A Few Ideas


Oct 21, 2018
Hi. You can call me Questor for it seems I am always looking for a good Role play or for those that might be interested in the ones I am about to post here.

I have been role playing for over 15 years on various sites, starting with those that were on MSN before the terminated them Also have been playing D&D with various groups for about 30 years. Always love a good story line. Also I have been writing and trying to improve my writing skills since Middle Schools which was a very long time ago.

I tend to write 2 or more paragraphs and would like to have a partner do the same. I hate one liners and believe they should not be considered posts. I am not that picking on spelling as I tend to make spelling mistakes, though I try to correct them as much as I can.

Here are a few ideas I have. Also is will show examples of my writing.

The twin moons shined brightly over the landscape. On top of a large hill stood a large formiable castle and below a large town surrounded by a mighty stone wall. Fires burned in the town, buildings set ablaze. The screams of people in panic filled the air. From a forest of black tree trunks and blood red leaves to the east of the castle and town a small group of men and women ran.

They ran across the blood red grass of the plain between the forest and some low hills. They wore black metal armor and were armed with swords, spears and bows. Fifteen men and fifteen women moved with remarkable speed. They splashed through a stream of thick, red liquid, the color of blood when it hit the air. It clung to the armor the men and women wore. As they reached the low hills another, much larger group of armed and armored men emerged from the forest. Some rode beasts that resembled horses but snorted fire from their nostrales and their eyes were red as the fire from hell.

"Hurry, to the ancient temple!" Cried one of the men. He was a handsome young looking man and at his side was a beautiful woman with blond hair and piercing green eyes. The others hurried through the hills till they reached the ruins of some building that looked old as time itself. "Hurry, it is our only hope of escape." he cried out again. Reaching the ruins the thirty men and women entered and closed the double metal doors and slid a bar across to secure it.

The young man moved to what appeared to be an alter and removed from a pouch a strange looking crystal. "Blackthorne, Damascus, Corwell, get everyone up here to the alter." One could see that Blackthorne did not like taking orders from the younger man, but he did as he was told. The other two did likewise.

Pounding on the temple's doors told them that their pursuers had reached the temple. They were trying to batter the door down. If they succeeded before Night could do what he had come there to do, they would all be dead. He placed the crystal in the center of the alter which seemed to have a indentation that accepted the crystal. He then began pressing various symbols on the alter and they depressed into it. A humming could be heard from deep beneath the temple. Outside the sky turned dark and lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rolled across the land.

Suddenly the lightning seemed to strike all around the temple forcing the pursuers back away from it. A bright light then enveloped the temple and shot into the sky. It lasted but a moment and then all was calm once more. The dark clouds disapeared as fast as they had appeared. The lightning and thunder ceased and all was as before. Again the pursuers attacked the doors and smashed them open. But inside was nothing but the remains of the old temple and the alter.

On Earth a bright light suddenly appeared in the middle of a valley, in a structure much like the one they had just been in, only it was more open to the outside world. It was in what would be known as Germany. The blond haired woman turned to Night and threw her arms around him. "You did it my beloved, you did it." Yes he had activated the strange device he had found and studied. It had saved their lives for the time being, but another more pressing problem faced them. Their need for blood to sustain them, blood that flowed in rivers and the fruit that trees bore was now not present. They would starve if they could not find a supply, but did this world have anything that had blood.

"Yes I have succeeded in making out escape, which we would not have had to do if......." he turned to Blackthorne, "you had not been so bent on conquering our neighbors."

Blackthorne snarled, "It is because of me that we had such a large kingdom to rule over. It was my military mind that lead our armies to victory.

Night's eyes narrowed but he did not respond. The four of them had desired power and they achieved it. Night had been satisfied with what they had but Blackthorne always wanted more. He looked around the new landscape and then at the others of their party. The four were the High Lords and the others were their guards. "What is done is done. Now we must find blood and shelter." He began to walk and the others followed. Soon they found a primative village of humans and the scent of blood was high in the air from them. The villiagers did not stand a chance against them and soon all had been bleed dry of their blood.

"Well we know that this world has a blood source." Not as plentiful as their home world but if there was one village there would be others. Here they also found animals that had blood and their meat could be consumed. The blood was not as good nor as delicious as the human blood but it would sustain them.

Forward to Modern Day

The City, a wonderful place and a hell hole as well. It all depended on who you were, or what you were. Things had changed over the years, what once was hidden from mankind was now revealed and those of myth, that had been hunted once now ruled. Vampires ruled and lycans were their soldiers and protectors during the day. For the past one hundred years, after the last war, The City had been ruled by the Vampires. The rest of the world seemed to have fallen off the face of the planet. There was no contact with other major cities or from other countries.

