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Jack and Diana: A Mass Effect Story (Jack Stalker and Mystearica)

Dec 26, 2011
Jack and Diana: A Mass Effect Story

Jack didn't really know what a reporter was doing on board the ship, but she did know that ever since Diana Allers had come on board she had been horny as hell. Reporters usually grated on Jack's nerves with her constant poking about, bending the truth and lying to get their ratings up, but this one was just so fucking hot it was hard not to imagine what it would be like to make her scream. In Jacks mind Diana had to be fucking half the crew in order to get back stories on people and the dirt she fuelled her viewership with. That was what Jack figured and, after some snooping around and persuading EDI to help out, it was what she determined was right. Allers was planning a hatchet job on the crew, even during such desperate times as these the reporter in Diana was still looking for some scandal, for something sensational to unleash on her viewers. Jack would have been happy to stuff her out of an airlock, but there was one simple problem with that... Allers was just too damn fucking hot to want to kill, even killing her wouldn't bring Jack the same level of thrill that she knew she would get if she fucked her.

Meeting aboard the Normandy might have been an option, but it was easier to offer to meet her somewhere else as well, giving Diana a chance to choose where they met up. Jack sent her a simple text message, offering an 'exclusive', talking about the bitch Miranda and how the commander had his dick so far into that whores ass that he was no longer part of the alliance, and only an extension of the illusive mans influence in the galaxy. Jack claimed that she had scandals, stories and information she'd collected for months... all she needed was some persuading from the 'ace reporter' on board, all she needed was a meeting with the great Diana Allers. It was a crude and basic message, but Jack figured that Allers would go for it. She even celebrated her brilliant plan by painting the walls next to her cot down in the new expansive engineering shuttle bay with strings of hot cum from her girlish cock as she jerked off thinking about the hot bodied reporter squirming and writhing beneath her as she fucked some sense into her.

Getting ready for the meeting Jack shaved her head, then strapped up her torso with a few bands of white material, leaving her to squeeze into some extremely low riding black leather combats which showed off her pelvic V as it vanished out of sight beneath the waistband. Her tattooed abs and oblique’s showed in places through the material, as she smirked at her reflection in a nearby wall and prepared to go where she was directed. She figured that Diana might call her to the makeshift office and studio she had on board the ship for a drink, or maybe come down to the shuttle bay, which was largely empty right now with most of the crew on shore leave. Even Sheperd was off ship, likely banging away in one of his whores, that blue skinned alien or the aforementioned slave of Cerberus. If not then Jack could simply suggest that they head off ship to Purgatory or some other bar on the citadel where they were docked, somewhere unobtrusive, where Jack could get her drunk enough to follow whatever suggestions she had... assuming Jack didn't just get so turned on she had to fuck her right then and there. Allers was a fucking reporter for Christ sakes, she must have a fair idea of what Jack was like and her reputation but now. If she wore anything remotely 'fuck me', then she was as good as asking for it, in Jacks opinion.

So she waited for a reply. Tense. Anticipating. An eager gleam in her eyes and a wet slit and a hard cock pulsing inside her combats. Finally, impatience getting the best of her after a wait of all of five minutes, she hot up and took the lift to where Allers studio was aboard. With only a token staff aboard, along with one or two of Sheperd’s chosen crewmates, she didn’t even see anyone as she hit the controls to the news room and walked in, “I got fed up waiting Allers. We going to deal or what?” she asked, looking around for the woman.
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