You died
While that's bad enough on its own, you didn't even get to live a happy, fulfilling life! So many hopes, dreams and promises have been left unfulfilled by your untimely passing, that one can only summarize it as tragic. Not all is lost however! A goddess has noticed your soul heading towards purgatory and plucked her out of the waiting line for a little "game". You will be reborn in a pocket dimension designed by her and for the amusement of the gods you will have to overcome great trials and tribulations. If you succeed, you will be returned to your original life before your demise and granted a long and healthy lifespan. Alternatively, you may continue with your new life on the island if that's more preferable. If you fail, well, let's just not talk about that for now~
Hello and welcome to my request thread!
Lately, I have noticed people using those neat little CYOAs to look for a good roleplay and it immediately brought to mind one of the older ones I have always wanted to give a shot, so here I am! Specifically, one of the Island/Nemesis one, although heavily edited ( original CYOA for flavor:
View: ) The basic gist of it is that there are various options that you have to pick from the available list, giving every game a slightly different feel. I'll walk you over the options and when PMing me, please let me know your choices or any questions that you might have! But first, the boring bits, the rules.
1) I play exclusively in the PM system.
2) I enjoye balanced post lengths, 2~3 paragraphs, depending on what's going on. One liners and mininovels can be equally off-putting.
3) I try my best to reply every day, but sometimes things are just busy, please be patient, I will let you know if something is up.
4) This particular roleplay will be plot heavy and have few smut scenes, think 90-10% ratio, although I am willing to consider alternatives.
5) Speaking of alternatives, if the options presented are not to your liking, don't be afraid to offer your ideas, we are both here to have fun!
5) I don't want to clutter this thread further with kinks and turn offs, so let's just take it easy and ask me for any kinks that are not considered usual, worst I can say is no. The only hard limits that I won't budge on no matter what are that I won't have any character younger than 18 and I don't do scat.
6) Real life gender is irrelevant, as long as you play a female or futa character, we are cool.
Your new home
Your adventures on the island are going to be perilous and numerous, you will need a base of operations where you can recuperate between your undertakings and have some downtime with your partner.
A completely ordinary, but rather spacious mansion that will provide you with many of the basic needs of the modern life such as a fully functioning toilet or a wonderfully soft bed. Still, such a building stands out like a sore thumb around the island, your foes will have an easy time finding you...
An old ship sailing around the edges of the island, crewed by losers of this game prior. They can share their knowledge with you about their experiences, but the island is an ever changing landscape, you might be given information that is woefully out of date. They will be accommodating, but the mood will be always sour since their chance for redemption is lost. A constantly moving base means you will be harder to find, but that will provide its own disadvantages, not to mention you'll have to wither any storm on board. Oh and don't even think about leaving the island behind, there are things out there that are scarier than the Old Ones.
Tucked away from all prying eyes between treacherous fjords is a spacious cavern that you will always be able to find as if an inner compass showed you the way. While it will make it very challenging for your enemies to find you, it offers little in the ways of luxuries. A simple bed is provided for you, but other than that, you are on your own.
A small cabin in the middle of the forest with some basic equipment, but nothing to write home about. Unlike the cave, you don't have an innate sense as to which direction it is, so you either have to learn the path there, or mark the way.
Who built a railroad here? That information is probably lost to the ages, but it should still shelter you from the elements and it won't stand out to the enemies that hunt you. Maybe you will even find a way to get the railroad working again!
6. The mines
The people that have worked here are now long gone, though basic commodities such as beds remain. It's a spacious and labyrinth-like shelter that still holds ore that you might able to make use of. You will need to explore it to discover everything and who knows where some of the mine shafts lead?
Your companion
The goddess is not only interested in watching you survive, but she is also a bit of a perv and wants to make sure that you have a partner that helps you out in this foreign place and that you are likely to bang. Isn't that nice of her?
Beautiful, elegant, deadly with a knife and absolutely loyal to you.She will do anything in her power to protect you or fulfill your wishes, although she would prefer if you wanted a monogamous relationship with her. Still, at the end of the day she is a mere human, albeit in peak condition and has no magical prowess.
An artificial person that you are free to program however you desire. Her internal battery can supply her for 30 years of power and can be even used to create a devastating explosion if the situation calls for it and you don't mind sacrificing her.
