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RoosterTeeth: Number One Fan (RoleplayMaster x Andromedus)


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis stared out the plane window as he descended into Austin, Texas. It was hard to believe he was here, after living in a small Australian town for the entirety of his life. It all started four weeks ago, with the death of his parents. It happened in a car accident where the young man of fifteen was driving, and a car out of nowhere crashed into him, killing both of his parents instantly, and leaving the boy with a broken arm. It was a horrific tragedy, leaving the boy all alone.

This whole event sent the boy into a deep depression. Fortunately, watching Youtube videos from the channel 'RoosterTeeth' did help him see brighter days, and he expressed his gratitude on the RoosterTeeth forums. To his surprise, a few days later, he received an email from one of the RoosterTeeth employees, offering a trip to Texas for an internship. With nothing left for him at home, he accepted, and found himself on a plane.

As the wheels touched the landing strip, Curtis Smith was finally in Austin. His body shaking with nerves, he grabbed his luggage and left the airport, sitting on a bench outside as he waited for his ride. All he knew was that a RT employee would be picking him up, and he had no clue who it would be. His mind wondered off, thinking of what his job would be, and his accommodations. Would everyone be as nice as they appear on-screen? He was staring blankly at the tree nearby, not noticing the woman walking up to him, trying to get his attention.
When Meg had heard of the boys story she was heartbroken. He had not only been hurt himself in the accident but he lost both his parents also. To put it lightly she spent the night in tears. After some time of watching the content she and the other members of Rooster Teeth created she was somehow put into contact with the boy named Curtis and they began talking a lot. She felt drawn to him in a weird way and so she kept up the talking, until one day she offered him an internship at RT.

After what seemed like forever the day finally came though and Meg was supposed to pick the boy up from the airport. Of course she was running late though as she lost track of time while creating a new cosplay. She threw on a tank top that she didn’t notice was slightly too small and some tight leggings and hurried to the airport.

When she arrived, she spotted Curtis on a bench and waved as she walked towards him to get his attention.
Curtis' eyes eventually found Meg, walking towards him. It took a moment to recognise her. Through no fault of her own, of course. Just his eyes had fallen just below her face, first admiring this 'stranger's' body. The tight clothing perfectly showed off her modelling curves, so much so that when he finally saw her face, we was a little embarrassed to realise who he had been ogling. Sure, he had admired her body in the past, but not when she stood in front of him.

Standing up, the boy approached, hoping she hadn't noticed his wandering eyes. "Hey... Um... I'm Curtis" The boy said awkwardly, offering a hand. The boy was not too confident or proficient in social interaction, something he would definitely need to work on. However, it was tough to see if this was a normal thing or something that could be linked to his likely depression, thanks to the accident.
Meg smiled warmly as she approached Curtis, hoping to make him feel more comfortable as it was obvious he was shy. She took his hand in hers gently and shook it. “My names Meg” she said happily as she bent over to get eye level with him. Unintentionally this gave him an amazing view down her shirt into her boobs that were practically falling out.

“I’m here to take you to the RT studio but first I can take you to your new home so you can get settled in?” She questioned looking at him. “We were gonna get you your own place but there was a mess up with the paper work, so for now if it’s okay with you, I’d love to have you stay with me at my place? I live alone and the house is big enough for us.” She said hoping this didn’t upset him.
She gave the unnecessary introduction, the fan giving her a shy smile as he tried his best to ignore the cleavage on full display to him right now. Swallowing deeply, he could feel his jeans tightening as his erection grew. Hopefully it wouldn't be too obvious.

Nodding at their plan for the day, the boy was clearly surprised at the housing arrangements. While he doubted he would be living alone, he never thought he'd be living with a female employee, let alone Meg Turney. "U-Uh, yeah. That's fine." Curtis said, after a moment to process what she had told him. "I don't want to be a burden though, so let me know if I need to move out at some point." He added quickly, not wanting to overstay his welcome.
Meg noticed the boy was being extra nervous all of the sudden though she wasn’t sure why until she glanced down and saw something growing in his pants. Her face turned red but she just smiled. “Here let me take your bags I parked just over here, come on” She said taking his suitcase and rolling it beside her as she walked, which gave Curtis an amazing view of her ass in the tight leggings.

Soon though they were at her car though and she but the bag in the trunk and they were on their way to Meg’s house.
The boy's eyes followed hers, blushing too when she noticed his natural reaction to her semi-exposed chest. She played it off though, which made sense; being a cosplay model, she had likely seen her share of aroused fans. Curtis allowed Meg to take one of his bags, him opting to take the heavier one as he followed her. Once again, his eyes fell lower than they should have, finding her swaying butt. He had always thought Meg's breasts were her best feature, but that was only because her ass was never on display. Now it would be hard to decide which he liked more... not that he should be thinking that way about his new room mate.

"So are you sure that it's not a problem, me living with you?" He asked the older woman as they began to drive off.
“Oh there’s no problem at all don’t worry!” Meg said happily as she was driving the two back to her house. “Like I said there is more than enough space, you’ll even get your own room right next to mine” she said cheerfully.

Within no time they pulled up into Megs driveway. “Here we are, home sweet Home” she said smiling at Curtis. She got out and took the bag she originally carried and led Curtis in. She gave him the basic tour of the house before they came to his room.
It was an optimistic sign that she was so cheery through the whole ordeal. With his constant pessimistic thoughts, he needed all the positive feelings possible. "Wow, that sounds great." He smiled.

Once the tour was over, he placed his bags on his bed and turned to face her. "So what's the plan? Are we staying here or going to work, or what's up?" He asked.
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