Around The City there were communities of humans that were the food source of both vampires and lycans. Not easy to find, they were hunted for the sport of hunting and for the kill as well. With in the city there were humans that lived under the rule of the vampires. Even there they were hunted as well for sport. If a human made it outside the walls of the city, they were left to live and be hunted another day. Most humans served their masters in many ways Some were even favorites of the vampires and treated well, until another gained that favor.

As always theough, there were those that wished to be in charge. Plots, counter plots were always going on. There was always the need for someone that knew how to kill a vampire and was willing to do so. Though those of that kind was few in number and their price was usually very high indeed and of course their identities, faces kept secret.

Nick was one of those, but he was not quite human either. Not vampire, and not lycan, but immortal. Some sort of quirk of nature, fate, or perhaps some sort of experimentation when the humans ruled the world. He had the speed, strength, agility, and healing properties of the vampires but could stand the light of the sun and not have to feed on the blood of others. With the right, slight makeup he could pass as a vampire.

He had a place on the west side of the city. He had a contract offer and so decided to check it out. She was a powerful, beautiful, and seductive vampiress. But one of the other Lords wanted her gone. There were five Lords of the city. She was one of them and the other four often tried to kill each other off so they could take their share of the city and make themselves more powerful. Under them were other vampires and of course they vied for positions as well. Each had a tower in the center of the city. The towers use to be places that catered to the wealthy, and businesses that had thrived in t he day. Now they were the palaces of the Vampire Lords. Her tower was one of these, and in it lived the lycan guards, and underling vampires and human servents. He knew the tower well and certain things about it that the present owner had no clue of. He knew much of the city, for he had lived there a very long time, even before the war that changed everything. He had raided the offices that had held all the blueprints of the city buildings and had taken as much as he could. His glider flew on the wind and landed on the Tower Roof. He made his way through the tower to her chambers, through secret passages that the previous owners had designed into it.

Sin City II
Cesspool, USA and don’t let no body tell you different… From the Midcity business district, to the HarborTown wharf…from redlight district of Old Town, to the tenement poverty stricken garbage strewn projects of the Burrows…..from the bars and clubs of Streetersville, to the tree lined suburbs of the rich in Upstate, and then there was Outlying….the wooded deserted highways and roads on the outskirts of Basin….near the city limits itself and only minutes from the Tar Pits……

Name Nathen Harrigan, Private Investigator. he lives and work in Basin City, a place where he can hardly imagine a decent person would want to live. As he sit in the strip club Leather and Lace in Old Town, drinking his drink he ponder the happenings of the last few weeks. A hooker had been killed which pissed off the girls in Old Town to no end. They thought a big hulking brute named Marv had killed her but learned that it had been ordered by Cardinal Rourke. Marve had made a mess of the Cardinal before he killed him. It was said that He had done it because of the Hooker that was called Goldie. They fried the poor bastard in the chair, hell if he could have he would have pinned a medal on the Son of a Bitch for doing in the rotten god forsaken Cardinal who should had been striped of his position by the pope years ago.

He lit up a cigerate and took a draw on it, slowly letting out the smoke. as he watched the girls dancing and striping for the drunks, first timers hoping to get laid, bankers and business men that had come down to Old town for a good time and could pay for it. Most were married and wanted something different from the ordinary lives they lead. They treated the girls good, gave them good tips. But there were a few that just didn't seem to lean or get it through their heads, you did not mess with them, you did not cheat them, hurt them or the like. Those seemed to just disappear. he took another sip of his drink as he waited for Margo to arrive. It was her club and he knew her well, even if the women there took care of matters, sometimes they needed help and when it came to Diseree, he was there for her.

His Uncle was found dead out at a farm just outside of the city. It looked like he had shot himself. In the barn was the remains of what was Senator Rourke's son. He had finally finished what he had started eight years before. But why had he killed himself many asked? He received all his personal things and among them were the letters written to him by some woman that no one knew. No one knew who she was or where she lived. Only that she lived in the city. It was said he had lipstick on his cheek and lips when he was found. He could only surmise it was the woman that had written him and he had rescued her from the yellow skinned skum bag and killed himself to protect her. It would be the only reason that his uncle would kill himself.

Rourke was behind his Uncles death and his father's. he knew he had to be. His father was onto something big, and Rourke's name was on a paper that he had seen before all his stuff was taken in to custody as evidence when he was killed. He figured his old man had gotten to close to something that Rourke was involved in, something that would or could bring him down, and he was killed for it. Now Nathan had another reason to try and find that evidence, or something that would bring the powerful man down. It was not going to be easy but he was sure going to give it a try. Damn where the hell was Diseree. He finished his drink and order another as he finished his cigerate and crush it out.

