Fx Male Hopeless Romantic Seeks: Non-white (Black/Asian/Latin/Biracial) Males! Heartfelt, Taboo/Forbidden Romance


Romance Enthusiast
Oct 26, 2018
United States
Welcome, Friend!
Thank you for coming and having a look over my RT! ~

Edit)) Before we get started, please, please, PLEASE, when you express your interest in role-playing with me, include at least an idea of sorts of what you'll like to write about. Nothing more turns me off than a vague "Hey! Wanna role-play?" or an one-lined request with really no input. Not to be mean, but I tend to leave such messages unanswered. I'm here to role-play, not to interrogate you.


There's really nothing much to say about me... So, I'll just go with the type of Role-player I am.

Preference of my writing partners gender?
I don't mind if your male, female, trans, non-binary, or whatever you may identify as. So long you're comfortable and willing to playing a Male character to my female, you'll never hear any complaints from me! We're all here to write after all~

How I write?
My type of writing usually focuses on how my character(s) think, feel, or sense. As well the emotions they feel through the way I write, instead of just saying it out-right. Another thing is that I don't force my characters to do what I want, but rather put their current feelings feeling into perspective as I weave their emotions and decision making on the situation into words before sending them down that path, or not. I like to think my characters as actual breathing creatures with their own feelings and sense of being. I'm just simply describing their life story.

Dom or Sub?
My characters are relatively submissive, as well possibly a bit dominant in the bedroom. Sometimes my ladies will have spontaneous moments of dominance over their lover, keeping them on their toes with possibilities of power struggles. 35/65 - Dom/Sub ratio is typical for my ladies So, I suppose you can say my characters have Switch moods, never really staying a definite Sub. But I would be more than willing to play a insecure, shy lady in the bedroom, just be sure to let me know, I don't bite, but I might nibble~ <3

World building?
Admittedly my world-building is lacking. To balance this out, I truly do need a partner able to describe a fitting world for our characters. Even so, I'm not looking for a huge, crazily unique land -- a simple area we both understand works just as well!~ because my world-build is a train wreck, I will usually ask my partners to possibly build the starter for us, though I always provide suggestions to balance out the work load.

Reponse time?
As for the time it takes me to post for a RP, it relatively depends on how motivated I am to write, or how hectic real-life gets for me. I would say weekly, give or take. I just ask for patience.

*Only Role-playing in PMs*


What to Expect From Me :
Patience, Communication, Great Grammar, Leniency towards Spelling and Grammar Mishaps, Multiple Paragraphs (3-5+ paragraphs), Third-Person Perspective, No One-Line/Sentences, Friendly OOC, Cooperative Brainstorming, Attention to Details, and Honesty.

What I Look For in My Partners :
Patience, Communication, Three Descriptive Paragraphs, Third-Person Perspective, Cooperative Brainstorming, Friendly OOC.
~ That's all! ~
Visual (real/realistic) interpretations via pictures are always welcomed and appreciated during the RP! (Open to NSFW Pics -- so long its not of you!)

What I'm Looking to Write :
**Updated - Sat, March 28
|| Steamy Build up into Well-earned Smut || Slow Burn Romance || Smut || Simple Slice of Life Plots || Vanilla Scenes || Light Kinky Scenes || Light BDSM Scenerios || MFM Scenes || White Woman x Black/Asian/Latin/Biracial Men ||

My Writing Sample :

This village, it needed all the help she could give. Terra being the ever helpful soul, she sought to find a use to her botany knowledge, collecting exotic and rare floral to save others. With the use of various plants, she could very well cure any aliment that was brought to her for treatment, doing all that she can to help these poor folk. Her tender loving care, any and all were welcomed to seek her out. If those who are too weak to make the venture, she would just as simply come to them. Her services, it didn't cost a single coin. All that she ever asked of anybody was if those who are able-bodied could help find her some local plants to use, dabble, or enhance more stronger medications for those that really need it.

"And...we're all done!" Terra declared with a sweet smile. "I suggest you be more careful from now on. You understand?" Came her gentle chastising. The young boy nodded his head shyly in understanding, promptly earning himself a caring pat on his knee. "Alright, you're free to go. Be sure to keep the bandage on for at least three days to prevent any chances of infection." She informed, teasingly shooing the boy away to go have fun with his friends waiting outside her makeshift medic tent. With another smile, she watched the children run off in a fit of giggles.