Half-dragon, half-human with wings, tail and horns, this girl is going to become a mighty force to be reckoned with. However, for now she is weak and infinitely curious, requiring constant attention otherwise she might injure herself or draw the ire of enemies you don't want to pick a fight with.
A blind elf who knows little of the world outside of her home, but has unparalleled expertise when it comes to white magic. There is no curse she can't lift, no injury too grave for her hands to heal and she is also known to have been given visions of dubious origin and accuracy.
A mercenary/assassin well versed in the arcane arts and all simple weapons (swords, hammers, bows but not guns). She cares absolutely not about you and is merely another player in this world. Her task is to ensure your survival and defeat your nemesis, but she will act on her own, has no moral qualms about even the most heinous acts if it furthers her goal and will require a herculean effort to befriend. Has a tendency for substance abusing.
A dark skinned, muscular woman who towers over you and took a fancy to such an exotic cutie. As long as you live by her tribe's strict code and don't disrespect her people, culture or gods, she will care for you greatly. If you do commit a faux pas though, you will become an outcast to be sacrificed.
Your artifact
Since you are a normal human with no magical abilities, you may choose one item to help you. There are plenty of other weapons and tools scattered across the island, but getting your hand on those will always be a huge undertaking.
1. The map
A magical map that will chart your adventures on the island by itself. It always shows your position, terrain, surroundings and the four cardinal directions, but not living beings.
When you wear this item, you become one of the most powerful magic users on the island, the elements themselves will bend to your will. But be warned, such immense power does not come cheap. The more you use it, the more you feel an ominous foreboding sensation that you can't get rid of. Then you remember, gods usually can't be killed completely, right?
Straight out of fantasy novels, this cloak will completely conceal you from sight and magical detection. Be warned however, that you can still be smelled or heard and that it offers no extra protection. Should your foe start firing spells randomly, you can be hit and killed.
At first glance, it looks like an ordinary plant seed. But if you plant it and allow it to grow, in two weeks time, it blossoms into a beautiful flower. Once it has done so, if you are killed, you will be reborn where you planted the seed. You will also receive a new seed with the same two week growing period.
A magical key that will fit into any door's lock. Once you close the door, insert the key and turn it, the door will connect you to another door anywhere on the island. Great for casual travel or getting out of dangerous situations.
Magic-shmagic! You want some good old fashioned guns and explosives? Well, here you go! You start with a few military crates supplying you with assault guns, sniper rifles, handguns, grenades and even body armor. Have fun! Just don't forget that once you run out of bullets, there's no way of procuring more.
Your nemesis
The greatest challenge of them all, the one foe that is above all other perils of the island. Once you vanquish it however, you are deemed a victor and the goddess will not go back on her word. Congratulations!
An average person stuck in the "game" just like you. It might seem like the easiest enemy to pick, but not only can she choose from the remainder of the list, she will also know what you have secured already giving her an advantage.
Somewhere in the depths of the island, a gate appears through which hundreds, thousands of bloodthirsty creatures pour through, spreading like locusts and laying waste to the island. You might be able to ally yourself with other inhabitants of the island and you will need it, this is nothing short of all out total war.
An artificial soul created for the sole reason to slay you. She boasts superhuman strength, agility, reflexes, mental prowess and is excellent at using weapons and magic. If you manage to kill or incapacitate her, her soul leaves the doll which it inhabits and returns to a gestation period. In three days, she will emerge and continue her mission. You must find the magical artifact that anchors her to this realm if you are to vanquish her completely.
You have heard the eerie tales of people vanishing without a trace your entire life. Footprints stopping in the middle of the snow with no items left behind or no signs of struggle to be found. The bodies are never recovered and the grieving family members get no closure. Nobody knows what it really is, but it is out there and if no conscious being is observing you, there is a risk that you too, will just disappear from existence. Your only warning sign is that everything around you grows unnaturally quiet. The first two times you'll escape unharmed, but if it finds you a third time nothing will save you. How are you even supposed to defeat that which has no form or essence?
5. The guardian
The final boss itself, the guardian of the island. More of a force of nature rather than a creature, it is nigh invulnerable and its strength is impossible to overstate. Capable of surviving a nuclear blast to the face, the guardian is easily the most dangerous game to hunt, but also the most prestigious!