A Pirates Tale

John looked from the Quarter Deck out at the ship they were catching up on. He used his spyglass to get a better look, "Ah a nice Fat Spanish Merchant ship." he chuckled. Putting down the spyglass he went to the railing and yelled down at the men. "Look alive lads, we have a fat prize before us. To your stations. Mr. Andrew, full canvas. Hoist the Colors!" The black flag with the skull and crossbones rose at the Missinmast and the crew scrambled for their positions. Gunners were preparing the cannons, the marksmen were taking up their positions.

The Sea Raven was a fast ship and could easily out distance and manuver the fat merchant ship. As more canvas was raised, the ship leaped forward closing the distance between the two ships. "All guns ready Captain." came the Gunner's Mates voice. John smiled as he had the helmsman turn the ship slightly so that they would begin to come up on the right side of it.

"We'll give them a broad side and then cut across their wake and give them another on the other side." He called down to the Gunner's mate. "Reload and be ready to pound them."

"Aye Captain!" the man yelled back up to him.

The distance closed and he could see the crew of the Spanish ship preparing to fire back. But they did not have the cannons he did and the ship was slow. He would pound them good then close and board her. Then the fighting would become up close and personal. He laughed and drew his cutlass. As they began to come along side of the ship he yelled, "Fire." Fourteen cannons on the Starboard side fired as one. The cannon balls tore through hull and railings and main deck siding, sending splintering wood everywhere and slicing into men's flesh They fired back but again they did not have the guns nor the expert gunners he had. Most missed and those that hit did little damage. The helmsman spun the wheel and the ship turned towards the Spanish ship and crossed behind it and came up on its Starbord side and again he gave the order and the port side cannons fired ripping the man deck to pieces. Then he closed the distance between the two ships.

"Boarding party. Grappling hooks away." Ropes were thrown over with grappling hooks that caught and the men pulled the ships together. With a blood thirst cry the crew of the Sea Raven surged over the Railings to the deck of the Spanish ship and engaged it's crew. John followed cutting down one then another that sought to cut him down. Sharpshooters took out officers, the helmsman and those with muskets trying to kill his crew.

The fighting was fierce and soon the deck ran red with slippery red blood. Finally John made it to the Quarter Deck where the Spanish Captain fought and engaged him with his blade. Back and forth the two of them went, the ring of steel filling the air. The Captain of the Spanish Ship was a good swordsman but so was John, perhaps a bit better. He also knew a few tricks and before long he disarmed the Captain and placed the point of his cutlass to the Captains throat. "Order your men to surrender, and you and they will live."

The Spanish Captain gave the order and the fighting stopped. The Spanish crew was rounded up and placed int he middle of the main deck along with their officers, to be guarded. The rest of the Sea Raven's crew began to remove the cargo, which was indeed a rich one that had been headed to Spain. There was also another surprise waiting for John in the Captain's quarters. A lovely woman with long raven black hair and dark eyes. With her were two other women that were her servants. "Well now, what do we have here?"

Hunter and the Thief

The Hunters: A group of men and women trained by the Roman Catholic Church to kill Vampires, Werewolfs, and any in human type of being that they deemed as spawns of the Devil. Formed when the church was in its infancy, the Order was made in secret and kept that way throughout the centuries. These men and women were trained in every aspect of ways to kill every creature that the Church sent them after. They trained hard and trained with every weapon that was made, from simple daggers to guns as they were invented.

Many of the hunters prefer the older weapons as they like to get up close and personal when they kill. Others like getting the job done quickly and less messy, so as not to have to have a clean up crew come and try to keep the population from know that these creature really exists. To the normal human the creatures of the night and myth and legend were just that and what the movies portrayed them as. So much was not known about these creatures and what the movies made them to be was mostly lies. Mostly. There were those that wanted nothing more then to live in peace and not even be known about. But the Church saw them as evil and wanted them dead.

Those of the Church in charge of the Order made sure that only the best were bred to make the perfect killing machine. Men and women were selected to breed and their offspring were trained almost from birth to be the killing machines for the church. They did as they were told no questions asked. Well most of them did. Some saw things a bit differntly though they did not let their superiors know this.

There were three ranks to the Order of Hunters. Sparrow being the beginner, one that had to prove themselves so they could be promoted to the next rank of Hawk. These were the more experienced hunters that went out in small groups to hunt and kill. Then there were the elite, the Eagles. They were the toughest and the bravest and the most deadliest. One could tell their rank by a ring each wore bearing the symbol of the bird that represented their rank.