With the children now gone elsewhere, Terra's smile slowly disappeared, shortly letting out a long sigh as she knew she must tend to those still remaining in her tent. Once standing up straight onto her two stable feet, she turned around to look upon the rows of deathly ill patents laying in cots still looking for a possible cure to their disease. There would be a time that there was nothing more she could do but to give them a quick and merciful death. Its not her preferred route to take, but she didn't want them to be in further pain when there was just no hope for them to live on, a last resort. Each life lost on her account felt like a dagger to the chest for Terra, filling her with uncertainty that perhaps if she had more time, they just might've lived.

The tent was filled with various patents severely coughing, groaning with weakness. Terra headed to the nearest one to assist them to sit up as she placed her hand at the center of their back. Reaching out to the near by wooden crate of assortment of bottles and vials holding liquefied medicines, she pulled out a green thin glass, popping the cork open. Immediately, the strong putrid smell reached her nose, making the small hairs curl at the faintest of it's stench. "I know it smells horrible, but it'll sooth your cough and sore throat, ma'am." She informed politely, shortly tipping the vial into the older woman's mouth, who momentarily scrunched her face in utter distaste.

Terra done this for any who showed signs of discomfort during moments of coughing fits. To see her patents in pain, it cut the young woman straight to the heart. Why must so many people of this village suffer? Surely if she worked hard enough, she just might help these people for good. Sadly, that just might be too much to hope for. Even so, Terra wasn't one to quit half way. With another long sigh, she had herself a momentary seat on a sturdy wooden chair. That is, until she decided to work over some possible cures with her latest bundle of collected fungi and floral plants. With luck, she might find something that can nip this illness in the bud.

As Terra was working on mixing, grinding, and separating her ingredients at her work place, she shortly heard whispers from those outside her tent. Something about a Prince? With a shake of her head, she dismissed such news. Surely if any royal who cared about their lands, they wouldn't just let a village go near ruin, such as the one she was working to keep handful of it's locals alive. In her mind, this figurehead didn't seem worth much of her time -- that is, if he came to her about a ailment that is, then she would do her best to cure whatever he may have. Otherwise, all that he would get from her is a earful on how he could better this village with his influence, opposed to doing absolutely nothing to help it's people.


My Kinks and Limits :

My kinks are relatively vanilla in comparison, though I do have a appreciation for the moment's of kinky-ness between characters.
Vanilla Sex
Passionate Sex
Sensual Sex/Love Making
Neck Kisses
Detailed Stripping/Removal of Clothes
Detailed Exposed Erect Dicks
Slow-burn Love
Exhibitionist Tendencies
YC Picking MC's Clothing
Humanoid Genitals
Vaginal Sex
Vaginal Fingering
Vaginal Toying
Anal Toying
Breast/Nipple Play
Consensual Sex
Rough Sex
Hair Pulling
Ass Spanking
MC Receiving Oral
Sappy/Cheesy Romance
Hot-wife Scenarios
Consensual Cheating/Cuckold/Flirting
Dirty Talking
Interracial Relationships
Cum Swapping via kissing
Double Penetration
Light Bondage
Hands Tied/Cuffed
Light Usage of Toys

- - - - -

Please reframe from asking me to take part in anything listed under my Limits
Underage Character(s)
Anime Character(s)
Unrealistic Scenarios
Unrealistic Body Proportions (breasts, ass, dicks, etc.)
Watersports (pure urine)
Extreme Sexual Torture/Pain
Extreme Humiliation
Extreme Degradation
School/University/College RPs
Sexual Dismemberment
Any Hyper Growth
Body Modification
Animal/Abnormal Genitals
Non-pregnancy Lactation
Playing Older Women
Playing Two/Multi Love-Interests
Agegaps - no more than 15 apart

Cravings, Pairings, and Plottings :

I'm Craving....

> Craving anything Dragon Ball related. Preferably Super AU.

> MFM Pairings.

> Casual Sex leading up to slow burn love (booty calls, friends with benefits, ect.).

> Steamy build up into scolding hot sex scenes.

> Smutty Slice of Life stories. At this time I'm ONLY seeking Slice of Life settings.

> I REALLY want to play against an adorable and/or sweet Asian male character! Biracial asian is accepted as well.

> An interracial pairing whereas I play a white female. (I'll happily accept black/asian/latin/biracial men~)

> To play a bratty switchy/sub.

