Journal of a Geekaboo Hero (Comments Always Welcome)


Big Weeb Energy Surges
Mar 1, 2016
A little something about me:
I decided to start posting this just to keep track of my daily activities and see how well I'm doing, how much I improved, and to keep track of memories from days prior to things about each day. As for what I put here:
- Health Bar: Helps dictate how well I'm feeling. It's a general measurement of how well I feel overall physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.
- Stamina Bar: Shows how willing I am to make things happen today. If I'm feeling tired or out of it, this bar will be low.
- Skills: What I've been working on and how high they are
- Abilities: What I learned/usable methods that can be utilized to make fights easier.
- Party Members: My friends and my encounters with them. This place is where I could keep track of who I talk to.
- Buffs and Debuffs: Shows what other things may be affecting me and how they affect me
- Journal: A record of what I did today and last night.

Senpai, Level 4 Support Tank

Charisma: 2
Faith: 1
Health: 2
Magic: 3
Stamina: 2
Strength: 1
Wisdom: 2

Wind Shield Level 1:
Summons a minor shield to resist against air based attacks

Split Soul Level 5:
Receives damage taken by party member, reduces damage taken by 50%

Hero's Heart Level 3:
Heals target for some HP

Niichan's Determination Level 5:
The more damage a party takes, the more damage gets reduced

Party Members
Zero, the Winged Waifu of Darkness
Rei, the Chuunibyu Assassin

Buffs and Debuffs
+ Waifu's Love (Increases Maximum Health and Stamina)
+ Headpatter (Increases Maximum Health)
+ Well Fed (Minor boost to all stats)
- Recent Failure (Decreased damage to Magic Based Enemies)
- Smoked out (Decreased total stamina)

Last night, my party decided to head out with me when I needed a new skill to resist smoke attacks. Unlike them, I didn't decide to put any points into evasion. Now there I was with the problem of finding a way to fight against this new threat. So there I was, looking at the skill trainers. One was offering the Wind Shield ability for 40 dollars, and the other was offering a wind cloak for 80. First person I looked at was Zero since she was someone i trust. I looked in her the eyes and told her, "Pick one. It's either I buy one or I die." Maybe my smile didn't help her decide as she became albeit indecisive. By indecisive, she was moreover forced to make a choice in my stead and became unresponsive not too long after. I forgot her weakness was that she has difficulty when forced to make a choice. Next person I looked to was Rei since she did her research on the effects of each item/ability. Just like with Zero, I told her the same thing. She said, if they can't resist smoke specifically than both options suck. One choice and 40 dollars less later, I'm sitting her typing about how I almost killed my waifu by making her choose which filter to buy. Ah, good times.
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