The year 1805, Venice Italy. A young man, attending the University was walking along one of the canals when a figure ran into him. Both of the men stumbed and fell. Behind the one man that had been running was five other men, each carried a wooden spear and swords. Both men got to their feet as the other five attacked the one, trying to run him through with their wooden spears. The man was quick, and it looked as if he was faster then the other men that were trying to kill him. The Student tried to stay clear of it all but one of the men with the spears was able to run the man through the side and the bloodied spear pierced the side of the Student, greviously wounding him. He fell in to the canal as he passed out.

Later he awoke on a bed in some ones home. An elderly man was tending to him and talking to someone. The tone of voice was one of amazement and wonder. The Student, Dante Silva found out why. The wound he had received had healed and had left no scar. Dante sat up and the old man approached him. "It is a miracle that you are alive young man. Yes a true miracle. "

Over two hundred years Later, Dante Silva still lived. He had come to discover, he did not age, he healed rapidly, he moved faster and was stronger then any human alive. He could jump from the ground three stories up or from the roof of a three story building and land on his feet with out breaking anything. He also discovered what he called shifting. He could be in one place and in the blink of an eye a distance away.

He had given up trying to become a scholar and had taken up the trade of being a thief. He found his new abilities helped in this as he was quite acrobatic when he had been a student and now with his enhanced agility and strength he was better then any. He became known as the Prince of Thieves. In his long years in the world, he had come to see a differnt side of it. The Supernatural side if one would call it that. He had encountered vampires, werewolves, changelings, what people would have called faye, and other creatures that was only in myth and legends. It was a whole new world that lived within the normal one.

Now and then there were those that made things hard for the others, as what was called Hunters came and sought them out and killed them. Most of these were vampires and werewolves that had a craving for blood and human flesh.

Dante was on a job. Some rich dude had a very expensive and presious gem locked in a safe in his fancy and rich apartment. Dante was there to releive him of it, and sell it for a good sum of money that would let him live a good life and also do something else. But things don't always work out the way you want them. After cracking the safe and taking the gem, the owner returned way to early from his nightly nightclubing. He had a lovely woman with him and as it was the man saw Dante. Dante ran for the window and smashed through it and sailed across to the roof top across from the building the apartment was. He had thought he had made his escape but found that the man had made the same long leap and was pursuing him.

"Shit. he is one of them." Dante muttered as he ran for his life. The Bastard was a vampire and he was coming on strong. From roof top to roof top they jumped and Dante was not gaining on this one.

Warrior and Slave of Gor

Daniel was on a battlefield on earth, moving through the ruins of a village. He had been in a battle where his entire squad had been wiped out, by the insurgents. They had taken a lot with them but now he was a lone and it was getting dark. He was trying to make it back to his base, but that was miles away. His life expectency was not good. Suddenly there was a bright light that hit him and that was the last thing he remembered from Earth.

He awoke in what appeared to be a large tent made of colorful material. All about him were the naked forms of beautiful women who were chained together and had metal collars about their necks. He had on a simple tunic like piece of clothing but no collar and no chains. He stood up and looked about him. Was he in some bedowin's tent? Though it looked like one the women about him were not Arab. That is when he heard the shouts from outside the tent in a language he did not understand or recongize. It was not Arab or Afganistan, that was for sure. It almost had the tone of Greek, but wasn't that. He stepped over the prone, sleeping forms of the women and peered out of the tent. The sight that he saw stuned and confused him.

Outside the tent was a number of men dressed in Scarlet Tunics and what looked to be Ancient Greek Helmets. They carried swords and spears and a large round metal shield. They were forming up and one was yelling what he assumed was commands. They were on a grassy plain and from where Daniel could see there were others riding hard at them on strange steeds. They looked like Raptors from movies he had seen, only larger. They to wore the Scarlet Tunics and had helments, and equipment like those defending the Camp. In wagons that looked strange to him were other women, naked and wearing collars that were screaming in panic voices.

The men in the camp prepared for the attack, they threw their spears and took down a couple of the riders then the battle was joined with sword and shield. Those on the strange mounts jumped from them and attacked with sword and shield. It was a bloody battle and it did not look good for the defenders as there were more of the attackers and seemed to be better then the defenders. Something in Daniel made him rush forward and pick up a sword and shield from a fallen man. He had trained for fun with sword and shield for martial arts training as well as other aspects of the arts. He joined the men that defended the camp and with a savagery attacted those that were attacking. He was good, and he was able to spin and slash with his weapon, taking down two of the attackers. His tactics were not familiar with those he fought against or with.