> Smutty scene(s) where MC receives oral sex. (I don't get to play such a scene anymore T_T). Big bonus points from me if you'd be willing to help me here~

More to Come!~

- - - - -

Remember! Many of these roles can be combined together!
Lone Elven Huntress x Wounded Human-Dragon Shifter Knight.)

Species Roles -

Human x Human
Human x Angel
Human x
Human x Elf
Human x Vampire
Human x Human/Elf Dragon Shifter
Angel x Angel
Angel x
Possesed (demon/etc.) Human
Angel x Demon
Angel x Hellhound Shifter(?)
Angel x Vampire
Elf x Elf
Elf x
Human/Elf Dragon shifter

Character Roles -

Princess x
Royal Knight
Princess x Commoner
Princess x Kidnapper
Princess x Assassin
Princess x Hired Body Guard
Servant x Prince
Servant x Royal Knight
Damsel in Distress x Knight
Damsel in Distress x Prince
Lone Huntress x Wounded Knight
Demon Hunter x Demon Hunter(Like Witchers?)
Demon Hunter x Creature(?)
White Woman x Black/Asian/etc. Man
Woman x Twin Brothers (Threesome)
Inexperienced x BDSM Dom
Slave x Master
Friend x Friend
Friends with Benefits

This list isn't at all restrictive, you can still come to me with a different pairing you think I would enjoy as well!

- - - - -

Plots and Ideas

Possible Pairing(s) :
Lone Huntress x Wounded Man / Bounty Hunter - (Any race/species)

Genre/Setting :
Romance, Low-Fantasy, Mild Fantasy

Plot/Smut Expectancy :
Probably Plot Centric.

Extra Info :
Adjustment can be made to plot.

MC, a lone huntress lived deep within the woods where aplenty creatures roam it's thickets, looking for it's next prey. The huntress thought she needed no one to keep her company. That is, she happened onto a body. To her surprise, he was still breathing. What could've happen to this man? Whatever it was, it seemed to chew him up and spat him back out. It certainly didn't look to be an ordinary wound the huntress is familiar with the local wildlife. What could've caused this man harm? Curiosity bit the female, urging her to drag the wounded man to her camp that's well hidden behind various floral plants and greenery. With luck, whatever harmed this man didn't seek to finish the job.

* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
1) YC's attacker comes back to finish the job.

2) YC on the verge of death, has important information to give to MC.

3) YC is a criminal/wanted man for stealing/murder.

4) The 'Creature' is actually a bounty Hunter looking for the wounded man to turn him into the authorities.

5) MC is a long lost princess, to which the wounded man was ordered to search for.

6) YC was paid to find MC, who has particularly unique markings/features.

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
Sex in a Pool of Water
Accidental Nudity
Exhibitionism/Nudist (MC)
Half Naked Bodies
MC Dressing YC WouWos
Accidental Sexual Groping/Touching
Risk of Pregnancy

Possible Pairing(s) :
Princess x Any Race/Species

Genre/Setting :
Medievel, Low-Fantasy, Mild-Fantasy.

Plot/Smut Expectancy :

Extra Info :
Adjustments/Discussion will be needed. Someone needs to come to MCs rescue - Guard / Friend / Raid Leader / Raid Solider / Random Savior - (Any race/species)

MC is the princess to a kingdom, next onto throne as the only daughter to the current ruling king. The kingdom is relatively peaceful with a just king, a man who held such devotion for his people as if they are his extended family, a merciful man.

Further across the lands held a growing camp/hold/kingdom, one that the peaceful kingdom was not aware of. Magic/spells/incantations kept them from being seen from scouts, allowing them to lay in wait while they think of a fool-proof plan to strike, giving them little to no warning as the MC's people are slaughtered one by one.

As the kingdom was quickly being taken over, MC heard the distant screams in the direction of the main-keep as she was beyond the castle walls with her escorts. She was confused and worried for her people, running off without a word to her guards as she wanted to find a way to save her people anyway possible. Before she could make it anywhere far, she suddenly heard the painful screams of her escorts, looking back to find them being attacked.

* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
1) The princess was stolen from unknown land.

2) Passerby comes to the Princess' rescue.

3) The royal guards betrayed both the King and Princess.

4) Distant/long lost childhood friend looks for Princess, reunites.

5) The princess is a very capable fighter.

