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Convert me to your Fandom


Jul 18, 2017
mishawaka indiana
Do you have a fandom you love but can't seem to find any other fans of because it isn't recent or popular enough?

Do you want to tell people about it and hopefully create new fans?

Are you looking for a new franchise to fall in love with?

If you answered yes to the first and second question, the third question or all of the above this thread is for you.

What you should do:
At the minimum, list the name, a brief synopsis and why you love it.
A link to where people can learn more about it would also be nice. Try searching for it on Fandom.
If applicable, youtube videoes about it would be nice (this can be in place of or part of the synopsis) and a link to where it can be streamed would be awesome.

What you shouldn't do:
DO NOT REQUEST ROLE PLAYS HERE! This thread is about sharing what you love. If you create a new fan and they seek you out to play that's great but it isn't the point of this thread.
Don't post thing that are already popular like Dragonball, Avatar, Harry Potter, Final Fantasy...

I'll go first.


I could do a synopsis but already did it so well.
The reason the show suffered in season 3 is Greg Weisman (who makes great shows but can't seem to stay on one for more than 2 seasons) left, they took some of his notes but changes a lot of what he had planned.
also, on the joke about how lex should have been named Queens, Greg later said if he had stayed on for the third season he wanted to make Lexington gay.

here is a link to the Gargoyles wiki on Fandom. all 3 seasons can be streamed on Disney+.
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This is a really cool idea. (And I loved loved loved Gargoyles, back in the day.)


Revolutionary Girl Utena
  • A postmodernist fairytale
  • Incredibly nuanced and complicated characters, with deep dives into their psychology and damage (and they are all super damaged, which may only appeal to me).
  • Super gay, and deconstructs gender and gender roles.
  • So much symbolism. Seriously. It's a coming of age anime, focusing heavily on emergent sexuality, that leans on sword duels where both participants try to strike a rose from their opponent's chest. And yes, there is a scene where a sword pierces a rose straight through the center, so take from that what you will.
  • Rock opera soundtrack with gratuitous Engrish.
  • The filler/ comic relief episodes are completely absurd.
  • Total mindfuck.
You can watch the subs here.

There is also a movie, but it takes all the weirdness of the anime, turns it up to 11 and stuffs it into 90 minutes, so it's not entirely necessary. Unless you want to see a girl turn into a car, in which case it's entirely necessary.
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