He used his skills in the Martial Arts to spin, attack, duck, and manuver, using his shield to bash and throw off balance his opponets. He also was able to use his legs to knock his oppenets from under them and burry his sword in their chests. The ferocity of his attacks turned the tied of battle for the Defenders and they pushed the enemy back until they had enough and they ran for their lives. When the fighting was over all but three of the enemy were dead and there was but five of the armed defenders our of twenty.

He looked at the five before him, his shield at the ready and his sword in hand. They looked at him, all ready to do battle again, but with an air of not wanting to battle someone that had helped them. A voice of a man from another tent broke the silence. "Hold. Stand Down." he told the men in English. They immediately took a more passive stance and looked at the man that had exited the tent. He wore Yellow and black stripped robes. He approached Daniel raising his hands to show he held no weapon. "Have no fear, no one is going to harm you." he smiled. He then said something to the men in the other language and they began dragging bodies away and collecting weapons and shields.

"I am Jamal, Slave Trader." he introduced himself. "You fought well today, and helped save my precious cargo of slaves and new acusitions, not to mention my life." he smiled. "Come, sit with me in my tent and we will talk."

Daniel follwed Jamal and he found out alot from their talk. He was no longer on Earth but another workd called Gor. The planet was in the same solar system as Earth but on the opposite sied of the Sun where it could not be seen or detected. It was kept that way by who he called the Priest Kings. Evidently the Gods of the world. He was taken from Earth and brought to Gor in one of the Black Ships of the Priest Kings. Ships that were crewed by men, slavers, that went to Earth to select beautiful women to bring back to be sold into slavery. Sometimes men, like him were brought. Not often and usually as slaves as well. But he told Daniel that he was informed that he was not to be made a slave but was to serve another purpose one he didn't know.

Daniel stayed with Jamal for several months, helping guard the cargo of slaves. The men gave him a scarlet tunic and a helment to go along with the sword and shield he now carried. They called themselves Warriors and he found out that Gor had a number of casts. The Warrior Cast was one of the High Casts and were bound by honor and oaths. Well most of them anyways. They visited a number of cities, unlike anything Daniel had ever seen. Tall graceful towers rose into the sky with walkways between them. They were beautiful and not filled with the smog and foul smells of Earth's vehicles. People walked about the cities or rode the strange reptilian animals or other animals to get around. Life there was more like the Ancient Greeks and Persains, where slavery was quite common. Jamal made money on selling his slaves, he learned the distinction of the White Silk Girls and Red Silk girls and of course slaves that were ment for other duties of slaves.

Jamal taught him much including the language that was common on Gor. He learned that the high casts knew of Earth and many spoke English. The life on Gor was simple, but savage at times. Technology was limited in some areas, like weapons but yet there was advancements in medicine that those of earth would dearly like to have, and the archetecture marvels of the cities was something that would also be wanted on Earth. He learned this had been the way of Gor for thousands of years. That it had been populated by the people of Earth. They had been brought to Gor by the Priest Kings.

But with all things, their time together was at an end. They had come to the Great City of Ar, one of the most powerful cities on Gor. Here Jamal Sold the best slaves to the Slave Market and in their stay there, Daniel saw and fell in love with the Great Birds called Tarns. They were magnificent creatures, huge Hawk like birds that could be ridden. Many were trained as war tarns and used by cities to help defend them. Jamal made it a point to see if Daniel was right for them, and he found that Daniel had a special ability to bond with animals. He had Daniel trained as a Tarnsman before he Left Ar and had purchased one for Daniel. A gowing away gift to the man that had saved his life. Daniel named him Midnight, as he was pure black and beautiful.

After Jamal departed. Daniel set out to explore Ar more and found himself at the Great Slave Market of Ar. He decended to the Pens where the slaves were kept in cages. They would be taken up and put on the auction block. But here was also priviate deals that could be made in the pens. For some reason Daniel felt compelled to purchase his own slave, as he had used some of those that Jamal had and had liked it. Pleasure Slaves were slaves that if trained properly gave their masters great pleasure, and not just in sex, but other ways as well.

As he walked about the pens his eyes fell upon one in a cage. Naked, beautiful, and clearly new to the collar. He could tell she was from Earth. Probably recently brought from there and sold to the Slave Market by another Slaver like Jamal. Something drew him to her and he called one of the slavers over and inquired of the price. Since she was new and untrained, she was not expensive. He paid the coins for her and had the slaver go and engrave a collar with his name on it "This slave belongs to Daniel Knight." Once he had the collar he had the slaver put it on her and give him the key. Then he snapped on a leash to the collar and pulled her from the Cage. He told her in English, "You are now my slave."

