Mx Female Deck full of stories


Conjurer of dreams
Jun 24, 2018
Welcome to my little magical realm of fantasy filled with possibilities. The table is set, all cards are laid down and all you have to do is pick a card... any card you desire.

Let us start first with introductions. My name is Magician and I am the weaver of the magical tapestry upon which stories will be written. I have been involved with stories for better part of my current lifetime. Some good, some bad, all remembered and carried along with me. But the card game that we call 'life' never ends. We just start another round and that is precisely what I am looking for - a partner with whom I shall start another magical round.

In my deck are all settings imaginable. Fantasy, slice of life, science fiction and science fantasy, post-apocalyptic, fandoms and much more. If possible, I'll gladly take fantasy first as it is a setting I am most comfortable with, though as I have come to learn, with the right partner any story can become magnificent, even if it falls out of my initial genre of interest. Before pairings and the setting, there are a few guidelines to be mentioned. I do not call them 'rules' as they are not strict but they are something to be used in order to make both ends comfortable when it comes to writing.​

  • I have no strict and defined preference in regards to playing male or female character. I naturally lean toward playing a male character, however if required to, I can play a female character, should my partner show preference for it.​
  • There is no fixed posting length that I impose. My posting length ranges between two and ten paragraphs, each containing at least five sentences. I do not work with one-liners or single paragraph posts that are consist of less than three sentences. I beg you, give me something to work with and I'll give you whatever you need to work with.​
  • Smut stories? Absolutely. Every story can be spiced with smut. My ideal story-to-smut ratio is 60/40 or 70/30. If smut scenes are all that are to happen without reason or build up, well, that's just porn. I do not write porn, I write erotica and I like for those smut scenes to be meaningful, to have story that backs them up.​
  • Dominant or submissive? Both. I am not a stranger to playing either. You will earn my eternal gratitude and loyalty if you can provide a character who can be a bit of both, submissive but also fiery and prone to retaliate. Nothing makes my blood boil, in a the best possible way, like seeing a character who suddenly tries to take matters into their hands. Please keep in mind that I make a difference between a submissive character and a submissive writer. If you wish to play submissive character with me, I'll play dominant character and vice versa, but please do not be submissive writer and make it so that I am the only one who pushes story along. I play a card, please play one as well.​
  • Life is, well... life. No one can predict what will happen tomorrow and thus no one can predict when they will have time for post. I do not push people to post nor do I make "It has to be today!" kind of demands. Trust me, I am very patient and can wait for weeks if need be. But please, do not just drop the story without telling me why or just stop posting for no reason. "I am no longer interested in this story" is enough of an explanation and you will earn my respect for being open with me.​
  • Communication, now and always. Talk to me, give me your ideas, your rambling, incoherent thoughts about story, whatever comes to your mind that you think could be interesting. I am sure we can find a way to integrate it into a story somehow.​
  • Literacy. I am not perfect when it comes to English language. In fact it is my second foreign language I learned and because of it I never scrutinize anyone for spelling errors. As long as I can read your post and understand what you meant, that is enough for me.​
  • Kinks. Everyone has them. I have no particular aversion, save for the most extreme ones, however that part can be discussed at any point.​
  • Races I play? Most, if not all of them. I played Humans, elves, vampires, werewolves, fae creatures, beastkin, were-creatures, half-breeds, ethereal and corporeal... List goes and I always love a good writing challenge to express my character, their strengths, weaknesses and motives.​

Now that we have all that out of the way, lets talk stories and pairings! I'll make up more scenarios as time passes and update them all accordingly. However, if none of the per-existing settings pique your curiosity, then it can be discussed. It is quite likely I might like what you bring to the table, give it a try. I have preference for fantasy settings, and as such the ideas might be a bit plentiful in that particular genre. More will come, of that you can be certain.

