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A Political Race (Helger)


Oct 6, 2018

A Political Race
With Helger
The year was 1914. The war had only just begun. Archduke Franz Ferdinand has been assassinated in Sarajevo. The world had suddenly been driven into chaos as the fear of the war set in. The war in the Balkins had suddenly spread throughout Europe to spread into a divide. Countries like France and Britain were fighting against Germany and Austria. The people found themselves divided, even when their countries opposed their beliefs as well. It had become a dark time. The war had only intensified in July, merely a month after the war began when Russia declared partial mobilization against Austria-Hungry. Many countries were trying to figure out which side would be the best, the right side to fight for and most sided with the Allied Powers but it didn't stop others for fighting for the Central Powers.
Young Leia Organa was the daughter of royalty. Her mother, Queen Padmé Amidala Organa had died when Leia was a young girl. She was raised by her father, King Bail Organa and her step-mother Queen Breha Organa. Leia was a bright young girl from a very young age. She learned to read and write faster than most children. She loved to paint and had taken quite an interest in politics even as a pre-teen, a time when most young girls are thinking about boys or planning their weddings. Not Leia. No she was thinking about the problems of the world, that her father couldn't keep her from learning. She kept thinking about how awful it was that women were belittled and seen as second class citizens. The princess was thinking far ahead of her time and her father often worried. He couldn't protect his daughter once she went out into the world. But his plan was to possibly marry her before such things would happen to keep her safe at home.
Things didn't work out that way. Leia grew into a bit of a rebellious young lady. At 16, against her father's wishes, Leia hired a professor at Oxford College to come and tutor her in college courses and lectures. She didn't wish to go to college where she would be ridiculed. Very few women still were accepted into university. Even though they had passed the law that it was allowed, women were held at hire standards - making it much harder for them to gain entrance. Even being the Princess of Britain wouldn't gain the young woman access unless he jumped through hoops. And even once she had gotten in, she knew she would be looked down upon. So instead, the young Organa made it a choice to have private college lessons where after three years she graduated from Oxford with a degree in Politics and International Relations. From there, the young Leia knew the world was her own.
Tragedy struck however merely a few months after graduating, the war had begun, sending the world into chaos. Leia found herself racing to do what she could to help. Her efforts in the war ultimately turned the Princess into a Spy for the Britain Intelligence, MI6. She had went on her first mission and ended being captured by Lord Anakin Skywalker-Vader. Lord Vader was a general in the Germanic army. He once saw a friend in Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala but somewhere along the way, they say Lord Vader lost his mind and his sense of right and wrong. Thankfully, while locked away in a holding cell in Lord Vader's care, Leia found herself being rescued by men who were in St. Petersburg on some sort of smuggling mission. They sure weren't MI6 but they also were going to get paid lots of money to rescue the princess.
Finally returning home, Leia had decided that she was going to join the men on the crew ship to help fight in this war. Just sitting on a throne as a princess was not going to be enough for the young Organa. The men, smugglers they were, were clearly not very good smugglers. They bickered like brothers and they fought like soldiers. Leia knew that they would be the perfect crew for her to join in an attempt to win this war and stop the Central Powers and men like Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine from succeeding in taking over all of Europe and possibly the whole world if they possibly could.
"No Leia. This is too dangerous! I will not allow you to fight this battle! It isn't yours to fight." King Bail demanded as he paced in his office. Young Leia sat on the chaise lounge in front of him. "You are my daughter, you are the princess, I can not allow this."
"But father, these are good men! They can protect me. If they could rescue me from Lord Vader then why couldn't we trust them?" The eager young princess asked her enraged father. "Please, you must let me! This is our war! If Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine were to have it, we would no longer be Britain. We would be under their rule. This is our fight!" Leia added, trying to reason with Bail who continued to pace in front of her.
Bail stopped pacing and knelt down in front of his daughter. He placed his hands on her arms and looked into her eyes. "Leia, my darling Leia. You have no idea how frightened your mother and I were when we had heard that you had been captured. I couldn't bare... If we had lost you. You must understand this isn't about you wanting to fight for our country. I love that about you, my darling girl. But you won't understand until you are a mother how dangerous this is. How scary the thought of watching my daughter go off into battle." Leia sighed, looking down at her hands in her lap even while her father's demeanor had calmed, she still wanted to cry.
"You say being a king is dangerous," Leia lifted her head once more to look into Bail's eyes. "But you still do it."
"Because that is my duty. Your duty is to live so that my legacy, our family legacy lives on with you and your children." Bail sighed softly. He placed a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead and stood up. "Now go wash up for supper. Tell your friends they may stay until the end of the week if they must. They may join us." With that, the king turned on his heel and exited the room.
Leia groaned in frustration and let out a deep breath. She couldn't sit around and do nothing. Even against her father's wishes. Leia would find a way to get out there and help with the war no matter what she had to do, she would find a way. Somehow she knew that Captain Solo, Luke and Chewie would be her way to helping with the war. Maybe money would be enough to sway them to have them help her. Either way, she knew she had to ask.
Finding her way through the large palace that she called home, Leia found Luke and Han in the parlor, drinks in hand and discussing something. The moment she appeared in the door way, they stopped chattering and looked at the young princess. "My father said that you may stay until Saturday. Then you must go. You are also welcome to join us for our meals, including dinner tonight. He insists that you all join us in your honor for saving me." Leia hated how that sounded. She was just another weak, helpless princess who needed a bunch of men to save her tail.
The young girl looked over at Han. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" Leia asked curiously. She hoped that talking to Luke and Han, maybe she could persude them to help her. Leia closed the doors to the parlor behind her, using her master key to lock the door as well to give them the best privacy. The men looked at her like she was nuts. "Okay, so how far are you boys willing to go to main a few extra thousand pounds?" Leia asked, raising a brow, hoping she had captured their interest with the quick and straight to the point offer.
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