A Witcher Story

While Geralt the Witcher made a name for himself, killed monsters claimed his Law of Surprise and learned the truth about Ciri and the Monoleths, an other Witcher was busy in another part of the continent. The Continent was vast and though the mages and Socereress of Artuza had sway in a part of it, they did not have sway in all of the Continent. There were other kingdoms that were mere legends, myths now. A great chasam spaned the contenent basicly dividing it in two. One could not cross it with magic as it seemed something far below eminated upwards and prevented it. So no mage or socereress coul portal across it. Ships sailing the seas meat violent storms and were forced to turn back. No one knew how this had happened or why it happened.
Like Geralt and his companions found out about the monoleths and the conjunction, so did mages and socereress across the chasm. When the monoleths began talking to each other and new monsters appeared they realized something was going on elsewhere. They also realized that the monoleths could not have been brought to the world by the conjunction of the spheres. Someone had to have created them on the world to bring monsters and creatures from the othe spheres through to the world.
The humans, and the dwarfs came through along with the monsters from their worlds, and the other ones. Humans on the one side of the chasam attacked and defeated the elves, subjegating them because of their greed. But on the other part of the continent, it was vastly different. The elves there taught the humans magic, and made Witchers as well to fight the monsters that plauged them. They had the mutigent that made the Witchers, but more refined where it did not kill potential candidates. Those that could take the change became Witchers, and those that didn't remained human. Their bodies rejecting the mutigent. It seemed only certain individuals were able to become Witchers, just as the were to become users of magic.But the Humans there thought of the Elves as equals and worked together, for centuries upon centuries.
But now things were beginning to get strange. There were thoses in the southern part of the continent that wanted to move north and conqure and control the kingdoms of both elves and humans. More monsters began appearing, and kingdoms of the north needed the help of the Witchers to fight these monsters and find out who or what created the moniliths to learn how to stop the influx of monsters.

Tanner of Freehold was a Witcher. He looked to be about thirty years old but was actually 80 years old. He had long dark hair that came down to his shoulders, amber eyes, and a muscular body that kept in shape. He had been tested when he was a child and given the mutigent that changed him. His family had given him willingly to the Order so that he could be trained to protect not only them but all of the humans, dwarfs, and elves of the kingdoms from monsters.
The monsters were fierce and would tear apart normal soldiers and any peasant around. The Witchers were trained to fight them, and had abilities that helped them fight the creatures and kill them. But still their numbers dwindled from their beginning numbers. Fewer and fewer were found that would accept the mutigent to make them Witchers. The Witchers normally worked alone, spread out over the vast lands of half the continent.
So it was that Tanner had taken a job to kill a monster that was terrorizing a town in the Kingdom of Firrila. As proof of his kill Tanner brought the creatures head back. He lived a solitary life and on what he made killing monsters. But even Witchers, that were mutated for strength, agility and speed and to cast certain spells, needed relief from certain things. The coins he would make for the kill would provide him food and lodging and more.
The Head of the beast he carried through the town, the people saw what he had and one could see the look of relief and fear in their eyes and their body language. He took the head to a large wooden and stone house in the center of the town. It was the house of a mage that had offered the reward for the creature. The door opened and an elderly man emerged in fine robes. "Ah I see you have slain the beast." the man smiled.
Tanner dropped the bloody thing at the mans feet, "Hmmmm." he said and held out his hand. The mage produced a small leather bag that jingled with coins and handed it to Tanner. "I must study this creature. Where is the body of it."
Tanner looked at the man and sighed. Just like a mage, wanting to see how the monster had come to be if he could or if it was made by another mage. Some creatures were the work of mages, experimenting to weaponize creatures. "It lies about five miles to the west of your town in some hills." Tanner replied in a voice that sounded a bit annoyed, as a young man appeared and took the head and took it inside. Tanner then turned his back on the mage and walked off towards the local Tavern to get some drink.

Warrior and Princess of Pangea

Pangea, a super continent of the world, long before man began recording history. Kingdoms that were lost in time and the separation of the land mass into what the modern world looks like. A time of heroes and villains, kingdoms and empires. A time of strange animals that disappeared long before the continent broke apart.
In this world mankind had come to be, and dredged themselves out of caves and crude dwellings to form large tribes, and then communities, and eventually Kingdoms with magnificent cities and monuments. Empires began and of course there were countless wars between the kingdoms, as each sought to become the dominant one in the world, ruling over the others.

