palate and she couldn't help but close her eyes in enjoyment. When she opened them, she looked to Talia with a lazy smile. "They're good, aren't they?" She asked motioning to the load of potatoes Talia had just placed upon her plate, the young girl seemed to be as deep in thought at she was. Lily looked down at her own plate and pierced the squash with her for before popping it into her mouth, her eyes dared not stray to a certain Gryffindor seated not too terribly far away, strangely, his friends seemed to be absent, much like her own.

She chuckled lightly at the thought, it was hard to imagine the teachers thinking about health issues and concerned over things like childhood obesity. The thought entertained her as she made her way down the stairs, carefully avoiding all the "traps" she had seen people fall for during her stay at the castle. It really was like a giant maze with all it's moving stair cases, not to mention the little obstacles like a certain cackling Peeves. His name suit him well, the little guy caused more trouble than he was worth although it was no secret the key to controlling him, The Bloody Baron. As Lily continued her walk she also continued to admire the things she loved about this school. The ghosts were one thing that made her jaw drop. Ghosts were real, Petunia refused to believe it of course, but her eyes would probably bulge out of her bony face if she could see the treasures Lily was graced with on a daily basis. Lily cocked her head to the side in thought, perhaps the reason she was so attentive to detail was due to the fact that her stay here was coming to a close. She was in her seventh year, after all, and soon it would be time to say farewell. The tugging at her heart was accompanied by a clenching of her stomach. Soon, very soon she would have to chose whether she would live in the muggle life she had grown apart from or stay in the wizard life she loved with all her heart. As she neared the Great Hall, her ears picked up the faint sounds of chattering, of course, the closer she became the louder it rose in volume.

Lily continued her casual pace, smiling at the students that passed her on their way to who knows where. Her steps were light, shoes making the minimal sound against the chilling stone floor. She paused at the entrance, her emerald gaze taking in the life she had taken for granted all these years. The students were busy talking amongst themselves and shoveling food onto their plates, that she paid little mind to, it was the floating candles, the stone carvings, the almost Renaissance the theme. She smiled in appreciation before continuing to the Gryffindor section, her eyes purposely avoiding the Slytherin table, another thing she was becoming accustomed to doing. Her once best friend was probably there and if he noticed her, he was likely to be watching her like she had caught him doing from time to time. It hurt her to let him go, however, she would not dabble with people interested in what she was willing to fight to banish. She mentally shook her head, where did he go wrong? A loud roar from the serpent's table had her rolling her eyes. The Gryffindor section was crowded, not that any table seemed to have spared many available seats. She scanned the area she usually sat and noticed the twins she normally was surrounded by were strangely missing in action. Not too strangely, they were both free spirited and were off doing something productive. Lily's eyes roamed the Hufflepuff tables before turning the Ravenclaw, her search coming up empty.

The rain rapped ever so lightly against the window that gifted the room, the gloominess it emitted did nothing but further dampen her mood. Lily turned her eyes to gaze around her quarters, it was nothing like the cheery styled home she spend the holidays at. Then again, she couldn't complain, her school was a castle after all. A castle filled with wonderful treasures one couldn't comprehend unless here or part of the wizard world. Her family was not part of her world, they were muggles with a loved for magic and adventure, something Lily inherited with all her heart and thankfully, there was never a dull moment at Hogwarts. She loved going home and telling stories after stories of her time here, even bringing back souvenirs was enough to leave her family in wonder. Small things would do, a cut out of the newspaper's moving pictures were enough to make their jaws go slack. Of course Petunia feigned interest, looked down her nose at such as though it were nothing special, a freak show if you will. It was hard to believe the young sister wanted to attend Hogwarts int he first place. Just picturing her sister flitting around in a cleaning frenzy made her snicker and she raised herself to a sitting position, her feet tucked neatly under her. "As if that would ever happen." She rolled her eyes and let her digits run through her long and silky red hair. Another trait that set her apart from the others, not many people had red hair and no one had her green eyes. Everywhere she went, the compliments were on her unique features, at times she enjoyed the attention but for the most part she politely accepted them and steered the conversation onto something else. Mum always taught her a true lady never kept the conversation on herself longer than needed.