6) The princess gets kidnapped.

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
Adventuring Companion with Benefits
Damsel in Distress Situations
Non-con/Dub-con Situations
Sexy Fighting/Training (Between YC x MC)
MC Virgin
Risk of Pregnancy

Possible Pairing(s) :
Princess x Hired Mercenary (Elf or Human race(s))

Genre/Setting :
Romance, Medieval, Low-Fantasy, Mild-Fantasy.

Plot/Smut Expectancy :
Plotty with moments of meaningful Smut

Extra Info :
Plot can be adjusted to fit both our preferences.

YC is a famous/infamous mercenary for hire, earning himself a name with his talents for getting things done. Recently, he was given an royal decree to seek out the princess to help her on her travels across the lands. This job obviously had the promise of riches, including a position as the Guard Caption once he finished escorting the young woman to her desired destination.

The two have been on the road for some time, neither really speaking to the other -- or at least the princess appeared to be deep in thought, not really aware that YC was seeking to strike a conversation with her. It was obvious she had quite a lot working through her head as her eyes ever remained downcast while they continued on.

That is, until her eyes widen in fear. Immediately after, YC would feel a sharp pain piercing through his left shoulder, an arrow sticking out. It would appear the two have been ambushed by an unknown enemy hidden away in the brushes. Luckly, YC was capable enough as he made quick order of dispatching their foes -- though, they were nothing YC has ever seen before.

Before YC could further investigate the bodies, he begun feeling weak -- the arrow was laced with a deadly toxin. It didn't take long until he would find himself feeling faint and light headed, the princess quick to his side screaming for him as he fell to the ground below, though it would sound more like a whisper as he slipped into complete darkness.

Surprisingly but pleasantly so, YC found himself alive, though sore and groggy from rest. Its uncertain how long he thought himself to be out for, though he soon laid eyes on a sleeping form resting in a nearby in a uncomfortable wooden chair. It was the princess, clearly exhausted. Perhaps she was worn out from patching and curing him?

One thing was certain, the princess seemed to know what's going on, or at least appeared to know.

* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
1) MC is required to destroy a dark, evil presence.

2) MC must make a sacrifice.

3) YC demands answers, threatens to leave if not told.

4) Magic is outlawed, MC and/or YC secretly wields/uses magic.

5) YC trains/mentors MC to learn to fight/defend herself.

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
MC Dressing YC wound(s)
Various others I can't think of ^^

Possible Pairing(s) :
(MC) Female x Female Domme

Genre/Setting :
Romance, Slice of Life / Modern Fantasy / Supernatural

Plot/Smut Expectancy :
Smut Heavy

Extra Info :
Preferably Short-Term. But if it turns out to have great story potential, we can make it long-term.

MC thought herself to be straight, only sexually attracted to men. At least that's what she told herself. On a particular night, MC decided to let lose at a local night club. Unknown to her, she ended up wandering into a lesbians only type of establishment.

After some drinks, MC was buzzed enough to the point she was actually willing to embarrass herself on the dance floor. Wasn't long until her antics drew some attention towards herself. Perhaps her dance moves were just that good, or just maybe she looked like a complete fool waving her arms like she was? Either way, YC decided to join in the dance with MC, Perhaps saving her from further embrsssment tonight.

Of course, the dance didn't stay innocent for long as the two start getting a little naughty; groping, grinding, kissing, you name it. Eventually, things get a little too steamy where either one of them decide to take things somewhere more private. As for what happens there...will very well change MC's perspective on her sexuality completely.

* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
YC is a Dominatrix.

1) YC has a twin/sibling also interested in MC (Male or Female).

2) MC and YC were old school friends, but lost contact.

3) YC is secretly a magical/supernatural being.

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
Various Use of Toys
Vaginal Fingering/Licking
MC vs. YCs Female & Male/Female (FxFxF/FxFxM)
YC Being MC's Mistress

Possible Pairing(s) :
Female x Various/Mutiple Guys

Genre/Setting :
Romance, Slice of Life / Modern Fantasy

Plot/Smut Expectancy :

Extra Info :
Closed with possible exceptions. Can include light fantasy/upernatural elements.

There was this seemingly normal girl who regularly took a jog every early morning. Nothing abnormal there, just someone looking to stay fit. The thing that's different about this woman wasn't what everyone was aware about. To put simply, MC has a insatiable sexual desire that not even her various devices don't even work for her anymore. There was only one thing that can sate that undeniable desire, which was to get a taste of the real thing. Or rather, the full course meal.