The great city of Arthos was built in the year 1133 after many long years. It was a magnificent city with tall spires of polished granite that had bridges spanning between the towering structures. It was a powerful city ruled by a King that was loved by its people. He had risen up from being a common warrior to become the King through battle and leading the forces of Arthos to victory again and again. He had carved out a Kingdom that was rich and lay in the center of trade routes to other cities, and to those coastal cities to the west that brought goods from far away places on Pangea by sea.

It had enemies and the most powerful was an a group of large Islands of the Western Coast called Tyron. It was a sea faring kingdom with a great fleet of war ships and merchant ships. Like Argos it was a well known and hungered for more power. Many feared this Kingdom for its ships almost controlled the sea, but it could not exist with out the goods that other Kingdoms had and therefore was held in check most of the time.

Pangea's people had a cast system that the people lived by. There was the Warrior Cast that was the fighters of the world, the Physicians that healed and made wonder drugs that did many things for the people. The Merchant Cast was the one that traded goods throughout the land, formed the caravans that transported goods across the great distances or over the sea. The Builders were the ones that designed and built the great cities towers, temples and monuments. They were highly skilled. Then there was the cast of the Priests, that ran the Temples, prayed to the gods and offered them sacrifices. These were the High Casts of Pangea. There were others that made up the Lower Casts, and there were many. Though born into one cast one could always change their cast if they met the requirements. All but one if you called it a cast, and that was being a Slave. Seldom did a slave attain freedom, and it did not matter what cast you had been before. Once you were made a slave it seemed you would be a slave for the rest of your life.

Into this world Dakar was born. He was born to the Warrior Cast and was trained by his father to become a warrior. He was trained in the use of the sword, spear, shield, bow and arrow, and battle ax. He was trained to fight on foot or on horse back. He excelled in the way of the warrior and fought several battles for the city of Arthos, that he was born and raised in. He was known for his fierceness and bravery on the battle field, though a bit reckless at times that caused him to receive a number of lasting scars on his chest, arms and back. But he yearned for adventure and to see the world and what it had to offer. There were tales of the far off kingdoms to the south, east and west that filled him with the wandering lust that could not be dampened.

He gathered his weapons, horse, and armor along with supplies and a pack horse and set out. He knew he would be traveling through lands that were filled with danger, thieves, renegades, raiders and of course the soldiers of other kingdoms, that might look upon him as a spy or a threat. But that was part of the allure of venturing out to find adventure, fortune and glory. He sold his sword as a mercenary to any that could afford his price. Whether it was for guarding a caravan, or protecting a village from raiders, as he made his way to the east, where he had heard that there were exotic women that, were different then women he knew. Beautiful, and some times dangerous, and other times willing to satisfy a man's needs. But also of what some called magic. The ability to draw on a source of energy and weave it into what was called spells to do things. Tales of these spells from caravan masters, said these people could call lightning from the sky to strike down at people, throw great balls of fire that could engulf many and explode, killing them. Also of some that could touch a wounded man and heal his wounds or cure a sickness with a touch and a few words. Most he thought were just stories, made up to entertain, but one could never know until one saw for themselves or was able to disprove them.

So it was that he came to a Kingdom called Socara, and encountered a group of men and a wagon that had a cage on it. In the cage was a women, beautiful, and exotic looking to him. She was chained and looked defiant even in captivity. They were traveling in the opposite direction of what he was on the road. The men looked at him with suspicion and wearyness. The woman looked at him, her hands on the bars of the cage but said nothing. The men looked to be either mercenaries or bandits, by the look of their weapons and armor and just general look. He looked at them and smiled, his hand touching the hilt of his sword. "Now what do we have here?" he called out.

"Be on your way stranger." one of the men called back. All drew their weapons, as they moved up to form a line. There were four of them. A breeze waifed from behind them and their stench with it. Raiders, the scum of warriors. Fallen on hard times they had turned to robbing and terrorizing people. He grinned as he drew his sword and pulled his shield from his back and gripped the leather strap to hold the shield, as his forearm was encircled by another leather strap to help hold the shield on his arm.

The Knight and The Elf Princess

Tanner Maximus had followed his king to the shores of the Elven lands. He was an Eldrich Knight, skilled with the sword and bow yet one of a few gifted with the ability to tap into what was called by humans the Soul of the World. A force that if properly wielded could produce wonderous things and do things no other mortal could. He and those like him became the Eldrich Knights. The Knights of the Elders that long ago flurished but had since almost died out. The Soul of the World was not strong as it had been once in the lands of the humans.

Some thought that Mankind had squandered the powers that it had granted and that the world began taking back its power to keep it from the humans. But there was a little left and Tanner was one of a few that was still able to tap into it. When he reached the shores of the Elven lands that power began to increase with in him and the small band of Eldrich Knights that he lead. He began to learn things in his mind as if the world itself was teaching him. Things that he and the others needed to keep secret for the time being.