Lily glanced down at her paper once more, her ink set into her normal calligraphy styled writing. The quill lay innocently, the tip pointing towards the unfinished letter as if nudging her to continue and yet Lily couldn't find it in herself to pick up the writing utensil. Instead, she capped her ink bottle and rose from her bed, sock clad feet touched the cold stone floor as she padded the short distance to her trunk and gently placed her bottle in it's usual place. The trunk closed with a light clank. Lily paid it no mind, she returned to her bed side and carefully lift her quill and parchment from her maroon comforter, one of the colors of Gryffindor, and set the items on her nightstand. The night was young, well, considerably although resting early might be beneficial considering the Hogsmead trip tomorrow. She shook her head, her long strands fanning out slightly from her shoulders. There it was again. Her nasty habit of never staying on track, she swore her mind worked to fast for her to keep up with at times. Her gaze landed on the letter and sucked her lower lip between her teeth. She would finish it before bed and possibly send it tonight, if curfew would allow. Then again, she could always waked up early, like she normally did, and send one of the school's owls on the mission. The trek to the owlery would be a good work out, not that she was getting over weight but a littler exercise here and there never hurt anyone. One again the rain tapping the window came to mind and she felt a sinking sensation at the thought of sending an owl out in this weather. Like her mother, she had a kind heart to any living creature. Her pink flesh suffered it's small abuse as her pearly whites did a circular number on it, her jaw showing her indecisiveness. The inner struggle was short lived, and the slightly swollen lower lip was released from it's prison. She could always use the Impervius charm on the owl of her choice, and her letter of course. All her writing would be effortless if the water soaked through and let the words bleed into a mess of ink. A smile grace her lips, she really did love magic and all it's conveniences. Mind made up, she strolled to the end of her bed once more and perched herself on the corner. Lily leaned over, her fingertips brushing the tongue of her shoes. She set to work putting them on, her stomach growling softly, the action forced a small blush to her cheeks. "I'll feed you, don't worry." She said softly as though she were talking to a child.

Lily stood when her shoes were finally in place and smoothed her robes free of wrinkles, part of looking like an excellent witch was keeping up appearances. The October chill did nothing but encourage her to continue her journey out of her room and down to the common room. The walls were avast with warm colors the roaring fire emitted and Lily was sorely tempted to sit in one of the chairs and bask in it's comforting glory. A growl from her stomach, however, silenced such luxurious thoughts. Thankfully the room was nearly empty, it would seem everyone was already at the great hall, filling their empty bellies with the gourmet meals so readily available. Lily crossed the short distance towards the heat, her pale hands already going cold. Perhaps a little basking was alright. Like a moth, her gaze was drawn to the flames, the enticing yellow flickers danced seductively. She extended her hands, palms down, towards the source and smiled gently when the heat caressed her soft flesh. A pop sounded loudly. Lily jumped in response, an embarrassed laugh escaped her lips and she quickly glanced at those that did occupy the room, she was ever so grateful that they were too consumed in their studies to take any noticed to what she was doing.

Her eyes narrowed disapprovingly at the fire, she had forgotten the effects fire had to sap, not that it would have prepared her regardless. With great mental strength, Lily pulled herself from the fire and maneuvered past the chairs and little tables until she reached the entrance and successfully made it outside. The painting swung close behind her, the action once again causing her to jump and she mentally scolded herself for being so spacey. The hallway was, thankfully, deserted. It wouldn't do for Head Girl to be so jumpy for little things. Lily squared her shoulders and stood up straight, her chin parallel to the ground in the "perfect" posture her mother had drilled into her at an early age. Just as she was reining in her dignity, a gruff laugh reached her ears . Lily mentally groaned for forgetting, the laugh was loud and she knew instantly who it belonged to. The one person that never left her post, the one person who saw many things and had many secrets to tell however, her apparent class had something to do with her keep her mouth shut, much to Lily's sudden happiness at the thought.

