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- Jan 3, 2017
Smut>Plot (60-40)
2-3 para
Discord only (Meionaise #9393)
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M/F only (sorry boys)
It is the year 2037, and the past 21 years have not been kind. The world is starting to fall apart. The climate is deteriorating, resources are being exhausted, and there are more people to feed every year. Technology is advancing, but not fast enough to save everyone.
This is a lie.///#
The wealthy were the first to build arcologies. These self sustaining skyscrapers would eventually become what we know today to be a Free City. The first Free Cities experimented with indentured servitude, and this rapidly developed into widespread slavery. By now, the Free Cities collectively are a fundamentally slaveowning society and maintain a thriving slave trade that feeds off the terrible conditions in parts of the old world. Most of these independent cities are run on radically libertarian or even anarcho-capitalist principles and are subject to no leader or nation. Each arcology acts as an individual government within the city with its owner making the laws for its residents.
You are not chattel for the wealthy.///#
The early Free Cities were wild places where the writ of law did not run. In some of the most depraved arcologies slaves' bodies, minds and even lives were playthings of the wealthy and powerful. Though modern Free Cities are tremendously varied, a majority of the new communities made a choice about whether extreme practices were a flaw in a lawless society or one of its benefits.
Rescue is coming.///#
Today marks the five year anniversary of the founding of our beloved city; Mariposa Bay.
We are the Daughters of Liberty.///#
"Mariposa Bay is a Free City located in North America. It is a huge structure whose solar-panelled skin gleams in the sunshine, while verdant exterior hydroponics bays lend it an air of growth. Its shining bulk rises above the shallow water all around it; it is part of a cluster of new miniature nations forming near the seashore.
The transport hub, in the commercial section of the city, deals with new arrivals to Mariposa Bay via sea in addition to air. The central plaza is a large atrium; a security drone occasionally flies across the open space.
13304 citizens and 12072 slaves live in Mariposa Bay. Its lingua franca is English."
The viewscreen goes on to feature a report about the ethics of polygamy and slave marriage in the Free Cities while outside of your transport the gorgeous scenery passes you by. For the citizens here this city is a refuge. To you, a cage.
Smut>Plot (60-40)
2-3 para
Discord only (Meionaise #9393)
Check out my F-list
M/F only (sorry boys)
It is the year 2037, and the past 21 years have not been kind. The world is starting to fall apart. The climate is deteriorating, resources are being exhausted, and there are more people to feed every year. Technology is advancing, but not fast enough to save everyone.
This is a lie.///#
The wealthy were the first to build arcologies. These self sustaining skyscrapers would eventually become what we know today to be a Free City. The first Free Cities experimented with indentured servitude, and this rapidly developed into widespread slavery. By now, the Free Cities collectively are a fundamentally slaveowning society and maintain a thriving slave trade that feeds off the terrible conditions in parts of the old world. Most of these independent cities are run on radically libertarian or even anarcho-capitalist principles and are subject to no leader or nation. Each arcology acts as an individual government within the city with its owner making the laws for its residents.
You are not chattel for the wealthy.///#
The early Free Cities were wild places where the writ of law did not run. In some of the most depraved arcologies slaves' bodies, minds and even lives were playthings of the wealthy and powerful. Though modern Free Cities are tremendously varied, a majority of the new communities made a choice about whether extreme practices were a flaw in a lawless society or one of its benefits.
Rescue is coming.///#
Today marks the five year anniversary of the founding of our beloved city; Mariposa Bay.
We are the Daughters of Liberty.///#

"Mariposa Bay is a Free City located in North America. It is a huge structure whose solar-panelled skin gleams in the sunshine, while verdant exterior hydroponics bays lend it an air of growth. Its shining bulk rises above the shallow water all around it; it is part of a cluster of new miniature nations forming near the seashore.
The transport hub, in the commercial section of the city, deals with new arrivals to Mariposa Bay via sea in addition to air. The central plaza is a large atrium; a security drone occasionally flies across the open space.
13304 citizens and 12072 slaves live in Mariposa Bay. Its lingua franca is English."
The viewscreen goes on to feature a report about the ethics of polygamy and slave marriage in the Free Cities while outside of your transport the gorgeous scenery passes you by. For the citizens here this city is a refuge. To you, a cage.