Tanner and his fellow Eldrich Knights had sworn an oath the the King. They would fight for him and defend him as long as he did not go against their code.

During a battle away from the main army's advance Tanner and his knights found a detachment of Elven Warriors. He offered them a chance to surrender, but they refused and the battle was joined. Some of the Elven Warriors died, others ran off to fight another day, but one continued to fight Tanner. He was good at fighting. He put Tanner to the test and was proving to be a hard opponent. His knights stood back, knowing Tanner did not want any help, a matter of honor one would say. Tanner fought with honor and when he was able to disarm his opponent he offered the mans sword back to him to continue the fight or not. The same was true about the Elven warrior who inturn did the same to him.

It was rare indeed to find an opponent that also had such honor and fair play. They battled for some time and the Elf made a mistake that lead to him being serverly wounded. If he did not get help he would die, and Tanner knew that in the humans camp he would not get the help he needed, and he was not about to leave such a warrior to die on the battle field. He picked him up and put him on his own horse and rode off in the directions those that fled went. He had heard there was some sort of encampment not to far from them. Perhaps they had a healer among them. What he had heard of these healers, they could heal the most grevious of wounds, bringing those at death door back so that they might fight again.

It did not take them long to find the encampment in a forested area. As they approached it the civilians ran in terror, trying to hide, thinking that they were going to be murdered. Tanner dismounted as he had his men stop and hold their position. He eased the wounded warrior off his horse and carried him forward. He had learned the language of the Elves from prisoners and called out in their language, "Is there a Healer here among you. This Warrior needs immediate attention or he will die."

The Vampire

The Beginning: We all have heard of the Biblical account of Cain and Able. How Can slew Able because the was jelaous of him. But that is the tale that was told by his parents. It seemed that Able was the type that sweet talked his parents laying on the complements thick as honey. Cain on the other hand worked hard to produce food for the family, farming and tending to the animals they needed. Able only watched over the Sheep which was easy, just sitting around all day.

But as things goes no matter how much Able tried to make his parents want him more the Cain, he was not in line to inherit everything. Able plotted to kill Cain and be the only son, making it look like some accident or an attack of a lion or something. But that all went wrong on the day he tried. Cain was no fool and was ready for it and he wound up killing Able. Oh his parents were furious at the death of Able, and would not listen to Cain. So they threw him out to wander the world by himself.

It is said that God cursed Cain, marked him, but why. He had to have known what Able was up to and that Cain was justified in his killing of his brother. It was not God that cursed him it was something else. A small jewel that was all that was left of a meteor that had fallen to Earth. Cain had picked it up and on a certain day of the year and when the sun was positioned in a certain way, it activated something in the gem. It Made him in to a vampire. It took time for the effect to take place. By that time he had found other humans and had married and had children.

It was then that the effects of the strange gem began to take effect. He did not age, wounds healed rapidly. The people did not see this as a curse by a blessing of God and worshiped him. He became the leader of these people and he built a city and named it Enoc after his son. It grew as more people hearing of him flocked to the city and became his subjects. It was the first Kingdom created.

But the Great flood changed that. Time had passed and his wife and children grew old and died. He began to hunger for blood and had to feed on it at times. He had developed fangs of his eye teeth that could extend and retract for him. They had small holes in them now that he was able to suck the blood up into his body refreshing his own blood. The flood destroyed everything and he barely escaped.

Life after that was long and he had many lovers, and wives over the milleniums. But he could not have any more children as the effects seemed to make him unable to. Over the time between then and the present, he assumed many names and roles in the world. Being a great hero here and there, a king af few times but always out living every one. He fought in many of the wars through the centuries, and many of the names in history of great leaders was him. Over all that time he collected things and stored them. Weapons, shields, jewlery, gold and silver, and during the time of the great painters collected some of their paintings.

But the time the present came to be he had a vast wealth he could tap into to do what ever he wanted. But in the present, he had decided to become just a rich man and a phalantorpist of sorts. Giving money to organizations that he deemed worth of it. But something was beginning to rise from the distant past. An Evil he had once fought but never quite defeated. Wars were springing up everywhere, death and destruction, famine and sickness followed.

But it seemed that even though he tried to keep his real identity secret, things were not so easy to do with paintings, statues, Carvings of him being found that dated back to ancient times all the way up to the present. Especially to one woman that had stumbled on all of this in a museum and the pictures of him in the present in the newspapers. It was to much to be coincidence.
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