MC had the idea to con men to wishing to have their way with her, such like pretending her water heater broke, promptly knocking on a fellow neighbors door. She would then ask if she may use their shower, to only strategically leaving the bathroom door wide open for any curious eyes -- or for them to join in! This wasn't the only plan she had under her sleeve either. With her strikingly good looks, charming personality, who wouldn't want to help her sate the insatiable desire she has?

* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
1) YC(s) are supernatural/fantastical beings.

2) MC is in an open marriage.

3) MC has an open minded husband/boyfriend who enjoys watching her cheat/flirt with other guys.

5) MC is a Snow-Bunny/Queen of Spades (she'd prefer black guys).

6) MC wants to become pregnant ASAP.

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
Reverse Harem
Light/Medium Bondage
Risk of Pregnancy/Impregnation
Threesomes (MFM Only)
Toy Usage
Double/Triple Penetration
Booty Calls
Lots of Dirty Talk
Cuckold/Cheating Situations
Consensual Cheating/Cuckold/Flirting
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Various Romantic Slice of Life Prompts

* Any and all can be adjusted into MxF, MxFxM, or FxF *

Can be short-term, one-shot, or long-term stories.

* Can include light Fantasy elements as well if desired *

The Club Scene
MC and YC(s) meet over at a club, both catching the others eye before deciding to come closer, suggesting to join the other for a drink at the bar/dance on the dance floor. Either way, they find themselves attracted to the other, enough to suggest taking things somewhere more private.

Shopping Surprise
MC/YC(s) was just simply looking to buy a few items at the local store, to only have their eyes on a particularly attractive figure. They grew curious of striking up a conversation. Once the two/three sought to depart from the other, they offered their number in hopes of meeting up again.

Seeking for Love
MC was desperately looking to get out there and possibly find herself love. So, given she had no luck looking for it herself, she decided to enlist the help of an online dating app/site in hopes that it'll find her that perfect match. YC being that lucky somebody.

The Road Between Them
MC/YC(s) had recently moved into the neighborhood, eager to get to know their new neighbors. Sooner or later, YC/MC finds the other, finding themselves intrigued in possibly getting to know them furthe. Friendly at first before it developed into something else completely.

Friends are Forever
MC and YC(s) had been long time friends, though never going past that metaphorical line to being something more. On a particular night, MC/YC(s) suddenly decided to change that, finally admitting they longed for something more than friends. Possibly surprising them once they hear the feelings are mutual.

The One that Got Away
MC and YC(s) were once best friends since elementary. One day, they've become separated after the other moves away. The two/three kept connected for a time but a long distance relationship was hard to retain. Eventually they drifted apart. One day they return to their hometown after several years. They unite to only realize how attractive their friend had become, to which the feeling is mutual.

Rock My World!
MC had recently got out of a relationship with the most bland sex she's ever had. Seeking to satisfy her sexual needs, she sought to just throw caution to the wind and just enjoy herself with a lucky somebody. Practically grabbing the first handsome man willing to show her a good time with the promise of rocking her world. She might've bitten more than she can chew when he introduced surprising yet exciting things she's been deprived of.

Possible Pairing(s) :
FxM - Lost Human Female x Mysterious Home Owner (Werewolf/Vampire/Supernatural/Cursed-Human/Etc.)

Genre/Setting :
Romance, Supernatural, Low-Fantasy, Dark, Medieval, Historical-Fiction, and/or Slice of Life.

Plot/Smut Expectancy :

Extra Info :
Story can be adjusted to fit both our preferences.

During a dark stormy night, a lone woman had found herself in the middle of nowhere after her car unexpectedly broken down. Cold and in dire of shelter as the winds appeared to pick up in severity, the woman ought to find someplace solid and warm to rest and hopefully ask for help with her vehicle.

As luck may have it, in between flashes of lightening did she spot a sturdy looking home some distance away from her broken down car. Eager to get out of the storm, the woman raced towards its direction, though having to shield herself from the heavy rain pelting down on her.

Upon reaching the home, only then did she start to feel maybe it would've been best to stay in her car. Standing there at the front door, she threw caution to the wind and bravely knocked on the door. "Hello? A-anybody home? I need help!" The woman hollered repeatedly over the screaming wind and deafening downpours. "Please, is anybody home?!"