The parties are of two very different worlds. One is a person of power and influence, the other just an underpaid guard. The person of influence is set to meet their future spouse-to-be, however before they could reach the destination they are ambushed. Reason for the ambush: The spouse-to-be decided to frame it all on a radical group and use the sympathy of the grieving people for their own power grab. However, the ambush failed. The assailants have been, along with the entire retinue, have been slaughtered, leaving only two alive. They must travel back to the city, stopping only briefly in towns and villages and no small to avoid detection. They have a lot of time to find common ground. The story can involve almost any race and can be both lighthearted or dark and heavy.​

The characters are members of a prestigious household, however they are not family but, rather, slaves. One of them is a simple slave with purpose to do the work, while the other is there for bloody entertainment. While the facade of the House is that of nobility and wisdom, behind the closed doors, things are far more decadent and depraved. The lord of the House has a particular taste for fights to the death which he relishes in watching, and for that reason he buys slaves. While this sounds quite a lot like gladiatorial matches, these fights are not open to be viewed by public. They are entirely confined within the deep, dark underbelly of the House as the laws of the land prohibit any sort of gladiatorial matches. The characters meet there, likely after one of them barely pulled out of a match alive and needs some basic treatment. What starts as few moments of shared misery, grows into into companionship, romantic moments and even plans to burn the entire House to the ground in a revolt. The story has a dark tone, and there will be torture and death, and can be played by any race.​

Be it blessing or a curse, two people have been together since the dawn of civilization. There is some force that draws them toward one another, giving them brief moment of happiness before they ultimately succumb to some disaster. Always, without fail, they are born again at the moment of their deaths and they have few memories of any of the lives they led. Only brief, sporadic flashes and clouded memories appear when they grow close enough, to remind them that they are again in the cycle. But they never fail to find one another. Sometimes it is a chance, sometimes one searches for the other without knowing why or whom they are looking for. There is a way of breaking the curse... however they are not sure they want to break it to begin with. This can be one long or series of short stories, each with vague connection to the previous one and each with an entirely different setting for a bit of a spice. The story is romantic, tragic and can be played by any race.​

One day, one of the characters decided to play with the strings of fate and magic for longer than they should have. As a result, they attracted the attention of a particularly curious demon. This demon has announced that they will provide three wishes to them. Anything within their power. However, when the third and final wish is fulfilled, they will take the other party with them. The trick is that wishes have to done properly... Not just any wanton set of words are enough, but rather, a particular sentence has to be said. Until then, the demon has promised to follow the other party as they are tether to the corporeal world. As long as the wishing side is alive, the demon can exist in the world, so there is interest to keep them alive. If the party dies before the final wish is uttered, the contract is considered null and void... so there is extra incentive for the demon to keep them alive and content. The world is full of wonders and while demon has the power, they don't have all of the insight so it is a form of partnership with their wishing person. Of course, if the demon grants something of their own accord, that does not count as a wish and so, good will and teasing is a powerful tool for the person who has the control over them.​

Suburbs have their own little reputation. They are either a cesspool of intrigue, or they are just quiet little pieces of urban paradise. This is of the latter kind. Every lawn is perfectly mowed, every roof is patched and every neighbor starts their day with a greeting. For one the neighbors it is a stable, albeit very dull life and they wish for something to happen. Anything. Anything at all. Wouldn't you know it, a week later the little sign that says 'For Sale' has been changed to 'Sold'. A new arrival! A new face! But the new face has something of a dark past that they haven't let go. They are polite, genuine in their compliments and always willing to lend a helping hand, but they have that one door in their house that is always locked. What would happen if someone's morbid curiosity crosses the line? Do they become victim or an accomplice? The story can be as light or grim as decided upon. The secret can be something as silly as keeping an illegal pet or as dark as being a serial killer. Or perhaps... something in-between.​

She is quite a beautiful, young doctor who works in private hospital and he is a patient who made a mistake of taking one too many 'happy pills' before the date that was canceled by the other person. Desperation led him to this hospital as the effects lasted way longer than the box prescribes. He is a little bit ashamed of it, especially since he cannot hide it and has to be 'handled' by this beautiful doctor. During the day, he has to endure the teases and the mocking with a smile, but it is the night time that makes things truly difficult. She is on call and he is alone in his room... Both seem to feel a bit of a spark for the other. But there is a little secret in this... He will always find a way to come back to that very hospital... and she is very eager to take the night shift.​

Real-estate frauds are not uncommon. Sometimes good people get caught in bad situation. These two characters are just like that. Strangers, coming from different parts of country, seeking a fresh, new page in their life. They bought a nice apartment and a price below the market value. In fact, when each of them came with the seller, they found absolutely nothing wrong with it. It was renovated, refurbished, remodeled, redecorated and ready for move-in. What they didn't know was that the other person also signed the very same document, by the very same seller who found a way to sell the same apartment twice. They learn about it when they move in and are really not happy with the situation, both believing that they are in the right. The fraud agent has already quit and is long gone while the agency can do nothing about it. They agreed to only refund one of them, meaning the other is left with nothing. But there is alternative... they could live together in that apartment. It can, most certainly, accommodate both of them, except neither are happy about it. There will be angst, anger, quite a heated exchange, fights and very, very passionate nights once they learn how to coexist.​

