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Fx Male Batteries release for stories and adventures!


Nonsolis radios sediouis fulmina mitto.
Jul 16, 2017
Hallo and welcome friendos!
Welcome to my request thread! It's been a long time coming I think so now here we are! I know what you're thinking. "What do you like Gunner? What shall we play?" Ah ha yes, of course. You could choose to skip down to the meat and potatoes and...well you probably will. Though I do hope you'll take a few minutes to get to know me better.

Who, exactly, is LilGunner?
Well I'm glad you asked! I'm a lady pants, got that tatas and the chacha. I'm an oldie but a goodie. Been around the RP scene since I was 12 waaaay back when the internet was still dialup. The year was 1999, the new millennium was upon us. Just a wee young Gunner discovered Neopets. From there, in their forums, a new form of joy was discovered. Roleplay. From then on it became deeply ingrained in my soul. From Neopets I went to various forum sites (none of which I can remember the name of) then to Gaiaonline. There I happened to encounter a fellow who introduced me to the website "Darker Roleplay" which later became Blue Moon. Thus here we are today. It's been a wild and wonderful ride.

Currently I'm a Sailor in the United States Navy. What does that mean? Well first it means that I drink, I swear, I look sexy AF in my dress uniform, and my skin is littered with ink. I've traveled the world on deployment, partied with the locals and stumbled back to the ship in a drunken haze. I work on a ships VLS (Verticle Launching System) that fires missiles, I maintain guns, haul ammo, teach other sailors how to shoot guns. I'm a Gunner's Mate which means I'm, by default, 50x cooler than the average joe. I'm also super humble about it. Redacted information is semi-no-longer accurate. I have left the Navy and am back home in Michigan pursuing a second degree in Computer Science. Also redacted. I've graduated now and am holding down a new, steady, big girl job! Yeah go me! All the shit about being an awesome badass is still 100% true.

Before being a rootin tootin gun and missile shootin badass I used to joust. Yep, that thing on the horse with the big stick and shield. Add all that up and I'm just the coolest fucking person you've ever met. Also I'm asexual so while I do, in fact, enjoy the sexy scenes they are only there, for me, as part of the story. Which leads us to...

What Does Gunner Want?
Well I'm glad you are curious! Mostly I am here for stories. I love plot. I want to watch our characters interact with eachother, the enviroment, NPCs. They will grow and change, make decisions for better or for worse. I imagine at some point they will bang because...adults and shit. With that in mind I hope I am making this nice and clear. I am here for story over smut. I am willing to go along with any kinks a potential partner wants so long as they are not on the "no" section of my F-list. If you can provide me beautifully written posts, character development, and wide ranging story I will do my best to put in kinks you enjoy! I do hope that is wonderfully clear. Please fear not, I like to think I am quite good at adding in kinks even if they do not interest me. On that note here is my F-List. Enjoy.

Gunner's F-List

Gunner's RP Preferences

Yes, now the moment you are all been waiting for! Though I'm sure many just skipped right here. In this section I will do my best to list things are sensibly as possible. This is just to give an idea of things I would be interested, please keep reading to see some potential plots (both fleshed out and not) I have as well. Keep in mind none of this is in order of preference.

Modern Day
Now while this does mean current times I...well...fuck I live here. Live here in regular, modern, times. For this I need a bit more spice than you average "slice of life" thing. I don't mean "oooohhh...secretary dangerously sleeps with the boss...woooooohhhh" I mean more like supernatural elements or fantastical ones. I really like it when one character is fantastical in some way and the other is a regular human, just going about their life.

Fairly self explanatory. Honestly I don't do a great deal in the world of sci-fi, especially in original universes. I'm better at dealing with sci-fi in already established worlds like Mass Effect and Star Wars.

Obviously can be used in any time frame ever. Could be high fantasy with mages and demon and whatever-the-fuck else. The sky is the limit with this really. Low fantasy too, where magic is subtle and easily mistaken for every day things.

Another VERY broad topic. Could be our own history, based in set facts or could just be "random place that is pretty much like medieval England but isn't actually medieval England" sort of thing. I love everything historical really, nearly ever time period. I am particularly familiar with American and European history, I know some Asian as well but can't even call myself a passable expert. It could have fantasy in it (hallo, Lord of the Rings?) or it could just be normal. So much to do here, so little time.

Ok the general theme has been fairly wide spread concepts. This one is no different. I will admit, much like sci-fi, I'm not the best at this one.It is way easier for me to go off an already established world in this category rather than try and make it up.

For the Fandom group I will separate it by type of media. Inside each will be a simple list with the occasional annotation. Please understand, very strongly, I don't like playing cannons. It is VERY RARE I will elect to play a cannon and, under no circumstances, will it be against an OOC. The ONLY reason I would choose a cannon to play is to pair them up with another cannon because I feel the story would have been better between the two I've written to pair up. Fandoms in a unique color have a corresponding color in the plot list.