"Startled, my dear?" The painting asked, The Fat Lady's large hand gracefully touched the tip of her lower lip, suppressing her small smile. Lily's eyes widened and she turned in her spot to face the culprit, her cheeks paint a light hue. "O-of course not..." She defended herself, one hand reaching up to the tuck her hair behind her ear. The knowing smile on the painted face spoke volumes and Lily couldn't help the a sheepish smile of her own. "Oh alright, a little. Rainy days always affect my mood." Lily admitted, it wasn't a large or negative affect, it just made her wheels turn more, think more, wander more. The Fat Lady chuckled at the young student and nodded her head in the direction of the great hall, a glass of red wine accompanied her other hand and she gingerly took a sip. "You better eat up, what better way to cure a rainy day than with a feast!" She said in a sing song voice and Lily's tummy whole heartedly agreed. Lily silenced her stomach with a well placed hand over the flat surface. "I suppose so." She said quietly nodding her head in agreement. "I'll be off then." She added with a small wave and turned to the path to where the she knew food to be. The Gryffindor towers were on the seventh floor, perhaps set on purpose to burn the calories one would surely acquire during a meal.

Lily paused in her writing, her quill hovering ever so slightly above the parchment. Her striking green eyes stared at the paper without seeing it, her beautiful penmanship shone in the dim light of her room. As usual for this time, Lily had begun her letter to home, late but better than never. Normally Lily graced the library with her presence when it came to writing and studying, even free writing when an assignment wasn't necessarily needed. It was her letters to home that were born in her room, the only writing that was completed in her almost lazy pose. Lily sighed, her hot breath barely ruffled the soft quill in her hand. Her elbows hurt, that much was true, she was currently laying on her stomach, knees bent and feet suspended in the air behind her derrière, her upper quarters supported on her elbows. Emerald orbs roamed the name of her sister, guilt clenched her gut and she lay her writing utensil across the parchment, her first two fingers on each hand finding refuge at her temples in order to calm the migraine she knew would surely come. Life at home wasn't the best, she loved her family dearly but the fact that her sister made it so difficult for her each time she returned home was just enough to make her head pound in pain. Jealousy. Ah yes, jealousy, the cause of this situation in the first place. Petunia's rather pathetic begging had not landed her a spot in Hogwarts so naturally the stubborn sibling had rejected everything magical, even her own flesh and blood. Lily's brow furrowed at the thought, over the years she had tried her hardest to mend the cracked relationship and only succeeded in widening the imperfection, one day, just one day she knew it would shatter.

I am currently on the search for a long term role play partner. This doesn’t mean that the role play needs to be long term I would just love to find someone that I click with both in interests as well as writing style. Despite my urge to write in paragraph format I will make sure to keep things simple so that people don’t lose interest.


  • I am running on Mountain Time..
  • I respond weekly, sooner if I'm having a great time.
  • I would consider myself lazy literate. I post paragraphs (4-6 average although I can do more) and expect the same from my partner. I love descriptions, painting a scene, and giving my partner enough to work with that they are excited to respond. Please no one liners.
  • Along those lines are mistakes. I make them especially when I’m excited and the words come spilling out. I’m not against mistakes AT ALL but please try to use proper grammar.
  • I write in third person although I’m not opposed to first person writing. I do refuse text speak though.
  • I play female 98% of the time and prefer to keep it that way. If I do play a man it is as an NPC or secondary character.
  • I despise Mary Sues and Gary Sues. Flawed characters are beautiful!
  • Face claims can be real people, they can be anime, they can be missing completely. I just want real characters. I take a lot of time to create mine and hope that you do as well.
  • This is incredibly cheesy. I love my characters and I spend an insane amount of time creating them to be real. I do not force them to do anything, I do not alter their personality, and I do not make them out of character. I write like they are a real person and my style of writing shows their emotions, their thoughts, and how they perceive the scenario/world around them.
  • Totally down for smut and really enjoy writing it but I also want an actual story instead of just smut.
  • I’m going to be real here. Sometimes people and writing clash. It happens and when it does the role plays tend to get boring and stressful to continue. If that happens please respect my wishes if I don’t want to continue just like I will respect yours.

𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕤/𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕖𝕤 :......................𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠:


Incest between a parent and a child


Incest between an adult (Aunt/Uncle/Grandparent) and a child


Underage Characters


Bathroom Play


Torture or Mutilation









Slice of Life


ℙ𝕝𝕠𝕥𝕤 𝕀 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖

This role play takes place in the Supernatural universe where humans unknowingly live with the things that go bump in the night. Odd cases pop up all over the country often brushed away as a drunk story or made up tabloid article yet there are always hardened eyes reading every word. Hunters live and breath monster, live for the hunt and put their lives on the line to save those that are unfortunate enough to encounter the dangerous beings. One case pops up in the small town of Cripple Creek, Colorado. People go missing only to be found in the surrounding woulds mutilated and with their hearts missing. Typical werewolf behavior and with silver weapons, our dashing hunters head to hunt their prey...separately. Our characters do not know each other and only meet when they corner their werewolf, foiling the trap and unwilling allow the creature to go free.

Our characters exchange not so pleasant words and go their separate ways both tracking the wolf down once again. They realize that the other won’t let go of this so they device a plan to work together. Their plan goes off flawlessly and their prey is slaughtered. A celebratory session at the hotel is in order. Hot passionate sex takes place and the two decide that hunting together wouldn’t be so bad with such sexy perks.

You don't need to know the show since we will only use the universe. If you have a different plot idea for this show then please let me know! I want to do a monster of the week type role play.
The final battle of Hogwarts has ended and the loss of wizards has been great from both sides. The ministry has declared a mandatory arranged marriage for anyone aged 16 to 30s. They need to replenish those they lost in order to keep the magical world from extinction. Our characters are eighteen and in their final year at Hogwarts when they receive the person they will be married to after graduation. The dorms no longer exists as they have all been turned into studio condos for the couples to bond. Accidental pregnancies are encouraged and praised in this twisted story. Our characters are from different houses and have not gotten along in the past for one reason or another, living with the other is torture yet they can’t help but sneak a look at the soft skin hidden beneath the clothes. Despite not really liking each other they are attracted to the other. After a heated argument our characters give into the passion and that attraction turns to a little more than tolerance of the other. They can’t get enough and soon they are sneaking out to ‘play’.

If pregnancy is your thing we can have them get pregnant. If not then this is just purely smut with lots of magical spells to make things interesting.
So this role play is me being incredibly selfish. I have a character who wants one last adventure before working her tail off. With college behind her, she takes her savings and decides to go backpack Europe with one goal on her mind. Find a new lover in each country and screw the hell out of them. A vacation of lust, passion, and exploration is basically the premise of this. There is no deep meaning, no secret plot, just exploring new lands and shacking up with a local hottie.

Please Note: These are NOT my craved pairings. Just ones I can get behind. I can often be persuaded by a good plot.*
  • Roomies
  • Step Siblings
  • Best Friend x Best Friend
  • Friend x Friend’s Sibling
  • Boyfriend x Girlfriend’s Sister
  • Brother x Sister’s Friend
  • Rich x Commoner
  • Rich x Bodyguard
  • Boss x Employee
  • Professor x Student
  • Supervisor x Intern
  • Fantasy Creature x Human
  • Fantasy Creature x Fantasy Creature
  • Reverse Harem

𝕄𝕪 𝔽 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥:

Take it or leave it.

F-list - Warning

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Bump to see if anyone wants to adopt my abandoned role play. Poor Wren needs a lover.
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