Vampires are real. It might not be how you wanted to learn about it, but it is better to rip that bandage open. However, they are not these elegant lords, counts and CEO's who rule over the entire cities. Well, not all of them at least. For the most, living as a vampire is a matter of survival in a world that is both a playground and a death sentence. An unfortunate man walks into a dark alley? An easy prey to sate your hunger. A group of armed and armored soldiers? That's the end of the line for you. The characters freshly (relatively) awoken vampires who are trying to find a way and live their lives in a big city. The hunger will drive them to do terrible things, but they can also do something good. What path they chose is left for them. But they have dreams, big dreams! Dreams of finding place in this dystopian world. Maybe they will chose the life of absolute depravity, seeking pleasure beyond what they knew... or maybe they will stick to that 'love eternal' kind of a deal. Anything and everything is on the table. The setting is heavily, if not entirely, inspired by Vampire: The Masquerade and can take any turn or even pairing that we agree upon.

You heard of AI, right? I don't mean the buggy sites that make three-armed art, I mean the true Artificial Intelligence. Living, conscious and feeling. The world changed quite a lot over the course of five hundred years. Humanity has long since left its cradle and made home among the stars. Travel between systems takes months, rather than decades and the need for transport of goods and exploration never ends. One of our characters is a pilot. A very good pilot who flies a cargo starship, ensuring that goods always move. They are all alone in their ship, except for a single android who was given to them. The android is perfect in almost every way. Physically they are indistinguishable from Human. They are warm, their synthetic skin is soft and they even simulate breathing and heartbeat, but they are artificial at the core. Space is not all that safe, and there are many hurdles to overcome, many dangers to face and many moments to spend together. The android is built to be offer comfort and companionship and they are aware of it. The need for deeper contact, however, was entirely their own choice.​

The world did not end, but it sure looks like it did. Humanity will need time to reset itself and establish the next cycle of civilization. In the meantime, survival is all that matters. The world is not a blighted wasteland (not all of it), however living without all of the amenities is certainly putting our survivors to the test. There are some highly inhospitable places where nuclear fallout is present, however far away from those places, wilderness and small pockets of settlements still exist. Our characters meet along the way. They are not happy at first. Another person means extra rations to be shared, but they quickly realize that the benefit of another pair of eyes, hands and someone to talk to, is more beneficial than they would imagine. Their goal is to find any walled city.​

Work is not easy to come by for regular street runners. Competition is high and everyone wants to make a name. Here we have two people with two very different approaches to their jobs, all for the sake of getting their reward. They often cross paths, not that they chose to. At first, they stop at nothing, even attempt to sabotage the other if that gives them advantage, however as things go on, they realize that the other have skills that they lack. Skills that would make better paying jobs a lot easier. So they have to work together on one job because the fixer demanded that this is not a one-person job... and they just happened to be in the same room at the same time. It is a ruthless world out there and self-interest is always priority... But... there is some room for possible companionship.​

For those who may not be interested in prompts there are also pairings I am more than willing to explore. World building is something I greatly enjoy. Creation of unique places, continents, nations and cultures always brings the best in me. That is the reason why I love fantasy. It allows for almost infinite amount of possibilities and is susceptible to changes in order to suit writer's needs. Note that this is not a finite list, as time goes by I will add or remove some as my interests change and evolve.
  • Elf / Human
  • Elf princess / Royal guard
  • Elf priestess / Assassin
  • Wizard / Apprentice
  • Knight / Squire
  • Knight / Assassin
  • Angel / Demon
  • Angel / Human
  • Angel / Succubus
  • Vampire / Captive
  • Demigod / Any Race
  • Deity / Deity
  • Best friends
  • Babysitter / Parent
  • Sailor / Mermaid
  • Witch / Hunter
  • Warlock / Peasant girl
  • Captain of the ship / Member of the crew
  • Explorer / Native

Is there something that interest you but isn't on list of pairings? Mention it and we can discuss it and with a good start we can make even greater story!

I have laid my cards before you. All you have to do, is pick.​
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