  • Gundam
  • Sword Art Online
  • Saiyuki
  • Naruto
  • Avatar: Last Airbender or Korra (I know, not technically an anime but it was lonely as the only one in the T.V. slot I got rid of. Also I am willing to do a Zutara play.)
  • Marvel Universe
  • Chronicles of Narnia (Yes I know they are books but since the "books" tab was so small and all the ones I listed except one had been made into movies I just moved them here.)
  • Avatar (blue space cat people, not last airbender)
  • Strange Magic
  • DC Universe
  • Star Wars
  • Atlantis (disney version)
Video Games
  • Dragon Age (Inquisition time frame or after preferable)
  • Mass Effect (After events of 3 preferable. Also I will literally love you forever if you play a Turian and my human I might forget your screen name after 2 years but I will remember the RP and therefore remember and love you for all time.)
  • Legend of Zelda: Any version ( love you long time if you play a BotW Zora male for me.)
  • Harvest Moon: Any iteration
  • Pokemon (Human on human only....possibly pokemorphs or whatever the anthro pokemon are called)
  • The Witcher (only played 3...sorry...)
  • Elder Scrolls (not can suck my dick...)
  • World of Warcraft (stopped playing during Legion so...not totally up-to-date anymore)
  • Horizon Zero Dawn (I will play Aloy but ONLY against Nil or Avad)

If the last two groups didn't draw your full interest or perhaps you don't have a plot hankering yourself feel free to browse these ideas. If you wish to play one please include its number and some ideas you want to include with it. Some of these plots are decently fleshed out but I want to hear your ideas too. This is a partnership after all.

  1. War between werewolves and vampires with humans caught in the middle. The war had been even until recently. The vampires gained an edge. After years of heavy losses the lycans figured out the source. Someone simply called "the inventor" was making the weapons the vampires were using to destroy the lycans. So the lycans plan a mission. An assault on the coven housing the inventor. Yet they arrive not to find some wizened vampire ancient but a human. Just a human woman. Then we take it from there. What the lycans plan to do with said human, how it could affect their war, the amount of security needed so the vampires don't get her back. Is it even worth it to keep around such a dangerous human? (Can be set in any time period.)
  2. Set in the early 1900's during America's gilded age. An Irish immigrant manages something miraculous. He manages to build himself an empire of steel. Hated and reviled yet somehow he got the funds to build his mills. What no one knew, not even his own daughter and only child, was his debt to the mafia. Not just his debt but the protection money he shelled out. Yet his payments were growing fewer and later. The Don decideds to send an agent, undercover as a mill worker, to see what is going on; to strong arm Eammon McTierany into his payments. What he'll find is himself embroiled in a sudden and explosive turf war. Worse yet, having to be the one to break all this news to Eammon's daughter.
  3. Arranged marriages aren't well looked upon. Certainly not by the women, traded off like goods at market. So, on the eve before her bethrothed was to come and claim her, she simply left. Fleeing into the woods, determined not to just be someone's brood mare. What happens after is up for discussion. She could accidentally meet said betrothed by happenstance. Said betrothed could be searching for her and finds her either demanding her return or playing as though he didn't know who she was and didn't let on who he was. Or she runs into someone utterly unexpected and we carry on from there.
  4. Another werewolf story. Rather than monstrous lycans werewolves turn into actual wolves (or both because...Twilight is stupid...). The lycan is hurt and trapped in wolf form. A newly licensed veterinarian (or in vet school) finds the wounded wolf. Thinking it just a big dog(i mean come on...a wolf in the city? Logic people.) she struggles it into her car and brings him home. She's had some issues with an old boyfriend but lives alone now in not the best of areas. She tends to the "large dog" in her small, run down apartment, until he gets better. But the "dog" is strange. He has oddly human behaviors and seems to understand her better than most people do. At night she has the wildest dreams. At first it's just a guy. He's just around. Every night its more. First just kissing and gentle touches and quickly devolves from there to better sex than she could ever imagine. She was up sore and tired but convinces herself it's just a dream. For the wolf this was a great turn of events. He has a place to hide, somewhere safe to recoup. (Not 100% sure what's going on...supernatural war, monster hunters, something like that) Plus free food and some tail at night. But what happens when her violent ex starts trying to show up again? Or, worse, when ******* (said other entity), manages to track him down?(Taken)
  5. Space Opera: With the vastness of space law is difficult to carry. Few bother with order and justice beyond their own solar system. In the boundless void trade should be conducted with ease. Yet the ‘seas’ of space are not the calm, peaceable place it should be. Merchant freighters are harried by pirates. Ruthless, feared, they stop at nothing to catch and steal from the bounty of the galaxy. Each system has their defenses, their military defense among the stars. Brave men and women who valiantly hunt and destroy these pirates. Super basic plot nugget, lots of room for adaptation, role choosing, and even crazy alien races.
  6. Gender Bent Tarzan: Doesn’t have to follow the plot of any movie but just the general concept. Lost baby girl, raised by apes, discovered by male adventurer. I’d like to play out some things in the jungle and move the idea to the civilized world at some point to continue the hilarity.
  7. World of Warcraft: Dalaran still sits in Lordaeron, a citadel of mages kept under the careful scrutiny of the Knights of the Silver Hand. A young paladin(YC) is sent on a mission to check on Dalaran. A common mission, simply ensuring the mages are not up to anything. After all, mages can't be trusted. His arrival is nothing special but he is greeted by a young mage apprentice(MC) who was given the auspicious task of showing the paladin around. Also, keeping any eye on him. After all, paladins can't be trusted.
  8. Dragon Age(1): Solas is a traitor. Worse, he is an ancient God! Elves began to disappear by the scores, rushing to the Dread Wolf's side. Inquisitor Lavellan would never stop her quest to stop the man she loved. Yet there was a catch, how was she to stop her child's father without killing him? Yes, in that time before Solas's true nature was revealed the Inquisitor bore his child. It was kept secret, so closely guarded that Solas himself remained unaware. Sure there was an elven child around Skyhold, but there were a few elven children, human too. Why would anyone suspect the child was the inquisitor's or Solas's? (Child could be either of us...just a head cannon idea I want to explore.)
That is all for now lovely people! I will update as things come up, remove things and add them as they come to my brain. Please PM me for requests as I will not be checking the thread for requests.
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