Mx Female Yo... I Offer Cookies, Peace, and Literacy.


I'm Cookie Monster. Chocolate chips please....
Aug 13, 2014
Hey! How's it going? Good I hope. Well... Let's get this started.

First off... I'm a female playing male characters. I also have two threads in the female section as well so please tell me which thread you found that enticed you to come visit me. :)

With that out of the way, let me inform you that I write decent sized posts. So a heads up that my responses might be a tad big. I don't like one liners nor those that put minimum effort in writing. Kind of ruins the mood. I like detail. LOTS OF IT. I might even poke you to ask what your character's minor reaction to something to keep the flow going nicely. I hope you will do the same. On the same note that doesn't mean I expect walls of texts from my partners either.

Now about kinks and things, its all earned or if the situation calls for it will happen immediately.

Scenarios: A slow collection....

The So Called Light Side:

The Friendly Stranger/Knight:

He's a nice guy who has seen a few fights in his day. Now living seclusively and enjoying his freedom, he isn't to thrilled to find a lost camper/wonderer/or noble (perhaps) sleeping in his bed or eating his food. Despite the interruption, he's too nice of a guy to say no. Maybe its even during a major wind storm or flood, that stops your character from returning. Either way, he can't just let her go on her own and who said nice guys finish last?

The Loneliest Person Loved By The World:

He's the typical actor/singer/star, everyone knows his face. He can't catch a break. He just wants some peace and quiet but yet again, his phone never stops to ring. She's broke down on the side of the road with no signs of help near by until he rolls up in a dry warm car. Oddly she has no clue who he is and he finds that a bit refreshing. She's not bad on the eyes either. Instead immediately fixing the problem, he offers a helping hand. He's clumsy but still tries and when all else fails they are both drenched. A slow quirky friendship forms and the two decide to try a date. One date, turns to two, and two into four.

Flower Shop Menace:

A former world champion MMA fighter decided to hang up his gloves to settle down after a head injury left him near death. The man opened up a small cafe, quaint, with a semi spacious center on an old town alley in tourist city. The alley gets some attention from the buildings relating to the seventeen hundreds of England. Despite being a fighter in his early thirties, he was a handsome man. He kept his skills sharp and his work out routine daily but he wouldn't step back into the ring again. That career was over. What wasn't over was his fighting spirit. She moved in the alley, opening a beautiful shop. To his dismay, her bubbly and sweet personality had her over every morning. At first he thought her leaving flowers outside his door was for her to have free advertisement but it turned out she was simply being nice. He wasn't used to pleasantries. It made him feel uncomfortable but despite his foreboding presence she still returned. The two work out their awkward personalities with many misunderstandings, and from a bond that he never knew could exist.

The Dark Side:

For a Life Time:

Dr. Caster is a doctor whom was dubbed insane. His methods have made him immortal and his home filled with creations beyond the living's reach. From things in the closet to ghosts walking the halls. It was all his doing. His lab is quite large and his mansion has many doors. With a simple warning, don't answer the door if someone knocks. A visitor might get a surprise of just who it might be.

The Grim Side of Fairy Tales:
A huge spin on things like Little Miss Muffet or Goldilocks. For example, the spider in the Miss Muffet story was actually a drider and she didn't get a chance to run away but was dragged to the pits of darkness. If anyone is interested in this, please tell me what fairy tale you'd like. This would involve monsters and not human males.

The Dungeon No-one Can Leave Until They Beat It:
She's an adventure, an ordinary modern female, or what your ideas may come up with but the premise is she finds herself in a dungeon she can't leave. The monsters have things planned worse than death. As she survives various situations and scenarios, she will discover artifacts, treasures, and the like to help her get through the deeper layers of the dungeon.

For Normal Dark:

The Train:
She rides home every evening but this time, the train is replaced by a black train with cars as dark as night. Intimidating but still seemingly normal she gets on. Half way there she hears over the intercom the normal tunnel is closed and they'll be taking the 180 tunnel home. The 180 is thirty minutes long and upon entering the car goes dark. She discovers she's not alone and that someone has sinister plans.

The House:
After buying a house in the woods, she notices she has an odd neighbor but he seemed nice. The two hit it off well as friends and that was as far either wished. Near by the out stretch of woods was a small town and on the other side of that a medium sized city. Her new friend warned her not to wonder into the city too much since it didn't have the best reputation. Slowly each night she discovers she's semi awake but can't move and someone decides to carry out their dark desires. The police can't find anything and are understaffed. Each time he gets away with it, each time he gets a little bolder and bolder.

Thanks for reading! I hope you find something here worth your time.

As for kinks: The only things I have hard no's are on blood, torture, dismemberment, death, and bodily builds being used.

If you are into the darker side of things I ask, please... be open to her being used in all manners and forms. If you're not into monsters, that's ok but don't ask for dark and think bondage isn't going to happen or anal for that fact.

For the lighter scenarios, I don't mind following stricter standards. That's meant to be light hearted and very consensual.

With that said, I hope everyone is having a great day!
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