That's not true at all. There is no such thing as scientific sense.
Science don't really care about opinions. What does matter however is if a theory can explain observed phenomena and make predictions.
The inflationary model does just that. It explains why the universe is expanding among other things and it predicted the existence of the cosmic microwave background.
You might want to say that you don't want to believe it because you don't understand it. But just because someone doesn't understand something doesn't make it untrue. What makes the inflationary model the best explanation thus far is that it - unlike any notion of supernatural entities - can actually make predictions that can be used to disprove or verify the theory.
That's not true at all. ? You mean, in your opinion?
What I meant by, and I quote:
"Generally when we don't really know about something we naturally lean towards a hypothesis that tends to make the most scientific sense." is that we generally lean toward things that make the most sense, scientifically. What you replied with, and I quote:
"There is no such thing as scientific sense." suggests that science doesn't make sense. Well... I can assure you right now that science has discovered many things, and has actually made sense in establishing those discoveries.
Having something make sense doesn't always imply options either, but look at things in the light of that assumption if you so choose.
As for the inflationary model, all it does is establish hypothesis, and I'm guessing the hypothesis makes sense to you?
Furthermore, I never said I wanted anything. All I said is I like the notion of something other than what science has to offer on this subject. If you believe in the scientific theory, well that's just fine by me.
You also happened to mention, and I quote you again:
"But just because someone doesn't understand something doesn't make it untrue." Well, I just might be inclined to say the same to you.
Overall, I think you missed the point of my post. The only truths in this world are what you believe. You're entitled to your textbook opinion, as I am entitled to mine.