When it seemed all was lost, the door swung open to reveal a man. The sudden appearance frightened the woman. Yet as her eyes settled on the mysterious stranger, she couldn't explain why her skin started to crawl. Better yet, why he seems to emit a a dangerous aura. He...frightened her. Yet, despite it all, she was too stubborn to back away now. Besides, what's more dangerous; this man, or the storm of the century?

"May I use your phone, please? My car broke down."

* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
1) MC must work (cook, clean, etc.) in order to remain within the home.

2) The home is ancient, housing various dark, creepy secrets that YC must keep safe.

3) MC breaks a strict rule about entering a particular room.

4) YC has a sibling/twin who also lives in the home. (Possible Love-triangle)

5) YC transforms at night/full moon, to which MC eventually finds out.

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
Various others I can't think of.

Possible Pairing(s) :

Genre/Setting :

Plot/Smut Expectancy :

Extra Info :


* * Everything Below is Open for Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :

Smut Elements We Can Include :

! Fandom !
Plots and Ideas

Dragon Ball Z / Super (AU)

Possible Pairing(s) :
My Saiyan OC x Goku, Vegeta, Future/Grown Trunks, and/or Gohan. May possibly be open to a none-overpowered OC of your choice.

Genre/Setting :
Fandom - Alternate Universe. Romance and possibly Drama.

Plot/Smut Expectancy :
Story Centric with plentiful, meaningful smut.

Extra Info :
All characters involved in smut situations will be aged up to at least 20 years of age!
I will play an OC as a main character, but am willing to playing the other canon women, but none will be involved in smut situations.
My OC will not be over-powered, despite being a Saiyan herself, but granted she was never trained by another Saiyan, or anyone else willing to train her to full potential, she could likely be defeated by a well-trained fighter.
I'm open minded on how Trunks or Gohan are played.
If drama, cheating, child bearing isn't your thing, let me know! We can easily make it so none or a select few have not become married yet. Alternatively, I love Trunks ^^.

The Story :
MC was outside training by herself, as typical on a long uneventful night for the young (22-28) Saiyan woman. Given her above average strength to that of a normal human, she would be found punching or kicking down trees seemingly without little effort. Yet, for her, it was indeed an effort given the fact she rarely ever gets out to train anymore. Which was probably a good thing for the poor trees having to endure the woman's boredom.

As if a saving grace was granted for the next tree of the Saiyan woman's incoming strike, she found herself stopping at the tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach. It's not often she'd feel such, it was almost too much as she found herself doubling over with the feeling of throwing up with how strong it became, as if the source was coming in fast.

As if on queue, a sudden rush of air landed before her causing her to place a shaky hand upon the nearest tree for balance, incidentally making the bark splinter around her curling fingers. "What..what is this feeling?" The woman muttered to herself as her eyes landed on the possible culprit. 'Is...Is that the feeling of his power? I never known such levels were ever possible!...'

* * Everything Below Is Open For Discussion

Plot Elements We Can Include :
1) Intimately Inexperienced Goku, Never kissed Chi Chi (or anyone).

2) Vegeta flustered by "sneak attacks" of affection.

3) Vegeta and Goku fight/argue over who gets to father the first full blooded Saiyan on planet Earth. Of course, with the intention of bearing the strongest offspring.

4) Either Saiyan teach MC how to fight like a true warrior. (Teaching her how to become Super Saiyan).

5) Goku unknowingly cheats on Chi-Chi.

6) Vegeta secretly cheats on Bulma with MC in the attempt of bearing a strong Saiyan child. (To which I, the Hopeless Romantic, would love if it ends up more than that ^^)

7) MC gives birth to twins, both having different fathers. (It's an actual possibility believe it or not, look it up!)

8) Trunks and MC eventually fall madly in love, no cheating, child bearing, drama required! (I adore Trunks~)

-Whatever else you may have in mind!

Smut Elements We Can Include :
Risk Being Caught
Risk of Pregnancy
Power Play
Sexy Fighting/Training
MC Flirting
Canon(s) Mentoring MC
Saiyan-Gangbang (within reason)

If you're still interested, believing we could be a great fit, feel free to send me a PM! Its my preferred way of receiving messages.
Any questions? Feel to ask me via PM!

Have a Wonderful Day and happy Roleplaying!~
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